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What To Do Now? Let’s Blurb!

It’s good to be writing to you all tonight. I am here to write a little “blurb” about what I have learned the past few days.

I have learned that it is never easy to be able to try and figure things out on your own. Trying to do this only leaves me to my own thoughts and understanding, and as obvious as it seems now, it’s hard to see in the moment. I hope that as I face my future valleys that I can remember the moments on the mountain, and to know that it took something to take me there: my Lord and my Savior!

I have also learned that without faith being in every instance of every trial, that the trial will run its course with no divine intervention. We start with faith the size of a grain of a mustard seed, and yet, that is only the beginning of it. That faith is meant to grow, meant to be cultivated, to be encouraged to something even bigger than our mind can contain. For without it, we can never grow to bear anything that will be of help to ourselves and to others.

Another important piece that I have obtained is the realization that people need each other. It is simply more convenient to think that everyone is okay, so we never bear the burdens of heavy hearts. It is simply easier to think “it’s someone else’s problem”. It’s so sad, but so true. I’m here to tell you that I am changing my frame of mind, and to realize that people need me. People need that anointing that God has placed in my life. For on my own, I am nothing, but God through me, I can do all things.

And finally, I will close with the thanks and gratitude to anyone and everyone out there that is supporting us in this ministry. We have had some things try and come to slow us down, but we are not stopping for anything! We are continuing forward, aspiring for the mark and high calling that we have read about! God bless you all!

Singing and Speaking At SONfest

I wanted to say first and foremost that I truly enjoyed myself at the Stanfield Church of God’s SONfest. Some of the creative ways that they used to reach out to children and captivate their attention and interest was simply awesome.

I truly appreciated the opportunity to be able to get up there and share my story. If you could have stood where I was standing last night, you would have seen so many eyes on you, heeding your every word.

Truly I felt it strongest to express how real that temptation can be, and how easy it is to make the wrong mistake. For it is better to speak these things while kids have a chance before they face the tougher things in life, than to be saying it from a “I told you so” point of view.

I loved those kids, and can’t wait to see how they have grown soon. God Bless You!

What’s Up? What’s New?

Greetings and God Bless! I thought it was time to deliver some new news for the month.

First of all, we have some dates posted where I will be holding my first ever youth revival. I’m really excited and hope that you can make it! See the events page for more details.

With the sun coming out, the summer singing season is in full swing. We are about to knock the rust off of all of the instruments as well as our voices, and are getting ready for a new season of the Lord! With that said, be ready and stay tuned on the web and radio for new content in the upcoming weeks!

We are considering expanding our radio domain throughout our entire county! We are currently in discussion and prayer about the matter, but will move on it soon!

Let’s see, what else? Site Changes!!! I am about halfway there on some of the news I delivered last month. Here are the updates we have rolled out already this month:

  • New “Live” page – we will now be posting live messages from our ministry
  • New “Events” page – we have now added a calendar tool which will give you all the information you need to find us in a locale near you
  • New “Small Thoughts” section – these are our “short” devotionals, or some of our writings that we composed but didn’t use live or on the radio. we’re sharing everything!
  • New “News” section – our news and updates have their own section now!

Praise Report

I wanted to share recent news on what transpired last night.

I was invited to come to the House of the Lord in Oneida, TN, to come and minister for a “Youth Night”. I brought my home church youth group from Faith Tabernacle. Jamie Adkins did a wonderful job in orchestrating the kids in practice and the singing there. There was a great amount from my home church that came to help and support, and I thank all of you for coming.

To be completely honest, I was nervous about this night, simply because in our walks through ministry we often second guess the inspiration that God has provided. Nonetheless, I trusted in the Lord to help me through it, and it was a wonderful experience.

I want everyone that attended to know that I am praying for all of your requests, and will be following up in prayer on the needs that were brought to me during the alter call.

It was a wonderful turnout and a wonderful night. This might be a spoiler, but I am anticipating a revival in the middle of May. I will post the dates as soon as I know. Heart of Grace will be involved in this part for sure! Keep us in your prayers! God Bless You!

Where have you all been?

Hello everyone! God bless each and every one of you out there who has been supportive and encouraging to our ministry. We want you all to know that these past few months getting off of the ground have been super easy with God at the forefront and the support of everyone! I personally feel encouraged each and every day from someone at some point, so it does NOT go unnoticed. We thank you all very much! You are in our prayers always.

So what has been up lately? Well, we have been here and there, visiting and supporting all of our local churches in our town. With the birth of Rebekah’s third child Maddox (YAY) we have had to sort of put the brakes on our collaborative effort as “Heart of Grace”. That’s not to say that we all haven’t been doing our individual callings, we just have a hard time putting all of our schedules together to work for each other.

I have been personally growing as a minister of the word of God, as well as taking time away from the music aspect of my ministry, to help and allow myself to grow as one of the many people out there trying to make a difference. No worries though, I am sure that when the Lord is ready to give me a new song, I will be ready!

Lately we haven’t been doing our traditional “Devotionals” theme on the radio show. Better yet, we have been starting to incorporate live material into our lineup, and has gotten great feedback. We are making it our goal to personalize our show a little more, to allow people to get to know us in a way that they never have before.

We hope in the weeks to come as things get less crazy, that we are able to take more group appointments. In the meantime, I will be doing some personal appointments, to which I will start posting on the site here.

Some new features to come:
* New featured songs
* Live messages online
* Testimonials page
* About us with personal bios
* Calendar of scheduled events

And not to put out any spoilers too early, but we will be going live on iTunes pretty soon as well! Well, okay I just spoiled it! 🙂 However, we will offer the same songs on our site for free. It will be on iTunes for download if you feel led to donate to our ministry. We do not ever want people to think it’s about the money. It never has been, nor will it ever be. It’s about helping others, and leading people to a better way of life through Jesus Christ!

Stay tuned! Love you all! Pray for us!