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New And Upcoming Web Content!

As of today, we have added 3 new features that you may or may not have noticed in the past few days:

1) Verse of the day – This will simply be a random daily verse for you to enjoy! It has the ability to be played back for you (if you have your sound on), or you can click on the verses to go and read more!

2) Where are we next? – This shows any places that we will be within the current week! If you are interested in seeing where we will be beyond the current week, just go to our events page!

3) Where to study today – This is adapted from the “read the bible in a year” plan, and shows the daily chapters to pace yourself reading if you would like to continually refresh yourself in the word of God each year! It’s worth it if you try it!

More features coming soon! God Bless You!

Whoa, What Happened?!?

We’re glad to have you back for another day and read! For some of our long time fans, you’ve seen the web site take on many new looks and features!

We are rolling new things out every day here and there to try and reach out to the online realms all over the world. It’s one thing to reach out person to person, but outreach has taken a completely new approach in the information age. We hope that through our site that we are setting an example and hope for others that online ministries are still going strong! So to all of you online ministers that feel no support or motivation, get back out there!

With the expansion on our radio times, the beginning of recording our official music, the new experience of the Everyday Word, as well as taking on more in all of our individual ministries, needless to say that our passion for God only grows stronger!

We are some of the proud laborers still left in the world, and encourage everyone to get back in and labor with us. Just remember that whether you contribute to the ministry through prayer or other significant contributions that you are just as much of a part of our outreach. We hope that we are providing tools for people to use even to others that they do not have the words to properly say.

We hope you enjoy the new looks and features, and continue to increase the power of our ministry by recommending us to someone! God Bless!

Let The Recording Begin!

We are very excited to announce that we are now underway in our process of fine tuning the sound in our recording process for our music! We now have all the equipment and software that we need actually working and configured as it should be, so we should be getting things rolling very soon!

Since we are an open ministry, we thought that we would share a tidbit of what the sort of sound that we will be going for on our first attempt at a self-recorded album.

Please bear in mind that we have done nothing to this other than just export it. The tracks are rough, and were just for testing!

Here you go!

Click To Play     

We welcome comments and feedback!

Singings, Website, and Radio OH MY!

Where do I even begin? I guess I can just start by summing up everything that has been going on in my life (as well as the rest of us in Heart of Grace) by saying this: whew!

During the holidays and into the turn of the new year, we took some time from being in the ministry as a group and being more focused on drawing closer to God as individuals. Sometimes you have to devote that time, for it’s necessary to be able to continue together!

With a long story short, we are finally in a place where we are ready to start hitting the road for another few months and to be amazed at what God has in store! We have already done a couple singing appointments recently with many more to come!

I have been working every day continually to try and make our online ministry the best that it can possibly be. We’ve done some rearranging, retagging, recoloring, needless to say the renovations are not done yet! Our goal is that this site be a place that people can go to and find strength and encouragement! And based on some of the feedback we have got, we’re getting there!

The radio ministry has been a blessing, and will continue to be! Please join us and check us out online every saturday at 2:00 PM EST on our web site. The instructions on how to listen are there!

A Brand New Year!

How can I even begin to sum up how our ministry has grown leaps and bounds? Well, I can’t. It would be impossible to try and put into words for you how much has taken place.

The only phrase that I can say that would be able to put it into perspective would be that our progress is based on the progress “of the people”.

I feel like that we have reached out and done a great work over the past year, and I just want to thank everyone in Heart of Grace, as well as all of you who are our support along the way. We could not do a thing without you all. Most of all, I could not say any of this without giving glory to God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for making a way for us to have a ministry to be a bright witness in these dark days.

I cannot promise you that the days ahead are going to be easy, but I can tell you that you can get all of the strength for your weakness through the power of God. Always remember that.

Something New: After the Fact!

I thought about something the other day. People that are starting out in their ministries always tell me they have a hard time getting in, reading, and really feeling like they have a greater understanding of what they feel like they are taking in. I totally know what you mean, and in light of this have came up with a new concept.

I’m going to start doing something called After The Fact, which in essence is some of the thoughts, notes, and inspiration that I have wrote down and have taken in while I’m putting together what I feel like God has given me to give to others. And more than that, there is always a couple points that you wish you could have brought out that you didn’t get to because of time or circumstances. So here we go!

So with some of the messages that are on here under the live section, I’ll post the link to the audio within the text! I will also be posting these texts as pdf files next to the live ones where available. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to comment and leave feedback.

Singing At The Sanctuary Of Savannah

I had a wonderful experience being able to attend The Sanctuary Of Savannah! It was wonderful being able to catch up and see family that we had not seen in so long!

The service on Sunday morning was wonderful. I got to bear witness to a special treat with the morning praise and worship being done by the youth band, which was simply amazing. I’m especially proud of my wife Angela’s cousins Jordan and Zach, it made my heart soar to see them up there! Seeing the youth in that church let me know that the church of tomorrow is still growing, and is going to reach the nations! We just have to keep encouraging them and pushing them out there with our love and support. They sure do need it! If you go to church and your child is in a program of some kind, show that support! And if you don’t, do it anyways!

Brother Mike Griffith preached and did a spectacular job! It truly blew me away!

I just want to personally thank Angela’s uncle and aunt Pastor Todd and Sandra McDaniel and The Sanctuary for the wonderful opportunity to be able to come and share my testimony and sing. It’s a great thing to have churches that still have freedom for obedience. If you are in the Savannah, GA area and are looking for a place to attend, I HIGHLY recommend this place!

Click here to visit their web site!

A New Outfit

I just wanted to put a post out there to let you know that we are undergoing some redos and addons to make the site more interactive and fun for everyone!

Some new content for the HOG BLOG will include:

* New songs with a single player (Finally!)
* New devotionals with a single player (Finally!)
* Finally archiving older content into it’s own section to keep the fresh from not so fresh
* Comments will be visible to posts
* RSS feeds a lot more appealing
* And many more cool plugins and features coming in!

Keep us in your bookmarks and prayers!

Are You Ready For An Update?

It’s good to be back writing on the HOG blog once again! lol! We might as well give it a catchy name everyone loves, so there you go!

Sometimes it is hard to allow technology to capture how good that God has actually been in our ministry. The places we have been have been just as much of a blessing to us. We have learned many things a long the way, and even though we have grew up and had many experiences, we always learn something new.

The Lord God is wonderful. Simply put. The singing seems to only get better, even when we get more tired. The ministering that we do in spoken word and truth seems to be more magnified, even when we feel more and more weary from the journeys that we take. And though we know there are more ahead of us, we know that there is more strength to be had, and more blessings to give to others. For we do not stand as a group to get a pat on the back, but to hold our hand out and help to pick others up in need.

I hope the day comes that we all become strong enough to obtain and retain that power from on high, that when people see all of us that carry Christ within us, they KNOW beyond all doubt, and that we have NO fear of come what may.

Thanks to all of the past churches for the wonderful fellowship, the wonderful food, and the wonderful experiences! We can’t wait to see you again! Be sure to stay tuned. We are in the works for some new news! I’ll stay on it, I promise!

So Busy!

Things have definitely been hectic to say the least, in terms of schedules and daily life! The summer has kicked in full blast!

I am happy to report that we are about to start doing test recordings of songs to work on learning our new equipment and moving into the new age of recording music directly to the computer. It’s came such a long way. And no worries, we will be filling up the schedule soon enough!

God Bless You!