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WLAF Radio Interview And Live Studio Performance: Listen Here!

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We just wanted to say that we had a blast hanging out with John down at WLAF radio. We hope to come back sometime soon to continue with our ministry partners in furthering the message of the word of God and the healing power of music! We have posted the interview with live songs all in between.

The songs include:

  • All I Really Want
  • Didn’t I Walk On The Water
  • Give Him The Glory
  • My Home
  • Shout To The Lord

We also talk a little bit about how it all began and the history behind the ministry that God started in our family long ago. In addition to that there is also a bit of information about our ministries new book, Using God’s spiritual Glue: Becoming a Stronger, Spiritual Self and Sticking To It. Enjoy!

Ministry Simplified Through Our New Web Design With 1 Goal: You!

I hope that you are enjoying some of the newer features that are being implemented in the web site.There has been a lot of consideration in some of the pieces in this newer redesign, with one simple goal in mind: we want all of this to be easy to use for everyone!

After rolling out the mini-mobile web version of the web site, we realized it was time to take a look and seek God for what direction the main site should be going. As I took a long look over all of the content and how much that God has given for us to provide, I am overwhelmed with joy! I also realized how easy it could be to be overwhelmed by so much content all at one time, so the site’s main page has been revised to just a few key pieces to make everything easy to read and use. For our great supporters who have been reading and viewing from the beginning we know and believe that if you want to dive into the deeper resource of the ministry, you will! All content is still available via the two menus above at the top!

We encourage you to keep on taking advantage of the tools and resources that are here for the building up of your life! God bless you!

Singing At Jellico Highway Church Of God

We had a great time, and especially enjoyed going somewhere local and close by! It was great getting most of the whole family to be there for it; for sometimes you never know when you will have another opportunity to get together to enjoy church together!

We had a variety of denominations in the crowd, but it did not matter for the service whatsoever. I have found (and can testify to) that no matter where we are scheduled to go that as long as everyone has the love of God in their hearts that everyone is usually fixed upon the true purpose of a church, which to me is the reaching out to those that need the relationship with Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life.

You know it seems silly, but there have been more times than not that people will want to know your specific doctrines before they will ever even give you the time of day. When we get in that place in our lives we cannot enjoy our own worship let alone the offerings of others. Irregardless of how you practice religion, you should always stand for Jesus Christ everywhere! And I can speak on behalf of our ministry and say that whether we get inside, outside or somewhere in between, it will always be about bringing out the message of the love of God and salvation of Jesus Christ!

On another note, I’m so proud of everyone working in the ministry directly and indirectly. It’s great to see how far that God is bringing everyone that is involved and how quick it is transpiring! There is no telling where we will be soon from now! We look forward to another opportunity to get back over to Jellico Highway COG! Thanks for the freedom and liberty!

Singing At Calvary Worship Center

We had a great time coming and singing at the revival at Calvary Worship Center!

I had been there at least once before when they were in a smaller facility and it was so great to see how far that they have come with the new place that they have now. This was our first time coming to sing there as a group and we were definitely welcomed and made to be as free as we wanted. I say that (as always) because I’m getting to a point. When you are being a host to people, always make sure to make them feel welcome! It’s not always safe to assume they do!

It was wonderful to receive the encouragement that we did from the pastor and the great support we did from all that came. It’s always great to be able to go from church to church and come together no matter where you are. We enjoyed the speaker for the night and will definitely be back soon and look forward to another opportunity. Check back on the calendar for any new dates coming up!

The First Book Has Begun!

I write today with some very exciting news. After much reading, writing and research….the pursuit of the first Heart of Grace book has begun! So far we are now laying out pages and content and trying to make it as useful as possible! The only hints we’ll share today is that we will begin releasing a series of books based on topics that we feel are very “right now” for people that are in need of a simple yet fulfilling word of the Lord!

On a related note to this (just to testify a little), I remember growing up in school and going through it always thinking “I’m not good at writing”. The truth is, when it came to writing about things I wasn’t fully knowledgeable on, I was probably right. When we first started out the web site, I remember thinking about “how are we going to offer something to people that they can use?”, and no sooner than that God began to help me and lead me into things to begin to write and speak on. There has not been a day that when I have sat down to dedicate time to work for this dream that God has not helped me with it every step of the way.

We will be making this available in paperback and on the iTunes book store (and maybe amazon) when the first volume is finished. I’ll try to keep the rest a surprise until we get it complete! Pray that we have the time and resources to pull it together by the end of this calendar year! My goal (and prayers to God) is to have our first release of a book by Christmas!

Singing and Speaking At Heaven’s View Worship Center

First of all, I want to thank each and every one that came out to help support us at Heaven’s view. It was a true blessing to us (and to me personally). I have to give a shout out to Jamie and J.R. (they attend our home church and we work in the praise band together) for coming and blessing us in song! They did such a wonderful job and it is exciting to see what God is doing in their lives!

Rebekah wasn’t able to be there, but her girls came up and sang and picked up the slack in her honor. They are so sweet and such a blessing. It does make me feel old though to already see them singing and growing up so fast! Mona, Kay and Regina sang for us (and didn’t sing enough) but did a great job too! We’re gonna keep getting onto them until they start doing at least 2-3 songs!

With that said, I was amazed with how God adjusted the direction of the message that we preached. I’m sorry to say that we were not able to catch any audio, but I will be sure to post the notes in the Small Thoughts category and put as much as I can remember! As someone said after the service, it felt like such a strong power was there at first but then a sweet presence was there for anyone that was in need of coming up for prayer. Those are my favorite kind of church services: seeing a group of people willing to get in when God bids to tear down the strongholds of our flesh so that God can work through us to reach those who need a move in a great way!

We hope to be back soon, and we will work on figuring out a way to capture audio for now on! We have been getting so much lately that it’s been hard to get all of it posted the past couple weeks! We hope to have something new on by Sunday! If you would like to be notified, be sure to get on our sermons list by clicking the Email Subscription link in the top right hand corner!

Singing And Speaking At Oneida Church Of God

What a great night! It is always worth making the trip to be over with Oneida COG! There is always great love and fellowship and most importantly the freedom to be able to be who God has called you to be! I cannot always say that it is everywhere you go that you get that vibe! I hope they continue to make that something that people are able to grab a hold of and enjoy. That’s what I was thinking about as people were coming up and speaking with me and the family: how wonderful to reach out to those even if you think they already “should know” that they are loved. Sometimes the continual pursuit for encouragement of those around you is the very thing that keeps the foundation of a church super-strong!

We preached a message about prayer and where it stands in our lives. We hope to get it on the site in the near future, so be sure to check that one out! There were people that came to the altar for prayer but in my heart I always know there is more that are in true need of a touch from God. Please, please, please do not ever forsake the value of your altar service! We lingered for quite a while and it was more than enough of an ample opportunity for people to consider coming up for help. Sometimes we miss that because we don’t want to keep people too late, etc. My advice is…don’t worry about it! If people are still there, they want to be, and if they need to go for a reason and circumstance then simply be understanding to it! Then, when you have done all that you can do you don’t walk away from a service wondering if you reached out all that you could, for it is better to reach out with all your might than to not reach out at all!

The church blessed us greatly, and we hope to see them again sometime soon!

Singing At West Robbins Missionary Baptist Church

What an experience for Heart of Grace at West Robbins! It was quite the haul to find it, but luckily we did safely and with no detours (inside joke).

We always love to go to homecomings, for it is a wonderful opportunity to see a church making a good attempt at coming together to try and reach out in as many ways as a church can. It was great to be able to come in and to be of help to those who were there. Each and every time that we go forth now, we go with a little more excitement. I realize that it might seem a little overwhelming to some, with questions that may linger about where the excitement comes from. I guess you could say there is a continual motivation as we all (as a ministry) constantly keep each other spiritually encouraged and leave no room for any downtime.

If I could say any encouraging words today (and as I did to that church on that day), it would be to never let too much downtime happen in your joy of the Lord Jesus Christ. Continually stir up the joy in your life. Think yourself happy! Enter into the gates with thanksgiving! Surprise somebody with that overwhelming joy that the love of God in you encourage them! I picture the church as a body that is as God, with open arms and ready to receive all that would come in need. Let’s never forget that love is refreshed by how we keep it each and every day! Don’t forget the things God does for you!

We hope to be back in the future, and love each and every one that we came into contact and fellowship with. God bless you and your church!

More Features! More To Do! More To Come!

We hope that you have been enjoying a lot of the parts that have been rolled out lately. We have came so far from where we started. I wish I had saved a screenshot of what the site looked like in the beginning compared to where we are now! Our main goal as a ministry is to provide as many avenues that we can that you will find something that will draw you closer to God. So let’s talk about some of the things that have been going on!

More features:

Books! I decided a little while back to incorporate the books section because it’s always hard to find a good recommendation with millions of choices. We thought it would be a great idea to simply put out there the books that we read that we actually enjoyed (and save you from the ones we didn’t so much lol). There will be books that we loved in the past and ones that we are currently working on now that will continually be posted as we move forward!

Verse of the day & What To Study Today! I don’t know how much more of a convenient way that you could make it to actually give a verse to read and a study plan to conquer the bible in a year, but we found it and made it available to you! As we all know, the tricky part is actually doing it! Trust me, as a person who loves to read the bible and to learn more and more each day, it is a fun experience and well worth the time you spend to do it!

After The Fact & The Everyday Word! Now that these are in full swing, we truly enjoy getting these out there. If someone reads a thought or an idea that inspires them to go out and be a greater witness then the intent was completely fulfilled! With so many different types of pieces that you could read, it’s almost like coming to a buffet; you can sort of choose what style you enjoy and get that word you need for the moment!

More To Do:

Outreach! As we are starting to come around the next bend in our ministry, we are committing to participating in ministry to one of our local nursing homes. It will be a mix of singing and speaking, and we hope to lead all that we can to the Lord. Sometimes we think that we have to wait for those great big opportunities before we’ll ever jump out there, but there is work right in front of you!

Sermons & Messages Pages! We’re now on iTunes! And now that we are implementing these new parts, we are phasing out the old message page and converting to our new sermons page. This will have a easier look and feel and incorporates far more than what I could write right here! Be sure to subscribe to our audio podcast by using the email subscription link in the top right corner! You’ll be emailed every time a new sermon is added!

Radio! With the great effectiveness that the radio ministry set us up with, we are hoping to expand where we are in our town and to start moving out to other stations. Pray with us that we make the right choices so that the message we carry goes out as far as it possibly can.

More To Come:

Recording! We have finally got all of our equipment and song selections fine tuned, so be prepared for some posts in the future with some demo previews of some officially recorded content! I personally cannot wait!

Writing! One of our big goals for this year is to begin to start compiling our works into a book that can be distributed by hand, so be sure to check back in for updates for that! It’s going to be a very exciting project!

Outreach! As God leads us, we’re going! We hope to see you soon! And if you don’t see us, you’ll more than likely get a chance to hear it on the site! That’s why it’s here!

A Prayer Request

I would like to thank everyone for their continual support in the work and ministry that God has performed through us over the past few months. The radio ministry has grown leaps and bounds. The online ministry has expanded far greater than we ever thought. The CD distribution ministry came out of nowhere to shock us too! It has been such a blessing, and we feel like that we have grown so much and have learned so many lessons along the way. I am speaking for just me, but I know that I could say that for everyone involved in the ministry of Heart of Grace.

As we start to seek God and prepare for the next chapter in the ministry, I ask for your prayers. Help us pray that God would send us where we need to be, and to be sent places where we can be of help. I for one am so excited, and I cannot wait to see what God has in store! Keep us in prayer!