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Welcome to the newly launched heartofgraceministries.com!

It’s here! Welcome to our new and improved website!

We’re happy and excited to announce the update and launch of our new website!

We will still have all of our key features like before with videos, podcasts, posts, and music. In addition we have made it easier to browse everything from computers, tablets and mobile devices.

Please send any feedback you have on anything you have questions on to jared@heartofgraceministries.com

We do apologize for any messages that were sent inadvertently; as a part of transferring our information over there were some posts that came with the template we used that sent out. These were not in any way our view points or contents, merely stock content.

Heart of Grace News?! For Real?! Yep! – July 2019 Update

Hello Heart of Grace supporters! I know it has been a while since we have shared a ministry update, but boy are we excited to share some new news.
1) My new collaboration with Stanfield Church of God -> I am so thrilled to announce my recent partnership at Stanfield to work with the choir and praise teams with the music ministry! We are following God and am excited to see what great things we can do. I’m looking for and expecting a spiritual awakening in the atmosphere to win souls and set the example for our youth! 🙏I am ever grateful for the warm welcome and freedom we’re enjoying! 😀
I would LOVE to see some of our friends and supporters that attend other places if you can ever come and be a part of a service. I sure do miss all of you. ❤️
Expect some videos very soon and back to a regular basis!!!
2) Original songs are in progress! -> I have made it to 5 complete songs, song # 6 is now in progress. Will start recording some rough drafts to get your thoughts.
3) We are in planning for upcoming appointments -> homecoming and special singing season is coming soon. We would love to work to plan in advance to make sure we can come and be a part of every single church we’ve known and loved. Contact me or Dan on here or on our website and let’s get some dates locked down!
Finally -> I close on a personal note. As some of you know, my dad has started (today) his first chemo treatments in his 2nd bout with cancer. We would appreciate your continued prayers for his situation, for healing and great quality of life to enjoy those many people who care about him. I thank you!
Thanks for reading, listening on the radio, sharing us on social media and using this ministry to make a difference in our lost and broken people in the world. As always we love and pray for you all!
~ Jared

Announcing our online partnership with praypraypray.net

We are proud to announce another online partnership with a ministry out of Alberta, Canada.


Praise Radio is quickly becoming a popular Christian radio station throughout the internet. We are blessed to partner with Byron Fester in his God-ordained venture. Be sure to check out the web site where he posts information on his artists and support them! We appreciate the opportunity to be a part of such a special partnership.

We have placed this same information on our our Radio page. You can request some of our songs to play in the rotation by clicking here.

Site: Praise Radio

If you know of any radio or online broadcasting stations that we could partner with, then please do reach out and let us know. We are always looking for expanding the realm of God’s work through Heart of Grace Ministries.

Heart of Grace Voted Best Local Website By LaFollette Press! Thanks Everyone!

We wanted to thank everyone who took the time to submit an entry into the LaFollette Press for the Readers’s Choice award for best local website. We hope this will serve as another opportunity to reach out to their reader base as a chance to lead people to Jesus Christ! Help us spread the word by spreading the news! Check out the ad that will run on October 30th below!


Our Radio Signal Range Just Got Bigger. Tune In On Saturdays!

We have now committed to a new partnership with The Life FM! This has allowed us to expand our radio show beyond Campbell County and begin to move outward into the greater East Tennessee area. This will help us to reach out to people in places like Knoxville, Oak Ridge, and Chattanooga. Click the image to learn more about The Life FM.






You can tune in to listen on Saturdays from 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM on any of the following stations. Click on the images for more information and coverage maps to see if it is in your area.

wwqk wwqw wwqs


Looking Back Over The Year 2013

What a year it has been for Heart of Grace Ministries this year. We have all went through so many new experiences, with some of them good and a few of them difficult. Through all of the trials and temptations we have found God with us in it all. We are truly blessed and could never honor God enough for the things we have gotten to share together!

We have lost some very dear people this year. Some of them were pillars of the churches we have attended and visited over the years. For the dozens of families that shared the honor of allowing us to honor their loved ones in song: we thank you for the opportunity to obey God and be of help to you. We pray as you enter a new year that you will find the comfort of God’s spirit through the difficult times. I hope that you will (through the grieving process) begin to find life with joy once again. We offer an extended acknowledgement to the families of Effie Miller, Albert White, and Laura Sharp. Your loved ones have had an impact to all of us and it was a privilege to have known them. The impact that all of these lives have had upon us will never forgotten.

We have also went through a lot as a family. From near-death accidents to critical surgeries we have experienced the emotional roller coasters and unexpected situations that life will be guaranteed to deliver. Through the grace of God and His blessings those around us came through their experiences and now have a greater testimony as a result. I can definitely say that these things have brought us closer together and has helped us to realize in a greater way what is most important: having a relationship Jesus Christ. Without Jesus with us we would have surely found many times to be without hope and nothing to help our troubled hearts.

Through all of the circumstances we have walked through we have still pushed to obey God in our ministry. The nursing home ministry has never been better and we love the privilege to be with our special friends every month. They love Rebekah’s children and light up at the sight of new life that comes to visit. It is wonderful to hear them sing songs and teach us a thing or two about being a good soldier. The radio broadcast is going strong and is reaching more than ever. We appreciate all who spread the word about our broadcast and encourage you to continue and do so. It is another avenue that may reach those who will not go inside of a church. The cd and internet ministry is growing faster than we can meet the demand. Thank you for passing on your discs to others and sharing posts through texts/social media. We are so thankful to be a part of spreading the word of God no matter where it may be played. Every time we hear a testimony of how it has helped you it gives us strength and motivation to keep on doing the work of sending out what God speaks in our ministry to the hedges and highways. Our book ministry has finally broken ground and is beginning to grow. Continue to pray that we will follow through with the vision God gave us in this calling!

In closing I want to personally thank every single church that has welcomed us to obey God in their sanctuary. We realize that your church is your home and we love the chance to share the pleasure of worshipping God and fellowshipping with all of you. We hope to continue and receive the invitations to return! A special thanks to all the singers and musicians we have sung and played with over this year. It was always fun to jump in and jam together! I want to also thank my home church (13th Street Church of God) for the chance to operate in the gift of delivering the word of God and the love and support that comes with it. Even as God begins to shift our ministry to a new home base in the future I pray that God will move us all forward in our callings and that we will continue to have a great fellowship through the legacies that we are paving for the upcoming generations to come.

We hope to be at your church in the upcoming year and to hear about the wonderful things that God is working for your good. We wish you a blessed New Year and a favored season in your life.

~ Jared M.

Spoiler Alert: A New Book Is On The Way!

As we are closing up the year of 2012 I thought that I would blast out one last piece of HOG news for our devoted supporters and contributors! Read on…

After some rest and enjoying the impact the first book has made so far, I am happy to announce that I have begun and am in progress on the 2nd volume of The Everyday Word Compilations, titled “A New Way To Fight: Overcoming All Odds With God’s Love”. This book goes into detail about how you can overcome a variety of difficult situations and individuals that can seem to be coming against you in the worst seasons with the only thing that will prevail everything: the love of God!

Now that we are well acquainted with the amount of time it takes to write, edit, edit again, edit 20 more times, publish and promote I can give a fairly accurate date to which the book will be published.

Spoiler alert: The book should be out around July/August of 2013! We are very excited and ask that you continue to pray for strength and the words that God would have us to say!


Celebrating 100 Messages! More New Stuff, And Stuff That’s New :)

I am happy to announce that I just finished editing my 100th message last night! When I first started working in the audio editing of messages it proved to be difficult as I had never worked on editing just speaking/preaching before. What did I conclude overall? That I’m long-winded (just kidding lol)! Seriously speaking however, I can only conclude that I am so thankful for the body of people that support me in my ministry and at our local church.

If you have ever been to our messages page, you know that there is the ability to organize by series. Having this many messages and them categorized by series got me to thinking, “Why not instead of just cds of preaching that we begin to offer DVDs of messages by series?” With this special idea at hand, it inspired me to get it in the works! You will soon have the ability to acquire the Heart of Grace DVD video testimonials as well as messages by series. We are also happy to announce that with the expansion of our music and message ministry is creating a higher demand for music and speaking. I’m very VERY excited to announce that we will finally be offering messages and books in our upcoming merchandise section!

Stay tuned for what God has in store, it’s gonna be great! God Bless You ~ Jared