A special thanks to WLAF 1450 AM, 100.9 FM, TV Channel 12. Honeybee WLAF radio for the awesome press release on the new album!
Link below: http://1450wlaf.com/2020/04/06/heart-of-grace-releases-first-ep/
A special thanks to WLAF 1450 AM, 100.9 FM, TV Channel 12. Honeybee WLAF radio for the awesome press release on the new album!
Link below: http://1450wlaf.com/2020/04/06/heart-of-grace-releases-first-ep/
Heart of Grace Singing “There Is Nothing Greater Than Grace”
Enjoy the video!
Lyrics: There Is Nothing Greater Than Grace
What do you say to someone who feels like they’ve lost it all
Over the edge with no one there to break their fall
And what do you say to someone who feels so unloved
Giving themselves away a little bit every day just to be good enough
And what do you say to a hopeless soul who can’t remember their way home
And everything is out of their control
There is no valley, there is no darkness
There is no sorrow greater than the grace of Jesus.
There is no moment, there is no distance,
There is no heartbreak He can’t take you through.
So before you think that you’re too lost to save,
Remember there is nothing greater than grace.
What do you say to someone whose life is on the line
And they’re unsure what happens after their last breath in time
What do you say to someone whose built a wall you can’t break through
And it’s so hard for them to hear the truth
There is no valley, there is no darkness
There is no sorrow greater than the grace of Jesus.
There is no moment, there is no distance,
There is no heartbreak He can’t take you through.
So before you think that you’re too lost to save,
Remember there is nothing greater than grace.
So don’t lose hope, don’t let go
Don’t give up, you are not alone
There is no valley, there is no darkness
There is no sorrow greater than the grace of Jesus.
There is no moment, there is no distance,
There is no heartbreak He can’t take you through.
So before you think that you’re too lost to save,
So before you think that you’re too lost to save,
Remember there is nothing greater than grace.
Regina and Mona Singing “My Hope Is In The Blood” live @ 13th Street Church of God
Enjoy the video!
Jared singing a cover of “Freedom Reigns” live at 13th Street Church of God
Enjoy the video!
Enjoy the video!
Music and Lyrics By Jared Meredith
Verse 1:
I’ll take the stones over the armor
I’ll take the mud and dirty water
If that’s what it takes, if that’s what it takes
I’ll give the bottom of the barrel
And I’ll give shelter when you need to hide
If that is what it takes, if that’s what it takes
then I am all in
If that is what it takes to be free
Help me to pray and give it away
Help me to see, help me believe
I’m all in
Verse 2:
Now I know a man who died for me
I’m glad to say I know a man who died to set me free
from all my mistakes, and took my pain
Oh, I know a loving savior who wants to know you more
He is speaking to your heart, and he’s knocking at your door
Won’t you come and believe in Jesus Christ?
Chorus (x2):
If that is what it takes to be free
Help me to pray and give it away
Help me to see, help me believe
I’m all in
We gotta be all in, oh lord I’m all in, I’m all in, I’m all in if that’s what it takes then I’m all in if thats what it takes
Cause sometimes life gives us what we do not understand
and sometimes we just want to lift our eyes and throw our hands
and say there’s no way to get through this no way to make it through
God said if you’ll be all in I’ll be all in with you
In the picture above you see me and my sister singing (and cheating by reading off the page too!) at a baptism service on the lake bank. There is no more precious of a moment to share with your brothers and sisters in Christ than during a baptism! Nowadays in what little spare time I have I like to listen to old cassette tapes of services and practices from when we (me and Rebekah) were younger siblings. We would quite young, trying to find a part for harmony with our mother and her two sisters, all the while that our pops was coaching us to ‘get up to the mic’ and to be loud.
Now, as I take a look back into time, I now realize more than ever how precious it is just to sing and worship with those you love. It is not something you get to do forever, nor do you have the promise of another opportunity to do so. I try to iterate my point to our collective singing group and those we have worked with over the years but you can just never do justice the blessing you receive from sharing in the talents of God with others.
If you ever have another chance to share with your friends and family the collective talents God has given you to fellowship with then I say do it while you have the chance. So long as I have a mind and am living in this life I will always remember the days with loved ones as we rejoiced in the Lord together; for this thought is the closest thing that my mind can comprehend to how we shall all celebrate one day in that glorious heaven. There are so many I wish could read this today. To my family whom I love, thank you for encouraging the talents of God more than anything else. And glory to God for allowing me the precious chance of having a family that fears God and serves Him together (regardless of our differences and paths of life).
Enjoy the video!
I remember when I was growing up and how I used to daydream of being a spectacular musician. There were so many long days and nights of practicing and learning that I never thought that I would be able to play anything at all! After such a long time (or at least it seemed like it anyway) there began to be a steady progression and I learned to love the overall experience of working on myself to be better at music. It is still something that I have to work on each day and without the effort I would eventually be in lack or without the proficiency to play like I could.
With that said, I also remember the day the spirit of God entered into my life. I never thought my life was going to get better from where I was, but after getting saved I began to follow what the spirit would lead me to do. These sorts of things could be a thought to yourself in the moment or an audible voice when you least expect it, leading you down a path of righteousness. I assure you the only time that God is leading is when it is right and fair and in love for your neighbor.
Learn to allow God’s spirit to lead and guide you each and every day. There is something to be said about the spiritual experience, especially when we do not have it. It is your lifeline for leadership and knowledge in applying what you need to do and how to abide in the rest of God when you have no solution. In order for it to be fluent, keep in practice and work in it every day through prayer and close humble devotion to God. It is well worth the practice to succeed at life!
One of the hardest things to do in a ministry is not necessarily the work that you perform for others. When you are in the moment there is a part of you that steps up to do what God is calling you to do. What I have came to realize after being part of several different active ministries through the years is that the hardest thing we have a hard time doing is recognizing our talents and strengths.
Music has always been my life, so it was always a given for me that at some point in my life that God would use me and my family through the gift of song. To me, that was a given; in fact it was almost too easy to realize. However when a song is over, there you are: standing there in front of the people God has placed in front of you, and what do you do next? That question was one that lingered a long time. I’ve begun to realize in my latter days that the parts of you that you feel as though are sometimes useless can sometimes be your most powerful tools.
You see, I began to open my mouth and be willing for God to help me to encourage people. I guess you could say that I went from just music into music with exhortation. I loved encouraging people through my testimony and what I knew of the bible at the time. I had a new-found zeal and excitement because I discovered something that God had in store for me ahead in my future. Now? I’m involved in the full-blown ministry! I could have never imagined that. No one could have ever told me that this was the life I was stepping into.
If you only knew the transformation that has took place in my life. God has taken all of my weaknesses and began to make me strong. Instead of being addicted to drugs, I testify of freedom in Christ and teach and minister others to freedom in Christ! Now, instead of just thinking of all the things we wish we could reach out and say to everyone, we have an avenue by reaching through our online ministry!
Learn to recognize what you can do, and be willing to do more! You never know how far you might go if you have a willing heart and made up mind before God!
1 Thessalonians 5:21 – Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
When it comes to having a strong walk with God there are qualities within you that will make you stand out as a person that possesses something amazing. These attributes of the Lord are given by the anointing that dwells within you! Some of the most anointed individuals that I have ever witnessed made a difference to the world around them through one thing: Love. For without love, our works for others are of none effect.
Churches do not produce successful outreach just by awesome praise and worship music, nor how eloquently organized the sermons may be. While these things make going to church from week to week worthwhile I feel that we are missing the greatest opportunities to help those in need with something more available than what we produce in the place of worship. God is much more powerful than a building and what we can produce from within it. I encourage you to go and read about the qualities of charity and examine your life and see if the love that is coming forth from you is making a difference in every part of your life that people see.
As we continue to operate in the church in the ministry and as individuals in our personal everyday ministries, let us always remember to do all of our works with love. It will reach the coldest of hearts, go further than you ever thought possible, and will always break ground when you sow seeds of faith in that manner! Remember the love of God in your life!
Take a moment to get someone on your mind that perhaps you have not spent very much time with lately. Think of a way that you can bring a smile to that persons face and make an effort to supply a spontaneous blessing. It does not have to be anything over the top; something simple will do. An example that I have performed was gathering addresses and sending Christmas cards to people I never have. The response I got back in return was overwhelming, further establishing to me that even a little of God’s love goes a long way!