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When I Think About Trouble…Ummm…Yeah Don’t

When our minds are not able to be in focus to our walk with God, it is truly hard to utilize and understand the true power and fulfillment of the promises and blessings that God has given and will give in the future.

That’s a big statement, but when applied each and every day can be SO true. If our mind gets continually stressed with a thought that is always on our mind, that is very easily representative to a wound that we refuse to bandage; for not allowing God to begin to lift the care from your mind and replace it with peace defeats the purpose of know about the peace that surpasses all understanding. If we do not allow God to lift us up when we are down by accepting the joy of the Lord, it does us little good to know about it!

So when trouble decides to pay you a visit through any medium of communication or situation, begin to focus upon God and not the trouble! Refuse to let something so small compared to God win the battle of your heart and mind. When we are not able to attain to higher faith we are not able to lead others to it. If I cannot believe God for the small things in life I would definitely have no business even writing this today. We must trust God! We must believe! We must have faith that if God has done it for you or for others through given testimony or experience than it can happen for you through prayer, faith, belief and obedience!

So when we think about trouble, think about God and how that this so-called “trouble” has to begin to flee at the very mention of God’s power. And always remember, the only time we never win with God is when we don’t choose to believe we’re winners!

Break The Mold, Step Out Of The Trendy Fold

I love God! I praise Him today for everything that I have in my life. He has done so much that could not even begin to start telling you in words through any media or venue! I did not always have this excitement about God in my life. I know, you might be thinking, “what?!?”. You see, I have been saved for a long time and it has been wonderful to accept Jesus Christ and to have salvation in my soul. However, I had been essentially in a place in my life where I was in a state of mind to not explore what the spirit of God can perform in my life. For many, this is a touchy subject, and I get that.

I encourage you to read on with me.

You see, the spirit of God is a wonderful thing. It’s the part of the ministry that does what we cannot do for others. It’s the part of worship and your love for God that gives you strength for another day. It’s the comforter to your heart and mind in a time of trouble in your life. After I got saved, there were many trials of my life that began to start to overwhelm me (far more than I could handle for sure). I started becoming someone that was in need of those things we read of that we know as the fruit of the spirit.

When I began to pray to God for more of Him in my life, the hunger and thirst for God began to be fulfilled. I know you might be wondering, “how did you know?” There was a day that came after allowing the spirit to work through me that I stood and gave a testimony like I never had my entire life. It shocked me. I didn’t know that it was possible. At first, it even felt wrong simply because it was not what I was always used to, you know?

Over the next period of time as I allowed God to shape me, I began to sing in a greater way (and I previously thought it couldn’t get any better!). And after I began to allow my lifestyle to be what God wanted it to be, my life was truly transformed by the Holy Spirit in a way that could not begin to explain. I started beginning to exhort which eventually led into preaching. The preaching has led into outreach and publishing, and still I seek more!

The great thing about it all is that a long time ago when I was in desparate need for a change that the Holy Ghost began to perform a miracle in my life. It changed my mind, body, and heart truly for the better. Each day as I allow the spirit to lead and teach me I become a better witness of God and servant to God.

My excitement is unwavering! I cannot say this excitement was always met with acceptance everywhere that I have been, nor can I say that it has always been easy to stand where you know people would consider that kind of excitement frowned upon.

This is what I leave you with today. We have to be an example to show that the spirit of God can be and is fluent in the day we live in. We show that by stepping out of the mold set before us and being who God has called us to be. Let it be shown and let God be glorified! For when you step out for God in obedience by the spirit, the spirit will reach out even when you have done all that you can! It makes the difference!

Step out and be a brave obedient vessel today!