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Give Your Time To God

Welcome to another day. I welcome you to move all the stuff away from the avoided topic that everyone dreads more than others: dedication.

It’s not an easy thing to stay in week after week on your commitments while trying to find time for every other part of your life. The sad part of it all is when a choice has to be made about where time is spent, God more than likely takes second place. I am definitely not here today to get everyone roused up about changing their schedules based on what I would ever say, but consider the word of God!

God in many places set out time apart from the hustle and bustle of life; for with that dedicated time comes separation from things that would try to pull us away in the beginning! There are other mentions of people striving for the mark of the high calling of God. If we dedicate ourselves to giving God the deserved priority, your life will not only be less hindered but begin to demonstrate more of the spiritual fruits for others to bear!

Stay diligent in keeping God first in your life and in your schedule! Pray and ask God for guidance about what you do and how He is glorified! It is well worth the prayer conversation!

Kindling The Love To Obey God

Just like when we find it hard to find time to do everything on our list, it is especially difficult for anyone that will openly admit that keeping the desire to obey God on the top of the charts is easy.

There are people that are on different ends of the spectrum on their passion with obedience. I have seen people that their passion is on fire and the power of God comes upon them at the very mention of Jesus. They not only want to do all they can but they encourage others to do also. It is this kind of influence that inspires me to attempt to keep my desire for God at a constant and not waiver so that the example that we lead by is one that draws others to Christ.

I have also seen others that while they are actively obedient that the passion has left the works for God. There are many great things happening, and while that is wonderful to see all the fruits of the labor the desire and joy behind it not only does not demonstrate a good spiritual witness but eventually will lead into a falling away.

Trust me, I am sure that there will be many more things for all of us to do in the future, but let me remind you of a few key things to keep in your mind and heart. It’S short and sweet:

Love God, remember your blessings, and always remember to take time to show compassion for those around you! God will always provide you the means to be happy and enjoy an obedient lifestyle!