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What Is Of True Worth?

Psalm 145:20 – The Lord preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy.

John 12:25 – He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.

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Each and every day people are going after all the things they feel is of worth: money, fame, fortune, popularity, etc. We all have our actions that we prioritize based on what we want the most. I cannot help but ask where does God lie in priority in the midst of all your business? You see, He is my all in all and the one that I fully trust in. Even in recent events in my life I have found that the value of things that were once important to me began to lose their worth. Why? I would have to say it is because I finally realized that God can only be as valuable as you allow Him to be. I could have a million dollars or could only have a dime, but regardless of which I possess as long as I have Christ in my life I can remain constant. The peace, joy, and everlasting life that you began to inherit by believing upon Him are more valuable than anything else that you could chase out in this world. Over the recent months, I have strengthened my commitment to God and have seen things that use to be of worth fall away. I realize that if I lost it all and still had God, I would still be able to find hope! There might be some of you out there that are feeling hopeless or similar to this, but be encouraged! It is great to have lots of people that know you, objects you love to interact with, and emotional highs from being so love by all walks of life, but do not let these objects stand in your way of what is of most worth to you in your life: Jesus Christ!

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Put Into Practice:

This is a two-part challenge, and depending on your answer to the next few questions, I ask you to act accordingly. Are you saved by praying and asking Jesus Christ to be your savior? Have you asked for the forgiveness of your sins? Have you ever had an experience where you felt something inside that you had never felt before? Have you ever felt something that was leading you to believe there was something more to God and Jesus? If you have not asked Jesus Christ into your life, I pray that you take as long as you need and pray right now to have a change take place and a spiritual transformation take place in your life. There have been many books and methods that have tried to describe how to obtain salvation, but the most important part to know is that you have to recognize that you need Jesus Christ in your life. You have to know that you need to escape hell through the gift of Christ’s sacrifice, salvation. If you are saved, this is wonderful. I would ask you one thing: do you ask these same questions to the ones that you love? Make it your goal that you ask at least (at a minimum) on a quarterly basis through an entire year. That is not much to ask, right? You love your loved ones and those that God has place on your heart, right? Then get out there!

The Mind Of Christ

1 Corinthians 2:16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.

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When we begin to consider a few of the wonderful qualities of the mind of Christ, it makes us really evaluate what is upon our minds:

First of all, Jesus made of Himself no reputation. Some people in this world are in involved in the interaction and entertainment for a name, fame or fortune. Let me remind all of us that Jesus came so that all could have life and a way unto Heaven (and not to give us an hours’ worth of entertainment on Sunday). We (while in the world today) should remember that we should make what we do about no one but God first and God glorified. If we put out more of God and less of ourselves, they will be drawn to something that will never fail them. Am I saying that we as leaders will fail? Yes. I am also saying that we need to remember who is in control of our leadership as well!

Secondly, Jesus took upon him the form of a servant while living on earth. We love to be in control, but never to follow or be ordered by others. We love to and want to place conditional prayers upon God, as well as putting conditions to serve and obey and truly expect everything to come to pass. A servant unto God will serve in spirit and in truth, through persecution and victory, and will not be moved from the calling that is placed within!

Finally, Jesus humbled himself, and became obedient even unto death. Honestly, even when we feel like the world is crashing around us and we do not hear a voice nearby, God is the still small voice that is there to lead. We have to remember that humbling ourselves allows the Godhead to have its place in our lives, and takes us to a place of complete obedience AND compliance in our lives! Let us begin to take on these high qualities so that we can be the true light of the world!

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Put Into Practice:

A simple way to know what is on your mind is to simply speak what is on your mind. This might be better practiced alone and may lead into prayer when done correctly. Take a few minutes and begin to just allow every thought that hits your mind to come out in spoken word. It may shock you to find what you actually will say verses what you normally suppress in the back of your mind. As you do this for a few moments, begin to start praying about the parts that are bothering you and allow God to help you in these areas. Growth never starts without some groundbreaking action!