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Sometimes The Best For You Is Not The Best For You

If I had to say one thing that we all have been guilty of at one point or another, it would probably be trying to keep up with a trend of some kind. Sometimes it could be as silly as having the latest gadget or gizmo (I hear the droid noise as we speak) or as serious as something that would shift your faith towards God.

You see, popularity and trends change just as quick as the direction of the wind: very often and seldom predictable. Even knowing these things, we will still try to follow after most of the latest things in hopes of some kind of true fulfillment.

I would hate to have to be the one to say this, but I suppose I have said worse in my life. The truth of the matter is, when we are not satisfied with God’s movements, we’ll often move our passion to something else. One day we’ll be on fire and active in church, while on the next we will be out in the world not able to be the true light of the world. This is an alarming trend that we are finding more often, and with this you find less stability in representatives of Jesus Christ.

People, especially youth in this day and age, are truly hungry for a passion they can live by. We as representatives of Jesus Christ need to provide them with the trend that we live by: Godly living in love reaching out to all that need salvation and spiritual fulfillment for eternal life. It’s simple yet necessary. We make it more complex than it should be. If people seeing you following after God and seeing you leading a life of joy, then when their life is finally in a place to where they can be led by God we as the body of Christ are able to lead them!

So remember: sometimes what we have in our lives that people are calling “the best” may not be what people need to be “the best” for them. People need Jesus Christ. People need salvation, a way of escape, and people that will love without condemnation! Remember who you are in God!

In Whom I Believe

Many world issues are all around us and among us. Nationwide issues are prevalent, and local issues (where we are at least) are in vast abundance. When we hear of all the problems that are going on, the first instinct is to immediately “tune it out”.

That scares me.

My question is, whatever happened to the day when God’s people prayed in whom they believed? I know at one point it use to dominate everywhere that I would go; you could not go somewhere without the presence of God being reflected in some way. Now? It’s starting to fade from the falling away of the conditioning of the children of God today. I wish I could say something better than that, but I like to speak things that will get us thinking. We are all included in that list, because we have to learn to go forward and not stop! Sometimes I know it seems silly to sit down and to pray for situations that are way bigger than you are, but we have to be reminded of two things: 1) We aren’t able, but 2) God is!

If we can remember that, and hold true to the promises of God, we could have enough to fill our prayers every single day. We wouldn’t dread to hear things that would “pull us down”; I would say we would take a different approach. People that came to Jesus were met with faith and power. When people come to us, what do they see? What do they hear? I hope that when people come to the church of today, they know about “in whom we believe”. I hope we do not forget who is alive and on the throne today, and hears our every prayer! Knock the dust off of your prayer voice and get going! The next time someone comes to you with something, just remind them that you are praying about it (and that you actually are for real)!

Are You On That New Roller Coaster Called Work?

When you get up in your everyday life, there is always going to be more than you can accomplish in one day ahead of you. People are sleeping less, and trying to do 36-48 hours of tasks in 24 hours nowadays. As we continue with this trend needless to say the wear and tear of it has to begin to show somewhere. One can often find their-self in a place where they do not have much to do and consider their self in a “good” place. On that same token, when we are overwhelmed with things that we must take care of, we consider ourselves “bad” and think we are not doing enough and try to do more.

I wish I could say everything that everyone else in the world might say, but I would be lying to you. First of all, I have learned to not base the progress of my life on the number of tasks I have accomplished in a day. I cannot base it on the amount of money I draw in either. I could do a 100 things and earn a 1,000 dollars in one hour, but does that really put me in a “good” place? Not really at all, to be honest.

Work is always going to be there whether you go a mile a minute or are barely creeping. And trust me, I am all for being a person who likes to get things done. However, there has to be a place in your life for God. Your standing with God in your life to me determines how “good” or “bad” of shape we can be. You see, I can be in the worst of situations in life and still be in the best shape, simply because I’m living a Godly and spiritual life and not letting my life be worldly and continually task-driven. In fact, I have found that I am only in a bad place when I am spiritually weak and am not able to handle everything in my life on my own.

We were made to live life with God. We were made to serve God. We should remember to keep him first, and all the other things in our lives will begin to work for our good! We were built to live life by faith! Remember to be full-time for God, and to let every other work be part-time! All of your works (and your Godly obedience of course) is to be purposed draw others to Christ!

Keep Your Head Up

Today I am very thankful to the Lord above for everything that he is performing in my life. I am thankful for the great works in the lives of those that I see around me. At times the enemy would want all of us to feel discouraged and without a use or a place in this world.

I speak a word of encouragement to everyone to remind you that no matter how much rejection and persecution you face, that the rewards will far outweigh the costs of a few hindrances! Keep your head up and do not faint from the pressure!

Learn to simply endure where you are and God will eventually allow you to move from circumstances that are not promoting the best of a situation that promotes God’s will! Greener pastures will be ahead, joy will be ahead, and a more fruitful life is coming!

We speak it in faith to you in the name of Jesus Christ! Be blessed this day!

Looking At The Watch? Time For A Test Of Patience!

We can often compare our prayers to God sometimes like a person waiting on another standing there looking at their watch. They are impatiently waiting upon that person to do their part so they can do nothing and be satisfied. Does that speak to you?

Sometimes I could categorize prayers in the past times in my life to be complaint prayers, piety prayers, confusion prayers; the list goes on and on. I know more than anyone about having to stand and wait upon the Lord. In times when your back is against the wall, it’s hard to pray from the depths of your heart and truly mean “Lord I’m waiting and trusting in You that You are going to perform Your perfect will in this situation”.

When we begin to get in these situations, I have found that I can refresh my patience with my testimonies. Sure, I am waiting on God for 500 things. However, God has blessed me millions of times. Millions! More than I could ever say in a lifetime. If I wrote a post every minute for the rest of my life of the good things, I could not accomplish getting out every good thing God has done. I have to remind myself that “If God has helped me before, He’ll do it again”.

If God has performed His will before in your life, God will do it again. Continually seek God for peace and do not let impatience rule steal your joy. Do not let your situations steal away your prayer life. Let your prayers be led by faith, and let your walk with God and your witness to others be driven by the glory that will be revealed in you.

A final word of encouragement this day (you could even say it out loud): I have been blessed by God before, I am blessed by God now, and I will continue to be blessed by God in my future!

Where You Lay Up Your Treasures

As we go on in our lives going through the motions week after week, it gets very easy to get lost in the midst of everything that we get involved in. As we continue to do everything over and over again we learn that we must always make ends meet and to be responsible for our business, right?

This sounds like a motivational speaking lecture, but it’s not. I know that if anything. that people understand the concept of responsibility. What I am wanting to talk about today is the treasures and their worth that goes far beyond this earth: the treasures of God.

When we read in the bible, we read references to laying up our treasures in Heaven. As I read that, the words began to jump off of the page. I know that today that I only need to be driven to by my faith and willingness to serve God! Everything else that we fight for each day should be a priority, but not the top one.

Seek the Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness first, and all the other things in your life will begin to line up for you! Let God be at home, church, and your business!

Love Will Prove True


1 Thessalonians 5:21 – Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.


When it comes to having a strong walk with God there are qualities within you that will make you stand out as a person that possesses something amazing. These attributes of the Lord are given by the anointing that dwells within you! Some of the most anointed individuals that I have ever witnessed made a difference to the world around them through one thing: Love. For without love, our works for others are of none effect.

Churches do not produce successful outreach just by awesome praise and worship music, nor how eloquently organized the sermons may be. While these things make going to church from week to week worthwhile I feel that we are missing the greatest opportunities to help those in need with something more available than what we produce in the place of worship. God is much more powerful than a building and what we can produce from within it.  I encourage you to go and read about the qualities of charity and examine your life and see if the love that is coming forth from you is making a difference in every part of your life that people see.

As we continue to operate in the church in the ministry and as individuals in our personal everyday ministries, let us always remember to do all of our works with love. It will reach the coldest of hearts, go further than you ever thought possible, and will always break ground when you sow seeds of faith in that manner! Remember the love of God in your life!


Take a moment to get someone on your mind that perhaps you have not spent very much time with lately. Think of a way that you can bring a smile to that persons face and make an effort to supply a spontaneous blessing. It does not have to be anything over the top; something simple will do. An example that I have performed was gathering addresses and sending Christmas cards to people I never have. The response I got back in return was overwhelming, further establishing to me that even a little of God’s love goes a long way!

Godly Love And Fellowship

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Some key purposes when you read in 1 John:

  • Increase their joy (1 John 1:4)
  • To guard them against sin (1 John 2:1)
  • To warn people against false teachers (1 John 2:26)
  • To strengthen their faith in Christ and assure them of eternal life! (1 John 5:13)

1 John 3:1-2

[1] Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.
2] Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

We cannot be as we were when we become and are a son of God! We are changed! His love is manifested through the exaltation of the believer into a sonship of the Son, Christ!

God has no respect of person, so we should remember when we come to him that we ALL can come to God regardless of race, gender, status, or doctrines that have been placed before you. It was written that whosoever will could come! And until we receive that sonship, we cannot begin to realize who He is, and the world will still know you as you are. When you are changed in Christ, you will know it.

1 John 3:3-10

[3] And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.
4] Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
5] And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.
6] Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.
7] Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.
8] He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
9] Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
10] In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

When we walk of God, we walk a new walk and talk a new talk. What we have placed within us is born of God! It cannot fail you! When we start to ABIDE in Him, we can begin to build a resistance to the old sin that we once had trouble with, and are now prepared to face all the new trials of life that are now ahead of us in the future!

The test of your walk with God is ultimately how you live your life for Him. God remains in you, so you are able to continually walk each day without giving up. It might seem hard to do, but by faith and the experiences of your life (testimony) you are able to draw strength. Prayer and fasting and reading help too!

1 John 3:11-15

[11] For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.
12] Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous.
13] Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.
14] We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.
15] Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

When we live in evil works it begins to show on us, and our lives begin to come to a standstill. When our minds continually inherit sin on a daily basis, people cannot draw or be drawn from neither the light of our witness nor the fruitfulness of God in our lives.

As we read above, brotherly love is going to be the distinguishing mark of your spiritual life. The way that we are able to reach out to people in love regardless of what they have done puts into practice and demonstration the mind and heart of Christ!

1 John 3:16-18

[16] Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
17] But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?
18] My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

Let us do it in deed and truth! It is shown by the word of God and your obedience! Demonstrate what is living inside of you by letting the overflow show through your acts of love (of God) towards others. Always remember that love begins to manifest itself in sacrifice and not just in words.

1 John 3:19-22

[19] And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him.
20] For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.
21] Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.
22] And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.

If we begin to walk in His statutes and through His will, you will begin to walk a victorious life that is pleasing to God. The outcome of love will always be assurance through faith and answered prayer!

1 John 3:23-24

[23] And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.
24] And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us.

The faith that we have in each other and love that we carry will stand through anything that we must endure together as a body! Faith and brotherly love is a must to fellowship with God! They are connected!

When Scared Of The Unknown, Faith Is Your Weapon

If there is anything that I could relate with anyone on, it is the uncertainty that tomorrow holds. We cannot always predict the outcomes of any event, nor can we ever be sure of anything that we might consider “stable”. There are going to be many people and objects that we have held our trust in for a long time that will prove to fail: jobs, money, relationships, churches, people, friends, this list goes on and on. I wish that I could paint the picture of a perfect reality, but that simply is not the case for anyone that lives in the world that we do. Life is going to prove itself to be hard at times, and there will come a point where you will be tested on just how much you believe in the God that you serve. So what do we do?

Faith is your weapon!

As we begin to endure through the trials of life, we build the faith that we have inside by encouraging ourselves in the things we hope for and things we cannot see. We have to continually remind ourselves of God almighty, the creator of Heaven and earth, who is the keeper of our lives! As we step out and be the light of the world and be faithful and diligently seek God, He will not withhold any thing to meet your every need! Notice I didn’t say wants! Remember that when push comes to shove our needs are far more important than our wants. Be a user of your faith and see how it comes to fruition in your own life today!

As Solid As Your Foundation

We always read about the piece in the bible that refers to the people who built their houses upon the sand and the rock. And as we all know, of course it was the house that was built on the rock that was proven in the end, right?

My question is, how many of us have our houses built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ?

From a normal point of view on the outside, everything looks like God and sounds like it, but the house is not solid and could be blown over or fall at any time. In other words, we proclaim to be stable and have such great lives in God but at the sign of a first hard trial we begin to crumble beneath what we are really built upon.

Some contractors won’t even begin to build until they know they have a solid foundation! That should speak to us to let us know that we should count the cost of any actions in our lives and remember that we better make sure we are strong enough before we step out there where we think we can handle it! I’ve seen too often people that were not strong enough that had good intentions that failed quickly from the lack of being established with good wisdom and a solid communication in prayer! It really does matter!

You see, God wants us to be established on his foundation, the foundation of faith in him. He wants to endue to us that power and ability to endure! We can only endure by hanging to the promises of God. We can only test our foundation by staying on it! Stay true to what God has placed in you and do not waiver! God will not fail you, leave you, nor forsake you! Be encouraged this day!