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Faith Still Moves Mountains

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Here is a quick and simple devotion of the day!

What To Do When Everyone Stops Listening? Pray! God Hears!

There is a specific phase of life that we all go through at some point; for this specific case I will call it the “no one listens to me” phase. I have been in this place before and have some thoughts I would like to share in relevance to this topic.

You may be one out there that cannot get anyone to hear you out when you are attempting to actively convey your feelings. Not only do you feel like your words fall on deaf ears but what was heard is heard is often misunderstood. Others out there may be looking for someone to volunteer to listen (like a friend or family member) but they are too busy or are never available for devoting attention. In this type of behavior people without being aware will begin to prolong their troubles, having no place to deal with the issues, resulting in an attempt to bottle everything up inside. This is not only a cut off an outlet for expression but oftentimes leads to a decline in joy, peace and rest.

There have been other moments in life where people would talk to me about getting upset that no one else asks about their well-being (especially in hard times) and how it would cause them to value their friendship/kinship to them. I have asked back before, “well, have you tried asking first” but am often cut off with “they should ask me first!” Needless to say its amazing at the type of behavior that can not only produce a lack of care but a receive-only attitude.

It would be impossible for me to list every scenario, but what is important is that in some way we all arrive to a feeling or notion that we are alone and not heard. I write this to you today for you to be made aware of one of the most vulnerable and used moments that the enemy takes advantage of you to draw you from God.

So the question is, What to do when everyone stops listening? Pray of course!

I am confident in these words: God hears you when you pray! By Christ’s sacrifice for our sins we can and do have access for asking on behalf of our troubles! What a wonderful pleasure that is found when you talk to God! Surrender your heart to the Lord and begin to communicate in prayer and this will be the beginning of change through faith and obedience. Trust me, when you feel the power of the comfort of God you will begin to understand that you do not need anyone to understand other than God. This will not only comfort you but will allow you to be the leader to someone else to help them deal with their cares of life.

I also want to add this: Being social is not the same as being concerned. Being social will not involve additional effort other than that which promotes the popularity of an individual. Being concerned does not care about social status or popularity and allows a venue to demonstrate the love of God towards another person.

The Reason I Go On Is God

I tend to stray away from writing anything about me, but I feel led to start out with a few thoughts about me to make the bigger point of today.

The bulk of my personal ministry is tied in with my church ministry. In our personal ministry we host a media and message web site, put together a weekly radio broadcast, go to regularly scheduled visits to one of our local nursing homes, participate in a full-time writing and book ministry, as well as going to any church that God leads us to so we can sing and preach. Our church ministry that we co-pastor at is currently in an ongoing building project, holding choir practices, Sunday school, as well as our two regular services every week. And upon getting the call we go and perform house visits or will have group or family prayer nights at least once or twice a week. I add one last piece to say most of our family works full-time jobs and have up and coming families that attend different churches. In a way I am truly amazed, while in another I am brought to a thought.

When I go over this list sometimes it begins to attempt to discourage me simply because most of this does not allow for rest or time off. We have found through the years that helping people spiritually is a full-time job!

So with all of this said, why go on? I am sure you have asked yourself this question at some point in your walk with God.

As for me, the reason I go on is God. People have failed me along the way, but God has never let me down. Circumstances have attempted to destroy me, but the comfort of the holy ghost has came right on time. In summation, when all has failed you God will have opportunities to prove mighty and wonderful. I go on for others that in faith that in time they will come through something that will help them finally realize the fullness of God and the spirit that lives and dwells within them!

So ask yourself today, why do you go on?

Warning: People Will Surprise You

One of the greatest rude awakenings that I have ever encountered is that people will always surprise you (good or bad).

Whether it is your family or friends, or even people around you that attend your church: there are going to be moments or situations that present themselves as hard or tough to endure. It is so easy when we are feeling an emotional affliction that we take for granted the patience of God to keep us. It is also easy to forget the power of the faith that lives within us.

The revelation I leave with you today is to have your love and trust about life and things about life in God, first and more than anyone in your life. Having this closeness and devotion to God will give you the ability to make it through every single thing that could be done against you. Having a great love in your heart for God thereby creates a love that will face suffering in gladness and joy. Finally, having God close will keep you alert and aware of any possible events that the enemy may attempt to trap you up in.

So in short, please remember and consider the power of a strong relationship with God. It will spare you from so much suffering that was never intended to happen!

It Is By Faith We Live

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Here is a devotional about faith and the many wonderful things it does for you when it is applied!

An Imagination Is A Powerful Thing; Letting God Use It Will Do Amazing Things!

Looking back on when I was growing up as a kid I can remember how much the power of my imagination allowed me to enjoy life. Video games were just on the brink of coming into the market they are now today. Children’s shows and ‘toons’ that were made on TV were not as captivating at grabbing your attention as they are now. DVDs had not came on the market yet to be the modern day babysitter. Toys were still more of a physical product than kids running around with their parents smartphones now. To me, I was very blessed in coming up in such a special time that did not require my parents to force me into some class or session that enables creativity. During this space of time I could remember playing outside, swinging broken tree branches as my sword and fighting the greatest imaginary battles ever (where I always won, of course). When this battle was won I could pick up a basketball and be playing an entire game (yet being alone!). This was the wonderful imagination that as we get older begins to mature into more realistic yet possible thoughts.

Now that I am older and working, I cannot help but admit that sometimes I imagine myself at the very top of a company just to realize what sort of favor comes with that. Other times I imagine myself at the very start of a traffic jam so I can be the first one out. In harder times I imagine myself trying to find some end to the present distress. In all reality, the possibilities of where you can take yourself in your mind is two-fold.

So where are we getting at?

When we allow our imagination to be mixed with faith, then believing for the future success does not seem so far off. The most important thing is to take your imagination and creativity and mix it with the best teacher in our lives, the word of God. When we are in a strong, focused commitment with God then the things that we begin to imagine not only include the well-being of ourselves but for others! Instead of just praying and calling out for my immediate loved ones, I can begin to call out faithfully and reach out to a place where I see the victory for someone else. Example? There are many around me in my life that though they are in hard times I see SO much more than where they are (or what they complain about). Through faith you can begin to take action and do amazing things!

Answering The Hard Questions: Why Is It So Hard For Me To Pray?

This may not be an everyday question that we are thinking all the time, but it is certainly a stumbling block we have all faced at some point in our walk with God. To keep this short and something we can walk away from after reading, I would like to list 3 key answers:

1) A lack of separation, or being “too close” to what holds you back.

So let us say that I am going to have some prayer time because I want to quick smoking. If I literally just got through having a cigarette and am about to start praying while I am next to the ash tray and can still smell the smoke, the chances are of having a supernatural faith is very small. Why? If I am being hindered literally by the very thing I want victory over, then I must separate myself from it. Smoking is a very physical example as you can touch and feel what is afflicting you. Your situation may be a person, place or emotional object that is getting in the way. Remember before you begin to get yourself as separate from the things that are hindering you as you can. You would be surprised at how much of an effect having a quiet place is. This is not to say that you could not put on some praise and worship music to help you, but please do not be moved by a song: be moved by the faith that is in you to petition to God!

2) Little willingness to be humble or give up pride.

For our second example, let us say that there is a major problem with a person controlling the content of inappropriate language. If this person was asked if they had a problem, the answer can indicate where pride is in two ways. The first way would be to admit there is a problem, or being humble enough to admit that it is something that is a problem to your well-being. The second way is when a person will not admit the problem and to give the paraphrased “I’m fine”. This is a great indicator of having too much pride to be humble to any issue. Victory in God begins when we come and confess. God wants to mold each and every issue you have, and without the acknowledging the failures we have pride always wins over prayer! Be willing to simply admit that, “I need help”. This is a great step in the right direction to start a prayer!

3) Missing a habit or the continuing effort to pray every day.

For my job, I am driving myself back and forth each and every day. Driving is a habit that through continual practice is able to be kept and retained so long as I am willing to do so. However if I just stopped driving all together for great lengths of time I cannot imagine that I would get behind the wheel with the same confidence or willingness to “take off” that I would have when it happened frequently. With that said, there is definitely something to praying every day! Praying every day will keep you from having the “first-time” anxieties each and every time you try. Making it a habit will only build up the faith and confidence in God therefore creating an easier feeling to get the first word out!

There are so many more examples and things to be said here, but I want the mission of this word to be simple: Separate, Be Humble, and Pray Often!

Personal Perspectives On Pain, Discouragement, Growth, Humility

When you are in growing stages in your personal life I am finding that there are many different phases to the art of growth. I would be lying if I said that coming to this realization has always been the easiest concept to grasp. I am so thankful today for the times in my life that I have been in a place where God was able to show to me mightily that He reigns and is in control of all things.

We have been heavily involved with our building project at the church we regularly attend. And by heavily, I mean to say that we are consumed in all parts: mentally, physically, and spiritually. There have been days where the load has been light and the faith in your heart seems never ending when you think of the finished product. Then there are the moments when you are in the harder days working yourself until you cannot stand as you wonder “Lord God, when will the help we need come”. I stood on a lift hanging about 45-50 feet in the air and realized I was in a growth stage. It hurts. I was hurt. I went home just to lay down and cry inside and out and (in my own flesh) wonder what more I could do to move it forward. I began to think of how much more could be done if there was more help, but in doing this I began to feel low and sad before the Lord. This did nothing but attempt to perform a work of discouragement to my heart. Sure there are all kinds of people that offer advice and how you can begin to overcome the way you feel, but sometimes you simply cannot hear it for how low you feel. In this moment I realized that discouragement is a real spirit that attempts to weigh upon the hearts of people.

The next thing I began to think was, “who could I confide in?”. All of the people that you could consider or run through your lists of “trustworthy candidates” could never compare to the comfort of God. Sometimes the only way growth can begin is when you cast your cares before God. It allows you to be lighter, to have more clarity, and to be able to actually receive joy. Once I got past attempting to reach out just to be more upset, I began to call out on God in my mind. As I began to, God worked a silent miracle: my heart was touched with humility. The love of God began to rush through my mind and work its way into my heart. Then it finally hit me like a flood.

I know now that all of the scars, cuts and bruises that you would sacrifice for a literal building is a representation of the way we face persecution spiritually. The efforts that are given are efforts given to God in love, even our acts of physical obedience. I have now realized that when I face mental discouragement that it is just a part of growing and being able to be stronger. When things or people attempt to discourage me, it has to flee and can only through the comfort of the spirit of God. And all for what? The ability to lead others, of course! Jesus Christ walked this world with a love without compare, giving Himself through all He could do while He lived and the greatest gift of humility when He was crucified on the cross.

So today? I press on. I may end up aching in my body, being hurt in my heart, or being persecuted greatly in my mind. I continue the cause of the cross. I continue so that I may exercise humility and love for all that need a better life like I did. At the end of the day, we are here to grow and continue and pursue the mark of the high calling! Let your calling shine and your obedience be fluent. Be benevolent and never waiver due to the lack of giving in others. Show yourself to be a true witness of the love of God! Learn to recognize growth and embrace where God is trying to take you!

Learning To Live

Deuteronomy 8:2-3

[2] And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no.
[3] And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.

One of the hardest things that there is to do in life when you are in a tough time is to recall a prior one that was better. When God has provided time and time again it is for the building up of our faith! I thank God today for the fresh manna that He provides each time I get down and call forth for more strength, peace and joy! Remember that we are sustained by the word of God, spoken in and lived out! To me when this principle of building faith through your testimonies is put into application it will bring you into life beyond what you would ever expect.

John 5:24-26

[24] Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
[25] Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.
[26] For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;

Life is secured through faith and when we hear and believe! Life through the practice and demonstration! When you hear the voice of God communicate to you, regardless of how to which it does, let it be life to you! Even when things are to change or mold us, it is to bring us to a better life and living! This is how we learn to live greater and more improved!

2 Corinthians 4:10-14

[10] Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.
[11] For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.
[12] So then death worketh in us, but life in you.
[13] We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;
[14] Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you.

Life brings death to the parts that want to bring you down or destroy you! Life working out the infirmities through the work of the spirit! If we already know that death worketh against our physical, mental and spiritual self than we need to use the life that is made manifest by believing and speaking it! I am not as though I was, and you are not either! Through Jesus Christ we are made new creatures.

1 Peter 1:18-22

[18] Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;
[19] But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:
[20] Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,
[21] Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God.
[22] Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently:

A strong spiritual life will promote the love and fellowship of the brethren (your church, class, ministry, missionary group). Life shared in love with others is the best life to live. For that is how God walked with Adam in the beginning: in love and fellowship, right?  God still walks with us today! We must learn to be in perfect agreement with the Heavenly Father and receive His perfect love to remove every fear that would prevent us from enjoying life to the fullest.

Phillipians 4:8

[8] Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Always remember to keep your life full of things that will spiritually promote you! Life increasing through you by spiritual fulfillment!

New Beginnings and Old Endings

Welcome to another year in your life! If you are reading this today, than God has a spectacular plan in store for you in the upcoming future. One would ask, “how do you know this about me when you do not know me?”, and my response is simply this: it is God’s pleasure to do great things and to be glorified through your life!

As you embark upon this next few months, do not make resolutions that will fall through just as they always do. Make some fresh commitments to Christ and get out there and start beginning to make a difference in your life and the lives of others!

Do not let another year go by with doubt and regret. Step out and do the things you were afraid to do before. Be more obedient and faithful to believe in what God is trusting you to do. There are lives hanging in the balance all around you, whether you may realize it or not.

Most importantly, remember your self worth and the worth of your walk with God. Never forget its value in the good or bad times and always remember to utilize every part that God has placed in you to give you strength for the trials ahead.

May God bless you abundantly this year, and I pray that everyone’s churches and ministries go further than they ever imagined!