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Who’s In My Circle Of Friends?


Psalms 55:14 – We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company.

I Corinthians 5:11 – But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.


There are many people that we have in our lives that we say are in our inner circle. These are the people that you communicate and reach out to when you are in trouble. When you have a flat tire on the road you may think of one of these people to call first before you even think of a towing company. Even though a towing company is more than able to help you it identifies the preference of trust that we have for others. Trust me, I love having people that I can count on. It is nice to have people in your life that will lend you a helping hand along the way!

One life lesson I have learned the hard way is that the power of people can only go so far. That person you try to call might not be available. Then, what? You feel alone without anyone. Let us go beyond the spare tire and consider our spiritual person. You could have a million contacts on your phone, thousands of friends on Facebook, and even roommates that live within feet of you! When it comes to your time of need people may (and will) eventually let you down. God should be first above our people, objects, and ideals. I encourage you to put God as the one you count on the most every day! If he is in your circle and the top priority in your life, anything that you ask in His name you can receive (bearing in mind that it is not something that is outside the will of God for us)! A friendship with God is the most important one! Remember that!


Perform this task no matter where you are in a situation: simply close your eyes and pray for God to help you. It is a simple gateway into more humble prayers that will definitely draw you into the right-now spiritual blessing that will help you through!

God’s On Facebook. What’s Your Status?

Today I had a riveting revelation. I was praying and began to be deep in thought, and wanted God to show me how to improve my life in a greater way, and to tell me in a way that I could understand. I was essentially saying, “Show me the things about me that need to change, that I can be a better Christian, not just a better person to everyone”. And boy, did I ever get what I asked for!

God always has a funny way of showing me things, and today he took my mind to Facebook. It’s something that pretty much everyone that I know uses all the time and very frequently, a tool used to keep up with each other and communicate in ways that was never possible before. So here’s something to wrap your mind around.

What if every so often, rather than uploading pictures to your profile of all the ones that you liked, that God took ones of the good and bad moments of your life, and let everyone see them?

What if the same principle applied to uploading videos? Can you imagine what kind of videos we would see of ourselves in the bad moments?

What if rather than posting your status for what you were doing, that you wanted people to know about, that God posted your status for some of the things that you didn’t want people to know about?

What if every single time we had a bad thought about someone, that God posted this thought about them and wrote it to their wall for them to see?

What if rather than being able to state all the information about yourself that you want people to know, that God posted all the information about you that you maybe were trying to keep a secret from everyone?

Can you even imagine if this was how it really was? If this were the case, I’ll go ahead and tell you, no one would have a facebook, or a MySpace, or anything for that matter. People would be too afraid of things coming out, because we all have our problems every day that we all go through. It’s easy to make an online profile and paint the pretty picture of the perfect life online, but God sees us exactly as we are in our real lives:

Matthew 9:4

[4] And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?

Isaiah 40:12-14

[12] Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?

[13] Who hath directed the Spirit of the LORD, or being his counsellor hath taught him?

[14] With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and shewed to him the way of understanding?

We often forget that God is essentially keeping a status of our life, taking snapshots of our every day, keeping record of all that we do, and we are going to have to answer for it one day, and it’s not going to be something that we can just delete, like we can on Facebook. It’s not something that we can update later. We will be held accountable; we will have to answer for what we are called to do. And to me, that’s a scary thought, and something we need to adjust to now.

God has shown me through this that I need to be able to be caught at any point in my day and be able to be seen having a Christian profile: being able to be a light 24/7, ready to lead people to Christ at any time, and not just fronting when it’s convenient, or when I feel like logging into it. It’s a call, not a voluntary thing you sign up for. Praise God for giving us guidance in this walk of life. Where would we be without it?