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Time To Lose Some Weight

Hebrews 12:1-3 – Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.

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I know that you are thinking that this is going to be the top 10 tips to weight loss, but that is not what we will be discussing today. I will say that I thought that this title might grab some attention though!

I would like for us to keep that perspective of weight loss to spiritual burdens. When it comes to losing weight, sometimes we see that we need to and sometimes we deny it. Other times we see that we need to but refuse to see why we ever got in the shape to start with.

When it comes to our walk with God and the burdens we carry, we often treat it with the same perspectives; we do not know exactly how we got in the shape we did, but we arrived there nonetheless. There are scriptures in the bible that indeed point us to cast off the weights that easily beset us. When I put that into perspective, all the things that easily bother me should be immediately put off as needs to God in prayer. God understands every need, no matter how great or small it is to our perspective. There is another scripture that says that nothing is impossible to God, and is indeed but a small thing.

So when we think about it like that, repenting and relinquishing ourselves of tough burdens should not be like the pains of dieting and exercise that we make it out to be! We can simply pray to God and ease the weight that we carry! Simple as that!

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Put Into Practice:

This will be an interesting task. I ask you to give it a try! Take a couple plastic bags and put one within the other to give it a little more strength (add 1-2 more if you want to). Begin to fill the bag up with objects until you begin to think that the weight would exceed the bag. At this point, pick up the back and try to simply hold it for a minute. After that, perhaps you can try (without actually hurting yourself) to walk around while carrying the bags around.

When doing this in practice it is easy to see how easy it would be to begin to feel weighted down without continual prayer and communication to God each day. Without the casting off of the weights that would beset us, I am bold enough to say that eventually we will begin to beset others; especially those that need to be led to a relationship to Christ! Get rid of anything weighing you down and draw closer to God! Let the lightness by the strength of His spirit encourage you!

Face Your Confusion and Worries With God

1 Corinthians 14:33 – For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

Psalm 71:1 – In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion.

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Normally I do not share personal details of this magnitude but I thought I would start this piece out with this: One of the most requested items that people come and ask me to pray for is either direction for their life or outside problems that they are worrying themselves to death over.

It is a big burden to walk around with these concerns on our hearts each day. I also do not think that this is something that people can easily just “shake off” without some assistance either. Luckily, we have something within us that gives us the ability to ward off all of the woes and worries of life. What is it you ask? God of course!

You see, the peace of God surpasses all understanding and will give you comfort when you cannot find it in logic or the facts you have before you. God works in things seen and unseen and goes before you even unto what you do not even know. We can begin each day alleviating our confusion by beginning to obtain peace in our mind! When the weight of burdens attempt to come and be more than we can bear, those are the times when we are to do more than watch. I believe that is why it said to “watch” AND “pray”.

Be aware of things, but don’t let the circumstance pull you down. Pray and begin to let God pull you out of the pits of every single issue that would steer you away from the focus of God’s will for your life!

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Put Into Practice:

I really encourage you to participate in this exercise as we have many things that we are in question of or are confused about. Take one to two minutes and dedicate it to finding something (it will not take long) that is really bothering you that you cannot do anything about. Once you have it on your mind perform these simple steps: humble yourself in prayer, openly admit to God that you do not have the answer, and then openly establish your trust in God by believing and building your faith.

Please do not go past this page before completing this. I encourage you more than anything to get down this very moment and take God at His word to realize we can lay our confusion down and begin to realize a more greater love and trust with our unbreakable Godly relationship!