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Do What You Do For God And Love Doing It!

Let me share something personal with you. When I am at home, I love to stand in front of my piano and play songs of worship. It brings a sense of peace and joy about me and begins to calm everything that is going on in my life. Doing this every now and again is so refreshing because it is something that God has anointed me to be able to do; it is a true God-given gift for me to not only do but to enjoy doing as well! I realized a long while back that it was not only for going out and using in the ministry, but for the personal trials in my own life. I cannot tell you how many times that it has helped me along the way to be able to sing songs like “Thank You Lord For Your Blessings On Me” and “Above All” to begin to allow God’s spirit to be with me in the very room I stand!

Now then, I want to express how much further that goes than just singing! We are called to do something spectacular. As God created each and every one of us He purposed us with something unique and for His glory. When we begin to not only use it for the strength of others but for our encouragement it begins to be something that we can really enjoy. I say this in humor but I have seen way too often people singing about the Lord giving strength not being able to believe the words they sing and it simply being words on the page. When it begins to pour out from your heart and come alive inside of you (from the part of you that God begins to move in) it can start making a difference out in this world!

Let’s learn to do what God has called us to do and to actually enjoy it! Don’t be ashamed or afraid, but simply do it in love and let people see the witness of God in your life! It can then truly be a blessing, whether it be out of key or not how you rehearsed it! It can reach out to those in need even if that part of the message wasn’t in your notes that you are teaching or preaching! Be a witness of God through the active demonstration of the joy of the Lord, for He is good and what He has placed in you is more than enough to conquer each and every battle you come to!

Once An Overcomer, Always An Overcomer, So Come On!

Let’s take a moment and ponder about how terrible life is….WAIT…that’s what we’ll do if we are not too careful. When we read in the word of God, each and every indicator that you study on about where people found the willpower to go on was from the strength of God and their foundation of belief. When I consider my own foundation, I find that it is solid based on the many (countless!) times that God has came through. There were times where it was in my prayers or through the prayers of others. There were times where it came after a period of time or when it came suddenly in a second. There were even times when God moved when I wasn’t even aware of things to come ahead in my future! So when I think upon these things, it helps me to stay grounded and not easily moved when events try to occur to shake it up.

We are “made” over-comers, right? I have to put myself in a position where I “make” my mind up to overcome things. I have to be strong in times where weakness wants to prevail; faith must dominate doubt each and every time. I know that there might be some critics out there that are saying “you are a bunch of talk, just wait til you walk it”. Trust me, I might not have been alive 50-75 years yet, but it doesn’t take me a thousand loops through life to realize where my help and strength comes from! So come on! Get yourself out of the “doubtin” and “poutin” and “doin withoutin” and think yourself happy. Continually stir the part of you that God needs to be strong in.

Make yourself an over-comer today by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony!

Who Are We Serving? Wait, Why Do You Ask?

I love going to church. I love it for the fellowship, the unity that it brings through God, and the multiplied powers and abilities of your reaching out that can happen when done. The church to me has always been such a great place of refuge; in other words a place where I associate “a place where God dwells” With that said, I want to bring out a point that has been on my heart lately. Since we have started singing and working in the ministry (even before Heart of Grace years ago), we have been in a multitude of churches with many wonderful bodies of people. Sadly, I would be lying if I said that every place that we went had that “right at home” feeling, but it reminds me of a very important thing that we must remember to apply in our lives.

When we are at church, we are there to help each other and to serve God. One of the biggest mistakes that you see is when people begin to serve people rather than God. We’ll worry about each and every thing that we do with the fear of upsetting someone or ruffling their feathers. I know that when we preach or sing oftentimes that I know for a fact that people probably don’t like half or more of what I’m saying, but I know when I am doing it that I’m doing it to help them and to serve God. When we serve God in love, God fights the battles and goes before you with people by the spiritual warfare. That way, when you obey God in confidence, you will leave the work sowed in confidence. Don’t doubt the work that you do for God!

Most importantly, don’t get caught up in the opinions of people. It’s perfectly okay to seek Godly advice from someone you have confidence in, but remember to not be in bondage to one another by what you would think they think (and what the other person’s friend thinks lol). As we become more dependent on people, we forget all the others around us that God is showing us that need help! Get out from under the veil of fear and step out and perform the will of God FOR God! He is more than able to equip you with the ability to endure all persecution that you will face! So I ask you today, who is it that we serve? Do we need to adjust how we take our approach to how we are a spiritual Godly help in and out of service?

Trust me, the more you commit to God, the more that you will find the desire to keep serving Him with joy!

Find A Good Place Inside And Out

When it comes to having a fruitful life in God, one of the key pieces is the environment that you are surrounded in. We have wrote about this a lot lately and spoke on this topic it at multiple churches. It’s something we need to do, and do each and every day. I want to expand out on that a little bit to talk about the surroundings of you and your life.

I’ll just be honest with you today. If you are not in a spiritually fruitful church, you will definitely find it harder to grow in your personal life than it should have to be. Having a church with a good spiritual foundation and a willingness to work and reach out will produce a multitude of blessings and impacts upon people’s lives. However, more often than not, we are speaking with people that are in environments that are not providing that fresh spiritual revival that should be happening each and every time the doors open.

I’m not one to recommend that people go “church hopping” to be satisfied, so please let me make this clear. If you find yourself in a church where you are not able to grow due to the environment surrounding you, pray first for another place to go! Don’t just start visiting every church that you know; for sometimes our irrational actions will send the wrong messages to people. Ask yourself first in an honest way if you are doing everything you can to promote growth for yourself and for your church. If we can answer that with certainty and hindrances still prove to be in front of you, seek God for somewhere that you can grow (not somewhere you can go). Find an environment where the love of God is fluent and that you are able to be who God has called you to be.

Don’t let tradition and religion destroy your gifts and callings. Continue to strive to do the best that you can, and seek God in a way that when you feel the call to go and be a help to a new church that you are not going based on your emotions but upon the leadership of the spirit. And when the time is right, God will move for you. It won’t be a forced thing, but something that you know that God has performed. If God opens the door for another place for you to grow, God certainly wouldn’t make it a hard situation from where you are going from.

My whole point is this: Seek God first before we act out of ourselves! Find a place where you can grow and not just exist!

Just In The Nick Of Time, Always On Time!

When it comes to our prayers and what we have before God, I can say on my (and perhaps anyone’s) behalf that it may not always be when we think it should occur. In fact, I have found many times that rather than being thankful for what I do have that my focus is what I do not. Our human nature is very keen nowadays on picking up on the lack thereof!

I write today such a blessed person. I have came so far in my life, and I have came so far in my own family (and extended family). When I truly consider all the blessings that have came thus far, it is exceptionally hard for me to even have the nerve to ask “why” or “when” from God. In fact, it begins to bring out the spirit of thanksgiving and praise within, as it should within all of us. It should remind us that God never leaves us or forsakes us in our time of need. We should remember each day where we were in the prior days and how far that we have come. If we were to not forget the manner of person we are, we would remember the person we use to be as well.

I know how far I have came personally, and I know (just in the people I have come into contact with) how far so many have came through God. We are all so blessed and have so much to give God praise for this day. Let’s be excited about the blessings of God! Let’s shoot out some thanksgiving praise, and then that faith praise and the faith prayers in the future will be with assurance and confidence!

Be lifted up to know that what God performs is done on God’s time, and when it is done it is for your good! It is to strengthen you and to mold you into that true man and woman of God that was always intended from the very beginning! So take a few minutes today to simply reflect on the good things God has done. Trust me, you will surprise yourself. You might even have a few tears and praises come out of you (and that’s okay)!

Keep Yourself In The Game

When watching competitive sports, one could easily account for the strength and skill of the athletes that you see going for the victory. When hearing and reading about some of the most successful athletes though, you read about a completely different quality: their heart for the game. You can have all the talent and ability in the world, but without the heart and passion for what you love to do it is without profit to you. In our walk serving God, it’s all as much the same; for without a strong love and desire for the things we do for God, the gifts and talents that God has placed in your life will bring little profit to you or anyone around you. God’s spirit is unlocked when you serve Him with a selfless and unwavering desire: that part of you that will go on regardless of how you feel or what is going on around you!

So wherever you are today, whether you are a member of a church in administration or a part of an outside ministry, remember to keep a love and desire for what you do! Remember why it is that you are there each time you execute the part you contribute. Never let what you do become just “going through the motions”. Get yourself in a place where you are a difference-maker, a person that makes an impact not only in the work but by the life and choices that you make. Let God be glorified each and every day.

Keep yourself in the game! Stay encouraged and count your blessings! The race isn’t over yet! God bless you!

Sometimes It’s Okay To Break Down

We as people in general love to fancy ourselves as being strong enough to handle anything and everything that life decides to throw at us. And on a very personal level, I use to think as such as well. I tried to be the tough guy; always dealing with things and trying to never shed a single tear (or displaying any kind of emotion in any way). It never failed that in the end that there would always end up being some sort of emotional break up or down at the end of the day when I would be to myself. To make a long story short, it was never meant for us to live in a world where we suppress the emotions that we cannot deal with or understand.

God has provided a way so that we are able to cast all the cares (those things we are emotionally invested in) and weights (those things that bear weight as burdens) off of us! When life becomes to be too heavy, we have to learn to remember to pray and seek God for the comfort, peace, and strength that we will need in the days ahead of us. Trying to deal with these things on our own will never work, simply because we have no where for it to go. When we pray, it is not only a good outlet, but a spiritual one! You not only cast off what is of a burden to you, but God begins to replace it with the very thing that you need! He is the strength for your weakness.

So what are we trying to say today? It’s okay to admit you need help, or are hurting, or are burdened. It’s okay to reach out to God. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to call out for those that believe God for help too! Reach out to God and begin to live a more joyous and peaceful life! You will not regret it!

It’s All About…What?

Love! It’s all about love!

Everything that you ever read in the bible that was centered around Jesus Christ was centered around love! When I think about trying to put on the frame of thinking and have the “mind of Christ”, it makes me think about love. The list goes on and on: love for my church (and giving to my church), love for the people in church (and out of church), love for the gifts and callings that God has placed in our lives (and using them), and a love for the desire to do what God is calling! It’s short and sweet today. I love God because He first loved me. I love God because of the many outpourings and blessings that always come so undeserving. I love the mercy and grace that we walk in, for without it we would just be lost in life without hope.

Remember to love those around you and to do those things for them in love. Anything that we do otherwise that would be in wrath or not in Godly character cannot be the full and complete witness that God had intended for your life. Make the most of an impact by being in full demonstration of the love of God! It’s fullness within you will pour out and rub off on others and people will not be able to resist it! They will either join in with the fellowship of what you bring or will have to get away! The love bug will get them one way or another! In other words, the spirit of God through conviction by the demonstrated love of your witness is a very powerful thing today!

It’s all about…love!

Running, Running, Running, Hey Where You Going?

I would take a significant amount of time to write this, but I have three other things that I need to do…wait…that doesn’t sound right does it? When it comes to making time for God, we often come short. It is a growing reality that is starting to trend everywhere that you see. There are those that do a great work and stay in the path for God, and I truly admire them. When I begin to talk to people like that about how it is they stay on track, they always make references to “not getting too busy” or “letting life get too fast”.

I use to joke about that and think that people really only have time for God when they get older and do not have to work so hard for their living. I have definitely changed my outlook on this permanently. I have found that there is always time for God and that it simply goes unnoticed (or in some cases noticed but rejected). In a biblical context, I consider the part about the good samaritan. There were a couple of people that passed by the person who was beaten and in need of someone to have compassion, and yet could not for their own defined reasons. The good samaritan could have passed by as well, but the love and compassion truly worked in this case.

We need to always remember to be careful to not pass by the needs of others and to continually keep the compassion and love of God in our hearts. We keep these things by the continually seeking of God. We keep the continual seeking of God by making time for it! Put it in your datebook, cell phone, outlook calendar, or write it on your hand if you have to! Keep God above all else and you will demonstrate what will not only keep you but help others in their time of need!

Can You Have Too Much Of A Good Thing?

When I begin to ponder and think of this concept, there is only but one answer that comes to mind: yes, you can.

There are many things that we all love and enjoy in life. Some of them may be hobbies while others are educational and recreational. While these things all can prove to produce some kind of emotional “joy”, let me put out there today that this joy (while good in the moment) is only temporary in the short term. In fact, there is always some form of sacrifice or cost that must come at the expense of an emotional buy. And as we all know, some consequences can far outweigh more than others.

As we continue to seek after God and search for a deeper walk with Him each day, let us remember what it is that keeps us established; for when we seek the Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness, all the other things (to me the spiritual fulfilling things) that we need to keep us in our life with joy will begin to be added. With that said, we can never have too much of God. You might even feel burnt out sometimes, but that is because of how life makes us feel “bored” with things so quickly.

I continually remember each day through the experiences that God almighty has performed for me that I can never have too much of God. In fact, the more of God that I have, the less of a desire that I have for the other things that I used to pursue for my temporary joy. Take time throughout your minutes, hours, days and weeks through prayer and the study of the word of God to evaluate yourself to see if the life you present before God is truly pleasing and bringing the spiritual fruit that is full of all the things we all truly desire out of life. Then, you can find fulfillment without the continual pursuit of every other pleasure out there!