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An Interesting Thought The On Modern Day Influence Of Witchcraft

A lot of times witchcraft is commonly stereotyped into the categories of literal worship to satan or being an atheist. People have even (in the day of numerous versions of bibles) have began to attempt to revise the word and it’s tougher meaning than what it’s changed to. As I was dwelling on where life is at today around us, it is clear to see that witchcraft have many new forms:

1) influence – This is the one prevalent force that was in the days when other newer forms of evil had not come about. Sometimes the thoughts of another can begin to have a stronger hold than anything you could partake of. Not only will influence of others cause a person to sin but to also hold back in their walk with God. Whether you be at church or at home the influence that would lead you to worry or alter your decisions ultimately is the gateway for other detrimental choices.

2) substance – When we hear the word substance, it is often accompanied with the word abuse. And on the same token substance abuse is even tied in directly to drugs. Something to note here is to say that substance abuse goes so much further than drugs. You can take a moment to determine what the substance is in your life, but there is more often than not a direct object that is not surrendered to God.

3) objects and ideals – Once preached in the theme of ” you can’t do this, you can’t do that”, messages used to be (and in some cases still are) preached about the laying of everything that would get in your way. I learned after hearing this a couple times that you cannot escape everything; for it is all around us and is sometimes not in our control. It’s the point to note here: if there is something that is hindering you physically or mentally that IS preventable, then you must be separate from it.

To conclude, I want to remind us about the power of things that will draw you away from God. If it is something that is of great influence that holds you from being free in God, please consider allowing God to start working a change within you. If it is an object before you, please know that the object is simply an enabler and is the end result of your choice to partake in it.

Please realize that though you may even frown upon the word itself that there is still a great power that is attempting to draw us from Christ!

An Imagination Is A Powerful Thing; Letting God Use It Will Do Amazing Things!

Looking back on when I was growing up as a kid I can remember how much the power of my imagination allowed me to enjoy life. Video games were just on the brink of coming into the market they are now today. Children’s shows and ‘toons’ that were made on TV were not as captivating at grabbing your attention as they are now. DVDs had not came on the market yet to be the modern day babysitter. Toys were still more of a physical product than kids running around with their parents smartphones now. To me, I was very blessed in coming up in such a special time that did not require my parents to force me into some class or session that enables creativity. During this space of time I could remember playing outside, swinging broken tree branches as my sword and fighting the greatest imaginary battles ever (where I always won, of course). When this battle was won I could pick up a basketball and be playing an entire game (yet being alone!). This was the wonderful imagination that as we get older begins to mature into more realistic yet possible thoughts.

Now that I am older and working, I cannot help but admit that sometimes I imagine myself at the very top of a company just to realize what sort of favor comes with that. Other times I imagine myself at the very start of a traffic jam so I can be the first one out. In harder times I imagine myself trying to find some end to the present distress. In all reality, the possibilities of where you can take yourself in your mind is two-fold.

So where are we getting at?

When we allow our imagination to be mixed with faith, then believing for the future success does not seem so far off. The most important thing is to take your imagination and creativity and mix it with the best teacher in our lives, the word of God. When we are in a strong, focused commitment with God then the things that we begin to imagine not only include the well-being of ourselves but for others! Instead of just praying and calling out for my immediate loved ones, I can begin to call out faithfully and reach out to a place where I see the victory for someone else. Example? There are many around me in my life that though they are in hard times I see SO much more than where they are (or what they complain about). Through faith you can begin to take action and do amazing things!

Answering The Hard Questions: Why Is It So Hard For Me To Pray?

This may not be an everyday question that we are thinking all the time, but it is certainly a stumbling block we have all faced at some point in our walk with God. To keep this short and something we can walk away from after reading, I would like to list 3 key answers:

1) A lack of separation, or being “too close” to what holds you back.

So let us say that I am going to have some prayer time because I want to quick smoking. If I literally just got through having a cigarette and am about to start praying while I am next to the ash tray and can still smell the smoke, the chances are of having a supernatural faith is very small. Why? If I am being hindered literally by the very thing I want victory over, then I must separate myself from it. Smoking is a very physical example as you can touch and feel what is afflicting you. Your situation may be a person, place or emotional object that is getting in the way. Remember before you begin to get yourself as separate from the things that are hindering you as you can. You would be surprised at how much of an effect having a quiet place is. This is not to say that you could not put on some praise and worship music to help you, but please do not be moved by a song: be moved by the faith that is in you to petition to God!

2) Little willingness to be humble or give up pride.

For our second example, let us say that there is a major problem with a person controlling the content of inappropriate language. If this person was asked if they had a problem, the answer can indicate where pride is in two ways. The first way would be to admit there is a problem, or being humble enough to admit that it is something that is a problem to your well-being. The second way is when a person will not admit the problem and to give the paraphrased “I’m fine”. This is a great indicator of having too much pride to be humble to any issue. Victory in God begins when we come and confess. God wants to mold each and every issue you have, and without the acknowledging the failures we have pride always wins over prayer! Be willing to simply admit that, “I need help”. This is a great step in the right direction to start a prayer!

3) Missing a habit or the continuing effort to pray every day.

For my job, I am driving myself back and forth each and every day. Driving is a habit that through continual practice is able to be kept and retained so long as I am willing to do so. However if I just stopped driving all together for great lengths of time I cannot imagine that I would get behind the wheel with the same confidence or willingness to “take off” that I would have when it happened frequently. With that said, there is definitely something to praying every day! Praying every day will keep you from having the “first-time” anxieties each and every time you try. Making it a habit will only build up the faith and confidence in God therefore creating an easier feeling to get the first word out!

There are so many more examples and things to be said here, but I want the mission of this word to be simple: Separate, Be Humble, and Pray Often!

It Is Not Just Another Day As Long As You Keep Trying

John.15:9 “As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.”

One of my favorite things about God is the way He is proven continually through every trial of my life. At the end of my every success, God’s glory shines through. When I am in the middle of something awful though it is hard for me to see the work that is being completed in my heart. As I am striving to keep walking the path for God I have personally came to realize some of the small moments where it all makes sense:

There were many times in the completion of my work in college that I certainly did not see the end for any classes I was going through. At the time I was working against myself simply because I did not believe in my own abilities. There was too much against me for me to handle this on my own. I find that in those times that I chose to put my inability in God’s hands that He became the strength in my weakness. God was the part of me that would encourage me to “keep trying” and to “not give up”. Even as I say this now I can feel such a wind of encouragement speaking to each one that is reading this. I not only made it through every class at that time but came out with high recommendations from those who taught me. It is wonderful now to realize when God’s glory shone in my victory that it entered when I surrendered to that which was attempting to lift and bring life to me.

Here is the bigger picture of it all: the difference between the encouragement of self and of God is that there is a supernatural change that brings you forward past all of your prior and future doubts. God helps you to not have an earthly vision that often projects failure but to have the sight for success. Success is not something that happens with ease; it takes a great work, motivation and belief! Today is not just another day! As long as you continue in the love of God that has been and will be shown in your heart you will be propelled into the success you never thought could be achieved!

What A Wonderful Savior

You know, I could use every single byte of space on this web site and would never be able to truly express from my heart the love that flows in my heart for God! We have such a wonderful saviour. I am so thankful for the cause of that cross; the one that gave us life and it more abundantly, joy unspeakable, peace beyond all understanding, life eternal, the list goes on and on! Most of the time you see a lot of emphasis spent here through worship and meditation, right?

Let us break out of the box just for a minute. As we all know that Jesus Christ paid the price for the sins that were before us, there was a (what I will call my R&R) redemption and revival! I was not only redeemed for the past or at-the-time present I could not repair (or even get through) but was also given by the power of the spirit of God the ability to be delivered from all temptations!

So today, I am in praise for our savior not just for what we know about in our present sight and perspectives but the things we never see. I praise God for the quick resolutions before a conflict, peace-making events that divert from harm, the healings unseen before sickness takes its terrible turn, the words that come through spontaneous sources that are the right now word, all of those things! God put so many more ways of showing us His love than we often recognize. I just want to be thankful (and grateful) this day for how my life has turned around from what used to be such a  life bound by darkness and misery! Praise the Lord for the ever-continual flowing gift of not only being able to be saved, but safe as well.

The Word Of The Hour Is: Press On My Friends, Press On

I send a word of encouragement and power to our everyday readers and new visitors today: Press on!

Press on when others are telling you just to “hang on”. It is easy to just grab your seat on the ride of life and just coast, but God wants you to propel into forward motion! Coasting eventually comes to a halt when you reach the hills, right? When it becomes tough around you is when God is looking for you to be propelled by His presence!

Press on when others would discourage you. One of the greatest blessings that I have personally experienced in my entire life was when I could not have felt more alone. In the poor state that I was in I had no vision of holding on, let alone pressing forward. I was just trying to “exist”. However, the sweetest move of the spirit of God came for me and let me know just how real the word that we read about the promise of the comforter is. Now? Whether I am discouraged, rejected, or even to the magnitude of persecuted I NEVER have to fall that low ever again. I can stand confident in the comfort in the spirit of God!

Press on in your obedience. If I could emphasize one act more than the rest, I would say that this emphasis needs to be on prayer. We simply are not praying enough (none of us). There might be a few of you out there that are on the Daniel plan (3 times a day), and I commend you for it! But I hope that we know that it is not so much in the number as much as it is what you pour out and dedicate during the times that you do. Remember this: 5 minutes of heartfelt humble surrender to God goes so much further than 2 hours of requests for “stuff”.

Most of all, press on for the mark. There is a place that God wants us to aim for. It is a place that in more depths of study reveals the perfect love of God within us. It shows the like-mindedness of Christ within our thoughts. It shows through our acts the charity that came out on its own that no one had to beg out of you. It’s a mark that once someone strives for that others begin to be drawn by. In other words, press on to put down our doubts and fears that lead us not to believe in the living spirit of God within us! Live and let live the word of God within you!

When Church Is Just Church, You Have Missed The Service

When the word of God makes reference to not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, I get lifted up in its meaning and mystery. From the surface it is very easy to assume that the literal performing of this word is to get yourself to a church (hey any church, right?) to be with other people that are coming too….and now that we are all here…what was it we were here to do (uh oh, I was so busy getting ready I forgot to spiritually prepare…)? The big question of it all is, what are we as a church to do and as an individual to make sure we are performing the word of God to the fullest?

In considering when one would assemble something, consider the altar that Elijah built. It was built in divine order, assembled together with purpose and not made with one piece to not serve for something. In its completion the altar that was built that day was consumed and prevailed against the man-made altars of the prophets of Baal. Please remember and consider that assembling with others what God has purposed for you is only unlocked when you first allow God to consume you in complete surrender (putting your altar in order).This surrender has to happen personally (within yourself i.e. the death of the natural or flesh) FIRST before anyone can be as ‘one’ together in the spiritual parts of church. In other words, when we sit in a room that has been named by a sign as church and not allow God to be in full control of all parts (the service, reaching for the needs, and individual obedience), it cannot prosper. Not only does it cease to prosper, but it creates the ‘obligation’ feeling within people. This obligation of the heart, or our flesh being proud that “I made it here, so bless me” has no humbleness, little love, and zero desire for unity with anyone else. And if it is not the obligation principle, then it is the “I’ll move when I feel it” principle, which is solely based on the benefit of having others that are attempting to stir up the presence of God and assist you in the breaking down of your own flesh. Through the death of Jesus Christ created the opportunity for each and every one of us to offer ourselves at any time. I believe that with all of my heart. Trust me, if I stayed in a “try to move or change me” spirit, then I would not only be discouraging people in obedience but definitely missing the needs of others!

Please do not let the traditions of religion or people that are knowledgeable in traditions run your life. Have a fulfilling spiritual life and put a cause in your heart led by God to edify those around you. Church is about coming together for others in need. Church is more than a building, more than how you think services should be ran. The meaning should be SO much more than that. If you are caught up on the time it ends, the number in attendance or the look of it I am fearful that you not are enjoying your spiritual walk to the fullest. Trust me, when you have that overflowing love of God pouring into your life, you will WANT to do something. It won’t be just another Sunday. You will WANT to offer something! It will be another chance to save a life that would otherwise be lost! The very first moment of when you know that you have found the meaning of assembling ‘together’ in church will be when you help someone and are blessed by seeing their life changed! I personally invite you to join this church, no matter where it is in the part of the world that you dwell. Find yourself a place where you will not only show up but come together in the name of Christ for the sake of others!

Uh Oh, The Excuse Cookie Jar Just Ran Out Of Cookies….What Now?

I like to visualize things to food as much as possible because…well I like food of course. It is easy for me to relate things to something I like or understand, as it is for anyone right? For now, I would like to visualize our ‘cookie jar’ and relate the contents of this jar to excuses….good ol’ excuses. You know what I am talking about right? We all probably have had a jar heaped full of cookies full of sweet excuses like “I am too tired”, “I am not good enough”, or even my personal favorite “they do not like me so I do not have to”. We’ll consume all of them (as we tend to do with good cookies) until we get so slothful and junked up on it that we are not active about anything and every excuse that we have consume becomes what we are.

I have read in the bible time and time again about the conversation that was being made about what defiled us. When you defile something you are saying that you are polluting or spoiling it. So when we put this all together it is pretty easy to realize: living in our excuses every day and consuming them as how we are expected to live will spoil and pollute the very life source that is supposed to be so much more than that. As we know, doctors, nutritionists, and even my wife tells me to consume things that promote life unto me! Put this with the word of God! The word of God is life unto you! And as I hear through God in service and prayer so often that bread of life when consumed is life and promotes life everlasting!

So the moral of the day is this: get out of the cookie jar, stop making excuses about your walk with God and get busy with all you have and all you know! It is your life and God is life unto you! Be a willing obedient vessel and see your life begin to flourish! Trust me, it WILL come!

Attention: Now Accepting Applications For Spiritual Leaders

I first would like to clarify in a very silly way that this is in no way directed towards Heart of Grace Ministries actually taking applications. I am writing this today for what I feel God is leading me to give some direction on about spiritual leadership.

When it comes to the everyday hometown spiritual leaders, most of them have put in many wonderful years of service. The examples of people that I have had the privilege to meet and know has blessed me and helped me beyond words I could explain today. The part that alarms me is that how we are starting to not match up or miss with the word of God. All through the times you read in the scriptures the anointing and wisdom of the older generations was written and passed down, purposed for the up and coming seed that was growing to be the new leaders after them. There were multiple cases of this you can study to, and how the ministries and works only multiplied!

Today I am striving with all that is within me to be a spiritual leader and to use what had been passed down to me. I cannot say that when I received all of the wisdom that I saw myself as ‘ready’, but God sure did! Even at a younger age God has already given me a work and a purpose. If I were to waiver or give up on this purpose, I would not only be hindering the work God had intended for me but the works that were passed down to me!

So as God leads you each and every day, learn to take in each and every good work and wisdom from your elders. Give respect and honor and understand their purpose to better help you find yours! God is surely looking for those of us in the current generation to begin to rise as the new and next leaders of God! How do we apply? Prayer and continual seeking before Him! Finding your calling is the easy part (just like your dream job), but sticking with it with dedicated passion and purpose will prove you as a leader to others and a follower of Christ!

Repenting To God: Outdated And Replaced? No Way!

If there was anything that I could ever be sure of that I know, it is to recognize God’s voice when it begins to speak into my life. There are going to be so many moments when it will speak words of encouragement when we are down. And as I am sure that when the time calls for it that we are all so thankful for the moments that God comes through. The moments that I want to talk about today though are the ones that seem to be the times that we sweep under the rug, never talk about, or stay in denial over. So go ahead and brace yourself for it, because here comes our old friend reality, which says: there are also other moments when God will direct us to repent or turn from what it is that is trying to pull us away from God.

I know this seems silly when you read me writing this, but consider the illustration of praise and worship. Praise and worship is assuming we are in a place of thankfulness and are able to get past everything in our heart and are light enough to be in a spirit of praise, right? In church services you can get millions to operate in praise and worship because we are sometimes praising God for things to come, right? The funny thing to me as a minister is when it comes to the art of repenting and being humble that you seldom find roughly 1-5 percent of your participants willing to do praise and worship AND be driven to repent.

What is up with that? It has been observed from my point of view that lately repenting to God has become somewhat unnecessary and outdated. Friends, asking God for the forgiveness of the mistakes you made is not only in style but necessary for the keeping of your mind and life each and every day! Please do not misplace this with the ideal that we can just replace asking forgiveness with just only being thankful. We must remember to have moments where we are humbled and acknowledge that we are human and that God is God! Stay in style and sanctify yourself through prayer today!