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Every Contribution Counts!

When we look around and consider how many things are going on in the world that we live in, one thing is obvious to me: there are needs to be met. People are sick, people are lost, people are hungry, people need direction, people are depressed, people are fading in the church, etc, etc, etc.

I couldn’t begin to tell you how that if I began to pray in the morning and kept on resolving every thought that came across my mind in prayer that I could never conquer it in a day, week, year, or a lifetime. And yet, in our everyday lives, we count ourselves so small to have no power to help to do anything anymore. Let me be one of the many in this day and time to remind you: Every part counts!

Every person that God created was special. Every person that God made has a given purpose, and something to offer for someone out there. Don’t feel like you come short simply because of the people you are around or the church you go to. If people push you in a corner and don’t make you feel like you can do anything great where you are, do something spectacular on your own. The efforts of one that is willing are sometimes far greater than the efforts of ten thousand that have an attitude.

Be obedient in the gifts and callings of God! Reach out and speak an encouraging word of love today! Don’t forget, and remind yourself of how wonderful that God has been to you, and simply return that selflessness in some way to others! You will not regret it!

Stay Focused

Today’s encouraging word is to remind you on staying focused on who you are in the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s easy for everyone to know who they are in general, but for us to continually remember and remind ourselves will bring encouragement where there might not be any.

I know I am a free, delivered, saved singer and minister of the word of God! I should not be afraid or ashamed, and should remind myself that there are many wonderful things that have came from it, and WILL come if I pursue it actively. God loves an active vessel!

Don’t let the little foxes spoil the vines!