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I Am So Glad This Walk Of Life Is Not By Sight – An Out Of The Box Wake Up Call

I am so thankful for another day to be writing to each and every one of you. I count it such a joy with every thought and keystroke that God blesses me with. There is just something rolling out of my heart today through the prayers and thinking upon God that I am reminded of and as of late recently revived: I am so glad this walk of life is not driven by sight! It is driven by the faith that lives inside of us! What do you mean, you ask? Oh do tell, do I hear? Oh, well as a matter a fact I was just about to give a good elaboration. šŸ™‚

As we are saved by the wonderful grace of God, we start out of the gate with the renewing of our minds. We have that brand new perspective! We are babes in Christ, found as precious as children in the sight of God! There is encouragement around every corner from everyone and it seems like that the skies could not be found any more blue and grass any likewise green (come on, I am light-heartedly chuckling a little). The most important thing looking back on that moment in time is that there was what I will call FRESH FAITH, which to me is to say that sort of “brand new Holy Ghost anointed unmovable” faith. It is the measure that we have always had, but finally are opened up to recognize. I am imagining I just heard someone say…”then what happens next?”. I will gladly tell you!

I know this is not going to be the case for every single person in the world. We must also acknowledge that every life is unique in the sight of God! With that said, every single life that starts that relationship with Jesus Christ begins a walk with God. As we continue in the life of a Christian, that ‘FRESH FAITH’ is as we say made stale by the ever-so-many influences that are about it. It could be a poor environment to grow and promote a person spiritually. It could be people that as we know should be promoting a strong Godly influence but tend to fail in the same area. Please do not misunderstand me here. I know we do not intentionally ever try to make anyone stumble. It is the case to plea however that when we are not a reflective witness of God and are not in full obedience of His spirit and love that we do fall short at times! The most important influences that can pull us around and around (I could say that part a million times) are all of the small tiny things that people think are OKAY. For each person it is different but is the very thing that keeps them either from humbleness, charity, or the ability to be low and without pride.

So when do we hear the alarm go off? I am so glad you asked!

It is in those moments where you know you should obey God but you do not. It is the second right before you hold your peace yet on the inside you hear yourself testifying. It is when you are singing that you know there is a deeper song that lives inside you. It is when you preach that you hear that strong word rising forth from you, yet the fear quenches it and leaves you preaching the same four to five messages in your arsenal. I know that whomever is taking the time to read this will find their place within these parts, for as we all know there is always something we could step out more in. We find these parts to grow through every day seeking and renewing!

I can honestly say that there is a renewing going on in my life. All I know is that in all of the small moments in life that I am starting to come into the realization of what God wants me to do. I am awakened and revived today from what God has been dealing with me about. I will not wait for the imaginary person to ask me this time. Here are four new revelations I am responding to in my life:


Continue to strive to be renewed DAILY. There is nothing more important than this.

Come boldly to the throne-room of grace and will not be hindered in my prayers. This is not to say that you come charging with a physical boldness, but with a faith that is unmovable and unwavering.

Be more humble in all things. ALL THINGS. There is no exception. There is grace that is given to the humble, and the meek shall inherit the earth.

Walk not by sight, but by the faith that lives inside me. I will no longer be ruled by what I see, hear or attempted to be influenced by.

Being Hungry For God

Exodus 33:12-23

[12] And Moses said unto the LORD, See, thou sayest unto me, Bring up this people: and thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with me. Yet thou hast said, I know thee by name, and thou hast also found grace in my sight.
[13] Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy sight, shew me now thy way, that I may know thee, that I may find grace in thy sight: and consider that this nation is thy people.
[14] And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.
[15] And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence.
[16] For wherein shall it be known here that I and thy people have found grace in thy sight? is it not in that thou goest with us? so shall we be separated, I and thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth.
[17] And the LORD said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that thou hast spoken: for thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name.
[18] And he said, I beseech thee, shew me thy glory.
[19] And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy.
[20] And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.
[21] And the LORD said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock:
[22] And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by:
[23] And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen.

As Moses had found grace in the sight of God, his words resounded with a hunger for more of God. This is something that I am personally longing for now more than ever, and am encouraging you to have it in your heart as well. Strive to have a hunger for the presence of God. Do not let God be just another thing or even close to comparison to anything else; for when we let our walk with God get in this state, truly it is hard to endure life without His strength. You see, Moses became and was hungry for God’s glory. Some have come to church just to come to know a feeling or to fill the void of the age old curiosity to know of a spiritual presence to exist. As we strive, let us ask God to be glorified in each and every part of our lives when it is possible. If you can get a word in edgewise to glorify God about a success, then I say itā€™s Gods! If can have a spiritual moment no matter where it is and draw others to Christ, I say lead on! Let people see and know what God is all about!

As you continue to read on, Moses was seeking a brand new vision. He wanted to be led only by God and none other. In fact, he did not want to go anywhere lest God was his guide. What an attitude to have for a spiritual leader and how that will greatly affect their vision in such a wonderful way! God will be with you! Even though sometimes the plan is so great that we cannot comprehend the fullness thereof, just remember that the cleft of the rock is such a safe place to be.

It’s Not About Looks, It’s About Heart

Some of the hardest struggles of a ministry is not acquiring the resources that you need to do what you need to, but actually doing it. There can be a vast abundance of things available to a person to perform what you need to be done. I have learned in recent months that without the willingness to step out and do it regardless you will find yourself in just as tough of a spot as you would be without the things you think you need.

You could have one, ten, or a hundred people supporting you and that is wonderful as long as you are following the will of God. I say that because there will be times when you follow the will of God that all the support grows silent. I have been there before and stood wondering “what’s going on” and “what did I do wrong”, leaving me at a crossroads. Luckily I came to a great realization through prayer and the word of God! What finally came to me (as led by God’s encouragement) is that it is not about the looks on their faces (their countenance) that we should base the progress or fruition of our ministry, but the condition of the heart that you aim for.

I am reminded today but have forgot so often that I have ministered to smiling faces but inside were broken. I have seen people that looked completely unhappy but needed a word of confirmation or direction from God. Sometimes it’s not easy to deliver to tougher things, ESPECIALLY things that involve the direct changing of our lifestyle! Trust me, it’s hard but when you obey God you will not be forsaken! There has not been a time in the silence that God has not fought the battle (of the condition of the hearts and souls) with me! It’s not yours to fight! If we are trying to fight for approval, we missed it already. It’s not about approval, but faith and belief. It’s about agreement in Him (God)!

So always remember, obedience is greater than sacrifice (both are needed)! You’ve got to sacrifice facing some persecution putting yourself out there to obey God, but people need you to do it! People need need a strong witness of God today. Are we that people? Let’s strive to be! Let’s strive to make a difference!

Do What You Do For God And Love Doing It!

Let me share something personal with you. When I am at home, I love to stand in front of my piano and play songs of worship. It brings a sense of peace and joy about me and begins to calm everything that is going on in my life. Doing this every now and again is so refreshing because it is something that God has anointed me to be able to do; it is a true God-given gift for me to not only do but to enjoy doing as well! I realized a long while back that it was not only for going out and using in the ministry, but for the personal trials in my own life. I cannot tell you how many times that it has helped me along the way to be able to sing songs like “Thank You Lord For Your Blessings On Me” and “Above All” to begin to allow God’s spirit to be with me in the very room I stand!

Now then, I want to express how much further that goes than just singing! We are called to do something spectacular. As God created each and every one of us He purposed us with something unique and for His glory. When we begin to not only use it for the strength of others but for our encouragement it begins to be something that we can really enjoy. I say this in humor but I have seen way too often people singing about the Lord giving strength not being able to believe the words they sing and it simply being words on the page. When it begins to pour out from your heart and come alive inside of you (from the part of you that God begins to move in) it can start making a difference out in this world!

Let’s learn to do what God has called us to do and to actually enjoy it! Don’t be ashamed or afraid, but simply do it in love and let people see the witness of God in your life! It can then truly be a blessing, whether it be out of key or not how you rehearsed it! It can reach out to those in need even if that part of the message wasn’t in your notes that you are teaching or preaching! Be a witness of God through the active demonstration of the joy of the Lord, for He is good and what He has placed in you is more than enough to conquer each and every battle you come to!

Singing And Speaking At Oneida Church Of God

What a great night! It is always worth making the trip to be over with Oneida COG! There is always great love and fellowship and most importantly the freedom to be able to be who God has called you to be! I cannot always say that it is everywhere you go that you get that vibe! I hope they continue to make that something that people are able to grab a hold of and enjoy. That’s what I was thinking about as people were coming up and speaking with me and the family: how wonderful to reach out to those even if you think they already “should know” that they are loved. Sometimes the continual pursuit for encouragement of those around you is the very thing that keeps the foundation of a church super-strong!

We preached a message about prayer and where it stands in our lives. We hope to get it on the site in the near future, so be sure to check that one out! There were people that came to the altar for prayer but in my heart I always know there is more that are in true need of a touch from God. Please, please, please do not ever forsake the value of your altar service! We lingered for quite a while and it was more than enough of an ample opportunity for people to consider coming up for help. Sometimes we miss that because we don’t want to keep people too late, etc. My advice is…don’t worry about it! If people are still there, they want to be, and if they need to go for a reason and circumstance then simply be understanding to it! Then, when you have done all that you can do you don’t walk away from a service wondering if you reached out all that you could, for it is better to reach out with all your might than to not reach out at all!

The church blessed us greatly, and we hope to see them again sometime soon!

Daily Readings From Becoming A Better You

Although this was only a 90 day devotional from a larger book, it was still definitely worth the read! I’ve listened to the audiobook of this book as well and it is very encouraging to hear the personal touches that are added throughout the entire book. It’s one thing to just hear encouraging words, but it’s another thing to know that it’s a real person reaching out to you in encouragement!

The book is laid out very well with scripture readings at the beginning, with 5-6 paragraphs tied to a central point (and subpoints along the way). All end with a “today’s prayer” and “today’s thought to becoming a better you”. Regardless of the form of media that you use of a ministry tool, one thing has to be the most important: how you use it is how effective it is in your life. In reading these everyday, it was very useful and effective and helped me each day. On a more personal note, I would read these in the morning and it would help me to frame my mind around something other than what I was dreading ahead of me later in the day! Make any tool that you use that God has provided for you useful by using it to help you ward off every problem in your life!

And always remember when you are done with one, pass it on or recommend! That helps the ones who work so hard to write them!

Check out: Daily Readings From Becoming A Better You – ISBN 978-1-4165-7307-4

Click image for full size.

Keep Your Head Up

Today I am very thankful to the Lord above for everything that he is performing in my life. I am thankful for the great works in the lives of those that I see around me. At times the enemy would want all of us to feel discouraged and without a use or a place in this world.

I speak a word of encouragement to everyone to remind you that no matter how much rejection and persecution you face, that the rewards will far outweigh the costs of a few hindrances! Keep your head up and do not faint from the pressure!

Learn to simply endure where you are and God will eventually allow you to move from circumstances that are not promoting the best of a situation that promotes God’s will! Greener pastures will be ahead, joy will be ahead, and a more fruitful life is coming!

We speak it in faith to you in the name of Jesus Christ! Be blessed this day!

Sometimes It Hurts, Sometimes It Helps


John 15:20 – Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they haveĀ persecutedĀ me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.


When it comes to encouraging others the reaction you receive will always vary. You can sometimes give someone just what they need, while in other moments the other person may appear agitated. It could even be a right now word that you speak that touches their life and yet they still reject you. An important part to remember in ministry work is that even the best encouragement cannot alter a stubborn spirit. All that we can do in any situation is offer God through love and obedience so that the people you witness to can begin to know the source of help and encouragement through the wisdom and spirit of God you share!

There will be other times, however, when the words will begin to fail you. When a person is in a circumstance long enough, they will begin to look back at you and simply say they have ā€œheard this all beforeā€ or that you just ā€œdo not understandā€. Remember that pursuing harder is not always the best option. You must learn to follow the leadership of how Godā€™s spirit would have you to counsel others. There were times when Christ offered to people words of encouragement and faith. For example, Jesus spoke to the woman at the well to draw from the fountain of living water, extending choice to a new way of life. When the man was at the pool at Bethesda, Jesus spoke for him to take up his bed and walk, encouraging him to take the action in faith! Just remember as a witness of God to always follow the Holy Spirit when you go out to help people and you will never be led astray by your own actions, words or opinions!


Godā€™s spirit always has the most perfect timing when it comes to when actions and obedience need to be interjected into a situation. Think about moments when worship and preaching have really changed your life. Was it not when you were really going through something and needed help? Find those moments with people as you pray for God to show you and learn when to bring out the best of your love and compassion for others.

Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired


Psalms 103:8 – The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.

Proverbs 19:11 – The discretion of a man deferreth his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression.


There are so many things that come up every day that make it hard sometimes to emotionally hold it together. I know what it feels like to be on the mountain in my life and still feel unsatisfied. I also know what it feels like to be in the valley and feel forgotten. No matter the current status of happiness that we possess, there is something to help us find the calm in the midst of unexpected storms. What I have found to be true is God and God alone. For most of us our daily routines to make ends meet leave us so numb that we get in a ā€˜sick and tiredā€™ state. If our focus is to be on the ministry of God then it is my every belief that God will take care of the other issues in my life. What we place so high of an emotional value on should not be more than what God means to us. If we invest fully into God and surrender all, then everything else will be added (and we will not be as sick and tired of things as often!).

Do not let the game of life win and defeat the best part of you. Remember to suffer not in the things that are trying to come against you! Use the tools you have that God has provided for you to have and use for a successful outcome!


Walk over to your medicine cabinet and open the door. When you see (for example) a bottle of medicine that treats headaches you have a confidence in your mind that as you take the medicine that you will find relief from the problem. Godā€™s peace can move in through your worship and prayers to provide relief from anything.

Search within your mind the good times that God has blessed you. Like a medicine, God provided relief and help for you in that time of crisis. And if God did it for you then, God can certainly do it again! All God needs is that trust in the wonderful anointing and his word to bring out the best treatment you could ever find for when you are sick of life!

Stay Focused

Today’s encouraging word is to remind you on staying focused on who you are in the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s easy for everyone to know who they are in general, but for us to continually remember and remind ourselves will bring encouragement where there might not be any.

I know I am a free, delivered, saved singer and minister of the word of God! I should not be afraid or ashamed, and should remind myself that there are many wonderful things that have came from it, and WILL come if I pursue it actively. God loves an active vessel!

Don’t let the little foxes spoil the vines!