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So Where Did You Say The End Was At?!?


Have you ever began something and started to wonder if there was ever an end to what you are going through? I am not sure where you may be, whether that be at the start and finish, but I can certainly understand what it feels like to get lost somewhere in between. Ever had one of those good ol’ “one thing right after another” days? There used to be some times in my life where I would honestly feel like, “Okay, well you know (talking to God in my mind), I guess this is it for me. I cannot keep this up anymore.” So I write this in complete empathy for those of you that are going through some real tough stuff. And unlike some people that tell you in ignorance to just laugh/blow off tough stuff I learned through tribulation that hard trials do not leave simply because you try to dismiss them of your own strength. It takes a divine power to overcome and be strengthened enough to rejoice in the fiery trials. Do not get me wrong about chuckling over stuff to find a smile; for laughter does great things like a medicine but remember that medicine is only part of a possible treatment and may not work depending on a situation or the sickness of their spirit. The will to live and the substance to which drives a person to keep fighting is what gets us from tangled heartstrings to the comfort of the Holy Spirit. The one lesson I have learned after going through things in my personal life: there will be a given end to any beginning. Sometimes the outcome did not turn in my favor but this did not leave the trial looping over and over again. There was a lesson learned at the trials conclusion. There were emotions that had been affected as a result of the consequences. Life as I know it changed with the outcomes of what had happened.

So where did you say the end was at?!?

There came a day when I realized that I had to stop fighting to reach then end and to actually fight to win the battle. An example? Depression has no end if you try to just wait it out. The only way you find the end to being sad is when you begin to fight the feeling. Addictive behavior only knows how to continue. You can only find the end of addiction when you begin to fight the battle to be free! I encourage all of you today with a very serious and sincere word from the bottom of my heart: fight to win the battle and not to just get through something! The best part about what I am telling you is that when we come into complete surrender of our heart and troubles we are reassured that all the while God is fighting our every battle!

What Moves You? God Does, Right?

When you begin to read of certain events in the bible, the sad ones to me start to reveal the defeat or downfall of people. There is always a direct correlation in the lack of either the belief in or stirring up of God within. Even as I personally go through things from week to week, it is very easy to lose sight of what we are striving for. With our best of intentions we are always aiming to do our best to help others by default.

As life continues to come with new surprises, many of these things will try and delimit the amount of time and level of passion that we hold in our hearts for God, thus eventually bringing our talents and gifts to help to a grinding halt. Staying in a halt state after a while will lead to a point where we try to assume full control and things become unglued and beyond our ability.

What I would like to address is that part of us that gets “moved”. Typically we are emotionally driven with most of what we do. A very big problem with that is too often our emotions get skewed by one event which adjusts us for the rest of everything else. I know (even to me at times) it seems impossible to keep our emotions in check, but it is vitally necessary to not let your emotional self overdrive or overpower the spiritual self. Life will not always be driven by feelings; for life has little guarantees or the types of emotional victories you can achieve. Being spiritually grounded always guarantees and presents the qualities of the spirit of God, which at baseline produces peace, love and joy. As you grow with the basics, you are able to add unto your faith many more virtues that can build your character and help you to reach out to others on a more continual constant level.

Be spiritually moved and driven for your motives, goals and intentions. Let go of yourself and let God be your guide and lead you to the impossibles you never thought you could do on your own!

Getting Past All The Humps, Bumps, Hurts And Stumps

Today I would like to address the one thing that seems like everyone has happen to them but will never talk about in a positive way: being hurt by someone else.

When I am in the altar working through the altar service, one of the few things that I actually hear there is that “I am hurting” or “someone hurt me and I need help”. Used to I would like to fancy my mind in being persuaded that people just did these sorts of things in private to work past them. Now? I realize exactly where the dumping grounds are: pretty much anyone other than God.

If someone has bothered us, offended us, or even hurt us and we do not take it to God (as God has sent word for us to do), we’ll naturally do something with the hurt. In the temporary short run we’ll verbalize the hurt to others to get a little bit of instant gratification (when it doesn’t help at all), all the while increasing the amount of hurt that someone has done upon others as well. As we keep holding on to bad feelings in the long run emotions eventually turn to actions, leading us to say or do things we would have never done had we got past it in the beginning.

Please let these words jump out and get into your heart. It’s very common to be easily offended because there is many offensive things in the world. You don’t have to stay that way though! Learn to put the practice of forgiveness into your life and find compassion for those that (when you see past the mistakes) truly need God.

The more love of God you have in your heart, the more Christ-like you can be, as it allows you to forgive anything as you pray for release from the bondage of hurt and love for the mercy of others! Always remember, one of the most powerful parts about being a witness isn’t how you start, it’s how you finish.

The Power Of Self And Self-Sufficiency

When it comes right down to it at the end of the day, the ultimate controller of how much that you allow yourself to step out and enjoy life is YOU. No one can walk up and steal your joy outright; it is something that is cultivated and maintained by what you produce and nurture. Your peace isn’t something you just lose all of a sudden; it is something that you can continually keep if you choose to work towards staying on top of the perspective faithfully. Emotions are something as we all know are often attempted to be altered by others, but in the end you possess the final say.

With that said, I want to remind you of the power that you have to stay in the presence of God. I remind myself each and every day of all of the blessings, big and small, that God has performed before me and that will happen ahead of me. When we learn to practice being faithful to God and being continual in our worship and praises to Him, we cannot help but feel the love of God in our lives. The love of God serves so many purposes but ultimately to cast out fear. Fear drives so many other emotions highly and often prompts actions to discourage us or even no action at all in some cases. The presence of God has such a powerful impact in our lives that without it we do not have the ability to stay self-sufficient on our own.

As the advocate was made with God through Jesus Christ, we have the ability each day to get up and brush off the dust that is trying to damper every part of our lives that we should be thriving in. If you have a ministry and are not enjoying it, be more self-sufficient in seeking God and getting a love and passion to go forward. If you need more love for others, seek God in a greater way so that compassion pours out of you to bless your enemies and to help the broken. Remember that through Christ that you can do all things and that no weapon formed against you shall prosper!

Find A Good Place Inside And Out

When it comes to having a fruitful life in God, one of the key pieces is the environment that you are surrounded in. We have wrote about this a lot lately and spoke on this topic it at multiple churches. It’s something we need to do, and do each and every day. I want to expand out on that a little bit to talk about the surroundings of you and your life.

I’ll just be honest with you today. If you are not in a spiritually fruitful church, you will definitely find it harder to grow in your personal life than it should have to be. Having a church with a good spiritual foundation and a willingness to work and reach out will produce a multitude of blessings and impacts upon people’s lives. However, more often than not, we are speaking with people that are in environments that are not providing that fresh spiritual revival that should be happening each and every time the doors open.

I’m not one to recommend that people go “church hopping” to be satisfied, so please let me make this clear. If you find yourself in a church where you are not able to grow due to the environment surrounding you, pray first for another place to go! Don’t just start visiting every church that you know; for sometimes our irrational actions will send the wrong messages to people. Ask yourself first in an honest way if you are doing everything you can to promote growth for yourself and for your church. If we can answer that with certainty and hindrances still prove to be in front of you, seek God for somewhere that you can grow (not somewhere you can go). Find an environment where the love of God is fluent and that you are able to be who God has called you to be.

Don’t let tradition and religion destroy your gifts and callings. Continue to strive to do the best that you can, and seek God in a way that when you feel the call to go and be a help to a new church that you are not going based on your emotions but upon the leadership of the spirit. And when the time is right, God will move for you. It won’t be a forced thing, but something that you know that God has performed. If God opens the door for another place for you to grow, God certainly wouldn’t make it a hard situation from where you are going from.

My whole point is this: Seek God first before we act out of ourselves! Find a place where you can grow and not just exist!

Sometimes It’s Okay To Break Down

We as people in general love to fancy ourselves as being strong enough to handle anything and everything that life decides to throw at us. And on a very personal level, I use to think as such as well. I tried to be the tough guy; always dealing with things and trying to never shed a single tear (or displaying any kind of emotion in any way). It never failed that in the end that there would always end up being some sort of emotional break up or down at the end of the day when I would be to myself. To make a long story short, it was never meant for us to live in a world where we suppress the emotions that we cannot deal with or understand.

God has provided a way so that we are able to cast all the cares (those things we are emotionally invested in) and weights (those things that bear weight as burdens) off of us! When life becomes to be too heavy, we have to learn to remember to pray and seek God for the comfort, peace, and strength that we will need in the days ahead of us. Trying to deal with these things on our own will never work, simply because we have no where for it to go. When we pray, it is not only a good outlet, but a spiritual one! You not only cast off what is of a burden to you, but God begins to replace it with the very thing that you need! He is the strength for your weakness.

So what are we trying to say today? It’s okay to admit you need help, or are hurting, or are burdened. It’s okay to reach out to God. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to call out for those that believe God for help too! Reach out to God and begin to live a more joyous and peaceful life! You will not regret it!

Do You Feel It?


Isaiah 40:31 – But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.


Feelings come in many different forms. For example, if you: have been burned by something hot, have been stung or bit by an insect, or have held on to a piece of ice or swam in cold water, etc. It is easy to interpret feelings on a physical level, for they are sensations that we can feel with our body’s senses. There are also things that we can relate to on an emotional level. For example: if someone insults you, if you lose someone that is close to you, or when you are in confusion or conflict over the unknown. These sorts of emotions can be recognized by many because it is something we encounter not only within our senses but through our feelings.

What I want to you to think about today are your daily experiences with the spirit of God. As we start having great times with God we begin to use experiences that God has let us walk through to have a more intimate relationship with Him. As a few examples: faith and testimony praise, worship during altar service, prayer and meditation, reading and studying the bible, the list goes on and on. There are many avenues that God has provided for us so that we can not only believe that He is with us but to know it in our hearts. The spirit of God works through the love in our hearts to help usher those around us that do not know Christ to salvation. When we know God and establish a secure relationship we then see life in a new pair of eyes and see that there is so much more out there to live and enjoy! There is a closeness that God wants us all to have that will keep us through each and every problem we face! Do you feel it today? If you need the comfort of the spirit, seek for it, for it is there to help you today!


My most urgent prayer for you is that you begin to seek God for a stronger anointing in your life. Surrender your heart and yield to the presence of the Holy Ghost. And as you do, listen to how God will teach you to become a more loving person and an ambassador for the message of Jesus Christ! Live through your problems and let love change your life!

What’s The First Thing You Do?


Luke 6:31 – And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.


Think about when you first wake up. You roll out of bed, hurry to get into the shower and start getting ready. You put your phone and wallet in your pockets/purses, grabbing your keys and hurry out the door …..wait! Plenty of times I am sure we have went throughout our entire day and wondered why things seemed to be harder than they had to be. Many times I often wondered why I have felt like I was not prepared like I could have been. By the time we realize what we should have done differently in a situation it is usually too late to change what has been done. All the suffering to our minds and others hearts could have been averted had we prepared with the game changer that God has given us to use for every trial: prayer! Prayer can help us be prepared for things that we can and cannot see. Through praying we also are able to keep a clear focus of our love and patience towards others. I say this giving caution: always take time for prayer. While worship brings you inside the gates of God’s presence know that prayer is the way into the inner courts of the anointing. Believe me, I speak from experience when I say this, it is definitely worth it! I could not tell you how much more fruitful life is including God in my life in the morning and not waiting until later. I need Him then too!


Remember in the moment (rather than later) to include God in your prayers preparing you for the day ahead. A prayer of preparation is easier to pray than to have to ask God to forgive us for anything we could have avoided if we were properly being prepared! Remember to pray each day! And if you barely get out the door in time, make more time (get to bed earlier)! Let us honor God by giving him some of our valuable time! As you make your daily prayer life habit this same habit begins to produces replicated behavior. And as your behavior changes from your prayer life it becomes a part of your character. The person that you are is defined by what is within you. Let prayer be a part of you and allow it to be first in every situation and present difficulty that may come upon you. It is no wonder that Jesus handled walking through the trials of life as a human so well. He prayed!

Feeling Frustrated? Find The Peace Of God!


Philippians 4:7 – And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.


It is an unfortunate truth to accept but we all have learned through experience that it is impossible to avoid all the situations that will bring out the worst in us. Sometimes we will want to get upset because of the circumstance when trying to understand why it happened. Other times we get upset with ourselves because we could have made a better decision and yet chose differently. I think about when Jesus was out on the boat with the disciples. They all began to panic greatly and fear was present. I can imagine hearing “I cannot believe we came out here in this weather” or “we came out all this way for this?!?” There will be countless times where it will be hard to find clarity about the why or what of an event. We become frustrated, angry with life, and needing answers from our state of panic.

And as we read on the disciples went to rouse Jesus out of His slumber but only to hear Him speak to the storm, “Peace, be still” That stirs my heart and soul to not only recognize the power of the peace of God, but the awesome power of God. To be able to speak to the tempests of our lives and have dominion over it all is so amazing. It is wonderful to know that through our faith as we believe we can overcome the raging seas by speaking peace over our circumstances! Find the peace of God in your life today!


To fully understand the peace of God you must allow it to be fulfilled in your life. This is done best in prayer. For practice I encourage you to take the issue that you are dealing with and enter into surrender by starting out your prayer with the following:

“God, you see this situation in my life. I accept that I may not understand the plan behind that which I am suffering. I put my trust in your will for my life and pray that peace will help me to get through everything that attempts to rise within my human nature. Help me to forgive those who have harmed me and to release bitterness that has come from my confusion. I will obey your holy word and make my best efforts to be a loving example.”

Is It Really Worth It?


Ephesians 4:26 – Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath

Proverbs 18:19 – A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.


We as Christians are the light of the world for Jesus Christ. We are the example and outreach that people come into contact with each and every day. Without the witness and light of God in our lives, people cannot be drawn. Knowing this duty and responsibility we all share, I ask this question: Is it really worth it when we overreact and destroy our witness?

More often than not, we let our emotions and pride steer the outcome in the direction we so choose. Is it really worth it to be irrational over silly things? There are many arguments and battles that we are not in control over that are going to come up, and whether you choose to handle it correctly or not, the decision is going to be before you. Is the love of Christ being shown in what we say and do? If it is then we will not say things that we do not mean that hurt others (even when we are justified). Is it really worth that extra pat on the back? You see it in the workplace every day, while the consensus that justifies the behavior is that it is “just business”. Even though we may gain a little bit of popularity by using or taking advantage of others, I honestly do not feel that it is okay for the children of God to be on anyone’s business but God’s. We must learn to demonstrate love by being team players and not doing anything unethical or with reason to gain an advantage. If you are serving God with all of your heart, God will teach you! You can ask of him your desires and not have to pick and prod the business life!


The next time you find yourself in a situation where you behave negatively out of your emotions take a moment and examine the choices made. Ask yourself if what you got out of your actions was really worth the expense that was invoked when the other person was hurt. You will be surprised to what you find if you approach with an honest mind and heart. And as you pray the Holy Ghost will help you learn what to do next time.