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Some Days I Feel Like Hiding Like Jesus Did (John 8:59)

There are some days when I feel like hiding away from persecution as Jesus literally hid and stole away from the confused and angry around Him. More often then not, especially in times of lowliness, I wish I could hide completely. The reality behind why I choose not to is that I will miss the glory of God moments and blessings that is purposed for me to have (that in turn give me strength to go on). When you read this part in the eighth chapter of John it is a direct confrontation between Jesus and the Jews. Throughout this passage you can read as the tension begins to build over their unbelief as they listened to Christs words of believing in the son of God.

John 8:59 “Therefore they picked up stones to throw at Him, but Jesus hid Himself and went out of the temple.”

Reading this passage should bring out one very strong point: Jesus’s appointed time had not come yet.

If it were meant for Christ to have fulfilled His divine purpose than all of the prophetic word before Him would have been fulfilled. Yet there were still things to come to pass that gave beyond any doubt the reason to know He came to fulfill the word spoken before His existence. There was a moment that had to be greater than this to even come close to how many of our transgressions were to be forgiven by His ultimate sacrifice. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that the small moments we suffer are not for us to dwell in for always; for through these opportunities to overcome we gain faith over a few things so we can begin to have dominion over the real challenges in life. If you can manage to keep your true hurts and problems in the hands of God you will be able to overcome!

Don’t Be Afraid Of Stepping Out On Faith

I literally had a conversation today with Rebekah about sometimes looking back on our obedience and sometimes feeling silly in the moment while it’s going on. Now I know that we are not the only two people out there in the world working in a ministry that have reservations when it comes to stepping out of the comfort zone of doing something that seems out of the ordinary! When I consider the word of God on this topic, it talks about using the foolish things to confound the wise. In trying to piece some meaning to it all, I realize that a person might be stepping out more and more in the ministry and looking silly to some (and even crazy and out of line to others), but the part that matters is that we are making a difference and reaching out and touching lives with the work and ministry of God that we have inside!

With that said, I encourage you to get more comfortable about being uncomfortable. Be able to reach out to those (friend and stranger) and don’t let your obedience waiver in either case. Let your heart and soul pour out into your ministry and let God shine and be glorified! In doing so, people will walk away having an experience that will either draw them to God or will have them thinking about God! For when God is magnified in our lives through service, it is definitely the subject matter and not what you were doing to amplify God! And always remember when you run into situations where you have some who criticize what you do, don’t run from confrontation. It doesn’t matter where you attend to go to a service; there are always going to be people that will be afraid of stepping out of their comfort zone. You have to be an example by leading them into it! Simply encourage them to obey God and to help reach out. The more, the merrier!

Don’t be afraid of stepping out on faith! That’s how you build your ministry, your church, your family, and your life!


The “Do Unto Others” Principle


Luke 6:27-31  – But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also. Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again. And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.


I could find a million reasons to be justified to take action upon others simply because they did wrong to me. The society that we live in teaches people that when they are attacked that their assailants should get what they deserve. As we read in the word of God we are instructed contrary to this worldly notion and are to do unto others as we would have them do unto us. If we take this text at face value we would know that we could do anything to people and would feel okay, right? Wrong! Let us take that scripture into a deeper meaning: Say that there are situations where I can control my anger and reactions in turn by doing something charitable. As instructed by God’s word I need to (actually) do unto them what I would want them to do unto me. Through this teaching we must learn to turn the other cheek and show love so people will observe the Godly witness that comes from your act of kindness. I also know that this is a tough subject to swallow. It always seems that there are people that will never change their attitudes and behave differently but just continue to try and cause issues. However, we have to set our standards to the word of God and live by it! We, with the mind of Christ and the love of God, have to begin to perform the unlikely acts of kindness in the midst of a hopeless world. Others must be led by your example!


When a moment arises in affliction or confrontation, let yourself do for the other people that which you would have them do to you. Do it! Be amazed at the blessings that will follow your kind deed! This act of charity alone is what mostly defines people that are called for quality leadership in our churches, business and communities alike.