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When Church Is Just Church, You Have Missed The Service

When the word of God makes reference to not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, I get lifted up in its meaning and mystery. From the surface it is very easy to assume that the literal performing of this word is to get yourself to a church (hey any church, right?) to be with other people that are coming too….and now that we are all here…what was it we were here to do (uh oh, I was so busy getting ready I forgot to spiritually prepare…)? The big question of it all is, what are we as a church to do and as an individual to make sure we are performing the word of God to the fullest?

In considering when one would assemble something, consider the altar that Elijah built. It was built in divine order, assembled together with purpose and not made with one piece to not serve for something. In its completion the altar that was built that day was consumed and prevailed against the man-made altars of the prophets of Baal. Please remember and consider that assembling with others what God has purposed for you is only unlocked when you first allow God to consume you in complete surrender (putting your altar in order).This surrender has to happen personally (within yourself i.e. the death of the natural or flesh) FIRST before anyone can be as ‘one’ together in the spiritual parts of church. In other words, when we sit in a room that has been named by a sign as church and not allow God to be in full control of all parts (the service, reaching for the needs, and individual obedience), it cannot prosper. Not only does it cease to prosper, but it creates the ‘obligation’ feeling within people. This obligation of the heart, or our flesh being proud that “I made it here, so bless me” has no humbleness, little love, and zero desire for unity with anyone else. And if it is not the obligation principle, then it is the “I’ll move when I feel it” principle, which is solely based on the benefit of having others that are attempting to stir up the presence of God and assist you in the breaking down of your own flesh. Through the death of Jesus Christ created the opportunity for each and every one of us to offer ourselves at any time. I believe that with all of my heart. Trust me, if I stayed in a “try to move or change me” spirit, then I would not only be discouraging people in obedience but definitely missing the needs of others!

Please do not let the traditions of religion or people that are knowledgeable in traditions run your life. Have a fulfilling spiritual life and put a cause in your heart led by God to edify those around you. Church is about coming together for others in need. Church is more than a building, more than how you think services should be ran. The meaning should be SO much more than that. If you are caught up on the time it ends, the number in attendance or the look of it I am fearful that you not are enjoying your spiritual walk to the fullest. Trust me, when you have that overflowing love of God pouring into your life, you will WANT to do something. It won’t be just another Sunday. You will WANT to offer something! It will be another chance to save a life that would otherwise be lost! The very first moment of when you know that you have found the meaning of assembling ‘together’ in church will be when you help someone and are blessed by seeing their life changed! I personally invite you to join this church, no matter where it is in the part of the world that you dwell. Find yourself a place where you will not only show up but come together in the name of Christ for the sake of others!

Hold Fast To Which Is True

James 5:11 – Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.

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There is a couple phrases related to money and popularity that I would like to discuss:

“Money will always buy happiness” – I have went over and over this, and have often wondered how life would be with the abundance of wealth beyond my imagination. In my conclusions, I have found that money will only purchase a lease on temporary emotions; it will invoke a certain feeling that is enjoyed for a short time but quickly subsides. Placing my life and priorities on the amount of money that I can obtain will only let me down. You can read of so many individuals that made it their purpose and pursuit and still were unhappy! In the long run it does not prove to be satisfactory. The word of God talks about the love of money being in reference to “the root of all evil”. That sounds so negative, but that is exactly what it is when it comes to pulling us away from God.

“Popularity will bring joy to you” – When you see actors, artists, and musicians that go through the rags to riches story, there is always one outcome in the end: the fame finally fades away. Eventually, people are left to what they have aside from the fame and fortune. And for some, this may not be very much. Some people will use anyone and anything to make it to the top, right? By the time you make it there you have lost everyone that you started with to share your hopes and dreams with. This is a very common trend when you see those who are called famous and have ended their lives from having serious depression. The trail they left behind spoke volumes of having such an empty void. As they say, it can truly make or break people in an instant, and is powerful when considering God in the grand scheme of things. When God is not glorified in our lives, and we lay claim to all the good in our life without a “testimony”, it has never failed that in some way there is something through circumstances that lets me know that God gives and takes away. If my whole life’s happiness is basing it on your satisfaction, I could never succeed. The direction is then progressing backwards. We are to always glorify God and to let him be magnified through us by being obedient and doing his will!

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Put Into Practice:

I just want to remind everyone to hold fast to the true things of God. He is the I Am in your life, and if you allow Him to work in you through complete surrender, you will see things begin to marvel before you! My request is that you remember to let God shine through and have the honor where honor is due. If a good thing happened in your life, give God the glory no matter the venue. If God has blessed you financially, give God His portion and be a good steward and not get caught up in the riches of life. Make a difference in how you live and what you do!