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Looking Back Over The Year 2013

What a year it has been for Heart of Grace Ministries this year. We have all went through so many new experiences, with some of them good and a few of them difficult. Through all of the trials and temptations we have found God with us in it all. We are truly blessed and could never honor God enough for the things we have gotten to share together!

We have lost some very dear people this year. Some of them were pillars of the churches we have attended and visited over the years. For the dozens of families that shared the honor of allowing us to honor their loved ones in song: we thank you for the opportunity to obey God and be of help to you. We pray as you enter a new year that you will find the comfort of God’s spirit through the difficult times. I hope that you will (through the grieving process) begin to find life with joy once again. We offer an extended acknowledgement to the families of Effie Miller, Albert White, and Laura Sharp. Your loved ones have had an impact to all of us and it was a privilege to have known them. The impact that all of these lives have had upon us will never forgotten.

We have also went through a lot as a family. From near-death accidents to critical surgeries we have experienced the emotional roller coasters and unexpected situations that life will be guaranteed to deliver. Through the grace of God and His blessings those around us came through their experiences and now have a greater testimony as a result. I can definitely say that these things have brought us closer together and has helped us to realize in a greater way what is most important: having a relationship Jesus Christ. Without Jesus with us we would have surely found many times to be without hope and nothing to help our troubled hearts.

Through all of the circumstances we have walked through we have still pushed to obey God in our ministry. The nursing home ministry has never been better and we love the privilege to be with our special friends every month. They love Rebekah’s children and light up at the sight of new life that comes to visit. It is wonderful to hear them sing songs and teach us a thing or two about being a good soldier. The radio broadcast is going strong and is reaching more than ever. We appreciate all who spread the word about our broadcast and encourage you to continue and do so. It is another avenue that may reach those who will not go inside of a church. The cd and internet ministry is growing faster than we can meet the demand. Thank you for passing on your discs to others and sharing posts through texts/social media. We are so thankful to be a part of spreading the word of God no matter where it may be played. Every time we hear a testimony of how it has helped you it gives us strength and motivation to keep on doing the work of sending out what God speaks in our ministry to the hedges and highways. Our book ministry has finally broken ground and is beginning to grow. Continue to pray that we will follow through with the vision God gave us in this calling!

In closing I want to personally thank every single church that has welcomed us to obey God in their sanctuary. We realize that your church is your home and we love the chance to share the pleasure of worshipping God and fellowshipping with all of you. We hope to continue and receive the invitations to return! A special thanks to all the singers and musicians we have sung and played with over this year. It was always fun to jump in and jam together! I want to also thank my home church (13th Street Church of God) for the chance to operate in the gift of delivering the word of God and the love and support that comes with it. Even as God begins to shift our ministry to a new home base in the future I pray that God will move us all forward in our callings and that we will continue to have a great fellowship through the legacies that we are paving for the upcoming generations to come.

We hope to be at your church in the upcoming year and to hear about the wonderful things that God is working for your good. We wish you a blessed New Year and a favored season in your life.

~ Jared M.

I Feel Like A Stranger Sometimes

As of late I have continued to reiterate an important lesson about entering into fellowship with other Christians in church, and that is: the way you worship God and obey him in your callings will leave you feeling like a stranger in a foreign land (and that’s okay!).

Our ministry has called us to go into a variety of venues, denominations and people. The varieties and traditions of worship that churches and other facilities have range in a great spectrum that starts from being completely reserved with inward expression to outward showings that are very vocal and visual. In short, we have just about seen every possible worship that you can around people that love God. And no matter the venue or place it is truly evident (and discernible)  that when you are within a place or people that truly love God you can feel it. I am going to share something that is rarely shared or talked about openly. You see, there can be moments arise throughout your walk with God where you will find yourself in a conflict of disagreement when either hearing of or observing a style of worship that may vary from yours. This happens so much, especially in the current passive generation, that praise and worship has now been reduced to only being valid in certain windows of opportunity and seldom accepted if beyond the depths of a person’s comfort level. People that are not very adopting of others actions in church typically exert the behavior of talking about what they see in a negative context, putting down and not attending churches where they do not agree, and of course never operating in that type of expression. Trust me, as a minister I have more complaints about what people did not like versus what they actually enjoyed. The results may surprise you more than you know!

Here is one nugget from the word that I must share: While I live will I praise the Lord: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being. (Psalm 146:2). A comparison often unused in the bible is that David, being a strong man of war, was humbled not only by the love in his heart but by his open expression of worship to those around him. There are some of you “tough guys” out there that would be interested to know that this same David danced in the streets in public with the cause of magnifying God!

For me personally I love to express my love for God in a very radical way. I also want to note that this was not always the case either! In fact, I was very backward and sort of an introvert when it came to any expression of my love for God. You may have caught me to be barely willing enough to admit that I even go to church somewhere. You may have also caught me being in question of other people. The sad part of all of this is not that there are people that are missing out on worship, but that there is so much objection to the joy of worship. When did the day ever come where people stopped enjoying their ability to be thankful?

All that I know today is that I will continue in what I enjoy. I will not hold anything against anyone about their worship, whether it be quiet or radical or not at all. I will continue in serving God and fulfilling my every happiness in the joy of serving him. As it was written in the bible, I will let the praises be continually in my lips. But most importantly, I will always continue to outwardly (and radically) express to the God I serve how thankful I am for all the amazing things that have been done for me. It may make me feel like a stranger in a foreign land, but I am still God’s no matter where I may roam.

Always encourage worship, and encourage others by yours! Please do not be a stumbling block to someone on their way to their breakthrough; be a stepping stone by showing them the depth of your thankfulness to God outwardly!

The Reason I Go On Is God

I tend to stray away from writing anything about me, but I feel led to start out with a few thoughts about me to make the bigger point of today.

The bulk of my personal ministry is tied in with my church ministry. In our personal ministry we host a media and message web site, put together a weekly radio broadcast, go to regularly scheduled visits to one of our local nursing homes, participate in a full-time writing and book ministry, as well as going to any church that God leads us to so we can sing and preach. Our church ministry that we co-pastor at is currently in an ongoing building project, holding choir practices, Sunday school, as well as our two regular services every week. And upon getting the call we go and perform house visits or will have group or family prayer nights at least once or twice a week. I add one last piece to say most of our family works full-time jobs and have up and coming families that attend different churches. In a way I am truly amazed, while in another I am brought to a thought.

When I go over this list sometimes it begins to attempt to discourage me simply because most of this does not allow for rest or time off. We have found through the years that helping people spiritually is a full-time job!

So with all of this said, why go on? I am sure you have asked yourself this question at some point in your walk with God.

As for me, the reason I go on is God. People have failed me along the way, but God has never let me down. Circumstances have attempted to destroy me, but the comfort of the holy ghost has came right on time. In summation, when all has failed you God will have opportunities to prove mighty and wonderful. I go on for others that in faith that in time they will come through something that will help them finally realize the fullness of God and the spirit that lives and dwells within them!

So ask yourself today, why do you go on?

Riches In Revelation

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Revelation 3:14-22

[14] And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
[15] I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
[16] So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
[17] Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
[18] I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
[19] As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
[20] Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
[21] To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
[22] He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Let us analyze some verses as we go through:

Verses 14-16

Laodecia had two different kinds of water in other nearby cities:

–        Hierapolis was known for its hot waters that was often used for spa-like healing purposes.

–        Colossae was known for pure and cold drinking water.

One point to take note of here is that the waters of Laodecia was known for their waters that would make one sick and was often undrinkable. The significance of this shows several things, but one above all: it shows that the church is not useful when the waters they keep are not for healing and refreshment. When water grows stale and still it is more susceptible for things to intermingle into it, which in turn proves it not able to be consumed. Another common way to say this is that the lack of power in the church was being identified as without and not pleasing.

Verse 17

The type of complacency being shown here caused the church to be blind to the true state of how worldly things were destroying them. Case and Point? Lukewarm people actually feel satisfied in their life but yet lack the power of God to really be the true church full of the substance of the spirit.

Verse 18

Buying Gold Tried In The Fire – this is to say that it will refine the faith that was lacking from a people that had been satisfied with its own worldly goods.

White Raiment – is washed by the blood of the lamb and used to cover the spiritual nakedness and shame. (read verses 15 to 16 again for clarity)

Eye Salve – anointing the eyes with salve would remedy the spiritual blindness and encourage people to be earnest and repent when they are aware of the magnitude of sin.

The solution as it was read here was to not be complacent but to repent of their sins , search out the joy of God’s will, and to take the true faith of God. This is what will cause us in today’s church to not be blind and continue the ever-raging battle for those in need of a relationship with Christ.

Verse 20

The analogy of the door represents being able to be alert enough to hear a knock. In other words, we are saying that we must not be asleep or idle in our walk with God just in case there is a call to do or change something! The great thing about it is that God will knock and give the chance for everyone to come and to change!

When it comes to overcoming your life faith and obedience are everything when done together! As we work through our trials to victory we must mix these together to be led by God to realize our real riches in life: the relationship and benefits of God!

Additional notes also provided by Brent Griffith

Is The First Step Is Always The Hardest One? I Feel A Poll Coming On…

One of the most used phrases that I have ever heard in church or for even life in general is that “that first step is always the hardest”. I remember one of the first times that I ever prayed out loud in front of anyone when I was a child. At the time it seemed like the hardest thing in the world to do. What helped me to carry through was the help of hearing the voices of others around me praying. It was truly a great moment to remember. It is always a great thing to remember to be a voice for someone else to follow along to, no matter what medium it is for the Lord!

I also remember one of the first times that I ever stepped out and played and sang a song alone. The first few seconds before I began felt like a million years, yet as I began there was a gentle calm that came over me that helped me through. I attribute the ‘calm’ to the presence of the spirit coming to help me make a difference through the offering of obedience. If there is something that I remember each time I obey God, it is that the spirit of God is always going to meet you in your immediate act! You will not be alone!

One of the toughest first steps I have ever taken was when God was moving me into a new church. It was a brand new environment with new people and very little that I had ever known before. I was afraid at first because I did not want to leave the place I had been my whole life. However God was preparing me for my next work! And as I stepped out more and more and continued to follow the Lord in my calling I have been blessed to see many wonderful things there! The lesson that I learned here is that I would have missed on so much if I had not been listening to the burning call of God that was moving on me. Follow God when He leads you and be surprised at just how much of a blessing you are!

Do I think I have taken my last steps? No way! I think there are many more things and churches ahead! Do I think you have either? Absolutely not! Seek God for the understanding and be willing to follow for the directions for change in your life. Most importantly as I have heard all my days, do not be afraid to take that first step!

New Beginnings and Old Endings

Welcome to another year in your life! If you are reading this today, than God has a spectacular plan in store for you in the upcoming future. One would ask, “how do you know this about me when you do not know me?”, and my response is simply this: it is God’s pleasure to do great things and to be glorified through your life!

As you embark upon this next few months, do not make resolutions that will fall through just as they always do. Make some fresh commitments to Christ and get out there and start beginning to make a difference in your life and the lives of others!

Do not let another year go by with doubt and regret. Step out and do the things you were afraid to do before. Be more obedient and faithful to believe in what God is trusting you to do. There are lives hanging in the balance all around you, whether you may realize it or not.

Most importantly, remember your self worth and the worth of your walk with God. Never forget its value in the good or bad times and always remember to utilize every part that God has placed in you to give you strength for the trials ahead.

May God bless you abundantly this year, and I pray that everyone’s churches and ministries go further than they ever imagined!

Who Are We Serving? Wait, Why Do You Ask?

I love going to church. I love it for the fellowship, the unity that it brings through God, and the multiplied powers and abilities of your reaching out that can happen when done. The church to me has always been such a great place of refuge; in other words a place where I associate “a place where God dwells” With that said, I want to bring out a point that has been on my heart lately. Since we have started singing and working in the ministry (even before Heart of Grace years ago), we have been in a multitude of churches with many wonderful bodies of people. Sadly, I would be lying if I said that every place that we went had that “right at home” feeling, but it reminds me of a very important thing that we must remember to apply in our lives.

When we are at church, we are there to help each other and to serve God. One of the biggest mistakes that you see is when people begin to serve people rather than God. We’ll worry about each and every thing that we do with the fear of upsetting someone or ruffling their feathers. I know that when we preach or sing oftentimes that I know for a fact that people probably don’t like half or more of what I’m saying, but I know when I am doing it that I’m doing it to help them and to serve God. When we serve God in love, God fights the battles and goes before you with people by the spiritual warfare. That way, when you obey God in confidence, you will leave the work sowed in confidence. Don’t doubt the work that you do for God!

Most importantly, don’t get caught up in the opinions of people. It’s perfectly okay to seek Godly advice from someone you have confidence in, but remember to not be in bondage to one another by what you would think they think (and what the other person’s friend thinks lol). As we become more dependent on people, we forget all the others around us that God is showing us that need help! Get out from under the veil of fear and step out and perform the will of God FOR God! He is more than able to equip you with the ability to endure all persecution that you will face! So I ask you today, who is it that we serve? Do we need to adjust how we take our approach to how we are a spiritual Godly help in and out of service?

Trust me, the more you commit to God, the more that you will find the desire to keep serving Him with joy!

Find A Good Place Inside And Out

When it comes to having a fruitful life in God, one of the key pieces is the environment that you are surrounded in. We have wrote about this a lot lately and spoke on this topic it at multiple churches. It’s something we need to do, and do each and every day. I want to expand out on that a little bit to talk about the surroundings of you and your life.

I’ll just be honest with you today. If you are not in a spiritually fruitful church, you will definitely find it harder to grow in your personal life than it should have to be. Having a church with a good spiritual foundation and a willingness to work and reach out will produce a multitude of blessings and impacts upon people’s lives. However, more often than not, we are speaking with people that are in environments that are not providing that fresh spiritual revival that should be happening each and every time the doors open.

I’m not one to recommend that people go “church hopping” to be satisfied, so please let me make this clear. If you find yourself in a church where you are not able to grow due to the environment surrounding you, pray first for another place to go! Don’t just start visiting every church that you know; for sometimes our irrational actions will send the wrong messages to people. Ask yourself first in an honest way if you are doing everything you can to promote growth for yourself and for your church. If we can answer that with certainty and hindrances still prove to be in front of you, seek God for somewhere that you can grow (not somewhere you can go). Find an environment where the love of God is fluent and that you are able to be who God has called you to be.

Don’t let tradition and religion destroy your gifts and callings. Continue to strive to do the best that you can, and seek God in a way that when you feel the call to go and be a help to a new church that you are not going based on your emotions but upon the leadership of the spirit. And when the time is right, God will move for you. It won’t be a forced thing, but something that you know that God has performed. If God opens the door for another place for you to grow, God certainly wouldn’t make it a hard situation from where you are going from.

My whole point is this: Seek God first before we act out of ourselves! Find a place where you can grow and not just exist!

Love Will Prove True


1 Thessalonians 5:21 – Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.


When it comes to having a strong walk with God there are qualities within you that will make you stand out as a person that possesses something amazing. These attributes of the Lord are given by the anointing that dwells within you! Some of the most anointed individuals that I have ever witnessed made a difference to the world around them through one thing: Love. For without love, our works for others are of none effect.

Churches do not produce successful outreach just by awesome praise and worship music, nor how eloquently organized the sermons may be. While these things make going to church from week to week worthwhile I feel that we are missing the greatest opportunities to help those in need with something more available than what we produce in the place of worship. God is much more powerful than a building and what we can produce from within it.  I encourage you to go and read about the qualities of charity and examine your life and see if the love that is coming forth from you is making a difference in every part of your life that people see.

As we continue to operate in the church in the ministry and as individuals in our personal everyday ministries, let us always remember to do all of our works with love. It will reach the coldest of hearts, go further than you ever thought possible, and will always break ground when you sow seeds of faith in that manner! Remember the love of God in your life!


Take a moment to get someone on your mind that perhaps you have not spent very much time with lately. Think of a way that you can bring a smile to that persons face and make an effort to supply a spontaneous blessing. It does not have to be anything over the top; something simple will do. An example that I have performed was gathering addresses and sending Christmas cards to people I never have. The response I got back in return was overwhelming, further establishing to me that even a little of God’s love goes a long way!

Face Your Confusion and Worries With God

1 Corinthians 14:33 – For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

Psalm 71:1 – In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion.

– – – –

Normally I do not share personal details of this magnitude but I thought I would start this piece out with this: One of the most requested items that people come and ask me to pray for is either direction for their life or outside problems that they are worrying themselves to death over.

It is a big burden to walk around with these concerns on our hearts each day. I also do not think that this is something that people can easily just “shake off” without some assistance either. Luckily, we have something within us that gives us the ability to ward off all of the woes and worries of life. What is it you ask? God of course!

You see, the peace of God surpasses all understanding and will give you comfort when you cannot find it in logic or the facts you have before you. God works in things seen and unseen and goes before you even unto what you do not even know. We can begin each day alleviating our confusion by beginning to obtain peace in our mind! When the weight of burdens attempt to come and be more than we can bear, those are the times when we are to do more than watch. I believe that is why it said to “watch” AND “pray”.

Be aware of things, but don’t let the circumstance pull you down. Pray and begin to let God pull you out of the pits of every single issue that would steer you away from the focus of God’s will for your life!

– – – –

Put Into Practice:

I really encourage you to participate in this exercise as we have many things that we are in question of or are confused about. Take one to two minutes and dedicate it to finding something (it will not take long) that is really bothering you that you cannot do anything about. Once you have it on your mind perform these simple steps: humble yourself in prayer, openly admit to God that you do not have the answer, and then openly establish your trust in God by believing and building your faith.

Please do not go past this page before completing this. I encourage you more than anything to get down this very moment and take God at His word to realize we can lay our confusion down and begin to realize a more greater love and trust with our unbreakable Godly relationship!