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Looking Back, I Can See The Stepping Stones




First of all, I apologize for the poor quality of the photos above. These were taken a few years ago before digital cameras were beyond 5 megapixels. Let us narrate the photos: what you are seeing is me (in orange playing bass) and two others on the right playing music with the three on the left. The funny story about this day is that we were asked to come and play but we were not informed of the set until the moment was literally happening. Actually we were only told the key and the name of the song. Fun stuff!

What I want to make sure I bring out before we go on is that this was during the first few critical weeks of my recovery and there were people keeping me busy in the Lord for sure! As I recall the experiences (as well as many others similar to this with these guys) it brings back good feelings and provokes a thought in my spirit.

Looking back, I can see the stepping stones:

1) This was an investment of someones time to give me an opportunity to enrich my life.

I spend a lot of time now working with other people to learn music and to sing, mentoring young ministers, providing counsel, singing and preaching at revivals, studying for the word, blogging as much as I can, the list goes on and on. And when I consider the wealth of blessings and gifts God has given me to work in I know that it was not just for my benefit alone; for it was to invest in people that need an opportunity for change through Christ!

2) The investment in my life was selfless with no desire to have a return or reward.

If you asked these guys today I would be certain that the responses may differ a bit as to “Why did you do it?”, but there is one central theme all mentors have: they want their proteges to grow. Without great coaching and support in your initial steps your ministry can stop as quick as it stops. I want to take this moment to thank people like these two that have been all around me!

3) Without these investments I do not know where I would be.

If I could encourage you do to anything (regardless of your calling) it would be to mentor someone that needs a chance for change. I would also tell you that you may not get anything immediately from the person, but the blessings from God as you help others are worth more than selfish gain. And finally, if for no other reason please remember that the reason we all work in ministry is to bring others to a place in God where they can then lend a hand to another. And as we work together, we grow and sustain in life with joy abundantly!

When Church Is Just Church, You Have Missed The Service

When the word of God makes reference to not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, I get lifted up in its meaning and mystery. From the surface it is very easy to assume that the literal performing of this word is to get yourself to a church (hey any church, right?) to be with other people that are coming too….and now that we are all here…what was it we were here to do (uh oh, I was so busy getting ready I forgot to spiritually prepare…)? The big question of it all is, what are we as a church to do and as an individual to make sure we are performing the word of God to the fullest?

In considering when one would assemble something, consider the altar that Elijah built. It was built in divine order, assembled together with purpose and not made with one piece to not serve for something. In its completion the altar that was built that day was consumed and prevailed against the man-made altars of the prophets of Baal. Please remember and consider that assembling with others what God has purposed for you is only unlocked when you first allow God to consume you in complete surrender (putting your altar in order).This surrender has to happen personally (within yourself i.e. the death of the natural or flesh) FIRST before anyone can be as ‘one’ together in the spiritual parts of church. In other words, when we sit in a room that has been named by a sign as church and not allow God to be in full control of all parts (the service, reaching for the needs, and individual obedience), it cannot prosper. Not only does it cease to prosper, but it creates the ‘obligation’ feeling within people. This obligation of the heart, or our flesh being proud that “I made it here, so bless me” has no humbleness, little love, and zero desire for unity with anyone else. And if it is not the obligation principle, then it is the “I’ll move when I feel it” principle, which is solely based on the benefit of having others that are attempting to stir up the presence of God and assist you in the breaking down of your own flesh. Through the death of Jesus Christ created the opportunity for each and every one of us to offer ourselves at any time. I believe that with all of my heart. Trust me, if I stayed in a “try to move or change me” spirit, then I would not only be discouraging people in obedience but definitely missing the needs of others!

Please do not let the traditions of religion or people that are knowledgeable in traditions run your life. Have a fulfilling spiritual life and put a cause in your heart led by God to edify those around you. Church is about coming together for others in need. Church is more than a building, more than how you think services should be ran. The meaning should be SO much more than that. If you are caught up on the time it ends, the number in attendance or the look of it I am fearful that you not are enjoying your spiritual walk to the fullest. Trust me, when you have that overflowing love of God pouring into your life, you will WANT to do something. It won’t be just another Sunday. You will WANT to offer something! It will be another chance to save a life that would otherwise be lost! The very first moment of when you know that you have found the meaning of assembling ‘together’ in church will be when you help someone and are blessed by seeing their life changed! I personally invite you to join this church, no matter where it is in the part of the world that you dwell. Find yourself a place where you will not only show up but come together in the name of Christ for the sake of others!

Take From Yourself So That God May Increase


John 3:30 – He must increase, but I must decrease.

Mark 8:36 – For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?


As you study within the bible you will find that the removal of hindrances and stumbling blocks in our lives will begin to bring us closer to God. In fact, it is very easy to find things that we can improve. However, the bigger issue that surfaces when something is tough for us is whether or not we are willing to let God change us from within. Are you?

I am the first person to admit that it is not easy to make personal sacrifices; especially the ones that we seemingly enjoy more than others. Sure, life has many temptations that are pleasing to our human nature. More often than not we neglect to address our fun and pleasures with the simple question: How does this benefit my walk with God? Sometimes the answer may not be to our liking. The answer may be that our choices do not glorify God or we soon realize that we could find something else better to do with the time. The part of you that makes you a strong Christian is the part that is willing to stand up for God and not lean towards fulfilling your own desires. So as you go about your daily life remember to take inventory of what you do and say. Ask yourself, “Am I doing things that make God the first in my life?” Doing this only helps us to grow and to come through the trials of life in victory! Temptations will be easier to say no to and your joy will return in your life once more! Take from yourself so that God may increase!


The next time that you have money to use for your own fun, I urge you to take the challenge of giving it to someone else to use. For some this may be harder than others (especially when money is tight) so only perform if you can. This example is a representation of showing God’s love by blessing others through increasing their blessings willingly and decreasing yours for their behalf. Jesus paid the price for all of us so that we would have the ability to know and understand the meaning of selfless, compassionate love!

The Costs Of Ignoring Godly Instruction

When we accept Christ into our lives, it is such a wonderful thing; for many transitions and lifestyle changes begin to take place on their own without anyone or anything as much as having to say a word. That’s the wonderful benefit of the spirit of God when we choose to listen! Unfortunately, as we continue forward in our walk with God, a lot of the things that we carry out on a normal basis for Him become routine and just “the motions”. The routines and motions begin to simply numb us to what God is trying to say via the spirit directly to you or through people that God has led to instruct you in your local church or ministry.

I would ask all of us to consider the cost today. When we begin to turn a deaf ear to the word of God being sent to us via many avenues, our lives begin to take on more burdens and weights than was ever intended to begin with. And as we continue to go through the motions in this manner, we eventually fall under the weight of sin and simply not being able to handle all that comes our way. It never fails that when these patterns occur that rather than recognizing why it truly happened, we simply want to blame God for “letting us fall”. I wish I could say that was not true, but it’s not the case in the day we live in.

God wants us to be a hearer first, then a doer second. We don’t need to do anything until we hear God. And if we are not listening, we have no real business working out of the flesh. This is a tough topic, but we must strive to follow the will of God and to know what He would want us to do by divine leadership through the spirit. Let’s not ignore the preachers or the teachers, but let us tune our ears closely to what God is trying to say though others! Obedience is better than sacrifice! You can show up to church and sacrifice your day and time to be there, but be obedient in listening! That will serve you as a much greater benefit in the long run of your life!