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The Power And Influence Of A Negative Attitude Towards Others

I would like to start out today with a short story. The other day my wife and I were about to watch a movie at a local theater. After getting our tickets and concessions we proceeded to head into the viewing room. As we made our way in and were about to sit down, we were met with an awkward surprise. The man behind us proceeds to immediately speak ill of where we were going to sit (in front of them), thus taking the Lords name in vain. After we very quickly decided to relocate to bring peace to this mans issue two questions came to mind. The first question was “Was acting that way worth the satisfaction to have an unobstructed view?”. Obviously I knew that the answer to that was no, but a question that reflect the bigger picture came up:

How much are people convinced in our walk with God when we possess an negative attitude?

Answer: People are directly affected by your demeanor.

When this is brought in sync with our walk with God, this takes on a completely different thought. Are people drawn to Christ when I lose it over getting my seat at the movies? Chances are the answer is 100 percent NO. There was only one thing that Christ operated in when He walked in the midst of adversity: love. That same love branched out to have all other virtues. I can hear the scriptures in my mind reminding me about how patient and kind love can be. If you have the love of God in your heart and are using it you will in turn reflect attributes of it. This means losing it over the silliest of things merits no excuse for why we lack in being a witness for God.

Whether you be at the movies, shopping, eating, at work, at home, or even…yes that’s right…at church one thing is clear: it is easy to see that we need to be on guard and aware of our attitude no matter where we are! The most important word I could leave you with while we evaluate ourselves on this would be the word of God, which says “Continue ye in my love”. Let us continue to show demonstrated love through patience and kindness on all venues and not give in to being short-fused!

I Love God So Much I….

Here is a few small key points that I just want to leave with you today. I hope that one of these points is just for you.

I love God so much I:

1) look beyond the faults of others.

When you are working in a ministry, the love of God will allow you to look beyond all the things that would often bother others or even hinder them from serving the Lord. Remember to have the love of God above everything else and you will be able to forgive and remit so much that would try to pull you down. There has been times where I thought that the damage that had been done to me was irreparable. However, God has proved me wrong each and every time by pouring out His love into my heart that in the end I even find myself trying to help those that would hurt me!

2) learn to be obedient regardless of what I see.

When it comes to being consistent, there is one part that is certain: it is not going to happen if you are always looking for something to stop you. Learn to count your blessings and have a made up mind and a desire to step out for God even if you are met with adversity (and even opposition). Leadership will not always be easy, especially when you are working to lead people out of being disobedient!

3) strive to continue.

Irregardless of the here-say or drama going on all about you, you must make a conscious decision in your mind and set your heart upon God. You must continue in your calling no matter what. In the event that everyone else falls away, you must continue. I strive for the mark because I Love God. Whether I am on the road for service or at my home church I still have a desire to give God glory! When people look at me like I’m crazy for how I worship or lead others to, I get over it! You have to realize who you are doing it for! At some point you’ll know your mind is made up when you just keep on going because of your love for God in your heart!

4) cannot give up.

With the abundance of needs and all the people that we see and hear of that need help, there is but one thing to say here. We cannot stop doing the work of God in our lives! Keep the desire to work for God strong and get out there and do something great for Him. You will never regret a work that you do, and the people that you reach out to and help will definitely be blessed for it.

So how much do you love God?