Singing and Speaking At Heaven’s View Worship Center

First of all, I want to thank each and every one that came out to help support us at Heaven’s view. It was a true blessing to us (and to me personally). I have to give a shout out to Jamie and J.R. (they attend our home church and we work in the praise band together) for coming and blessing us in song! They did such a wonderful job and it is exciting to see what God is doing in their lives!

Rebekah wasn’t able to be there, but her girls came up and sang and picked up the slack in her honor. They are so sweet and such a blessing. It does make me feel old though to already see them singing and growing up so fast! Mona, Kay and Regina sang for us (and didn’t sing enough) but did a great job too! We’re gonna keep getting onto them until they start doing at least 2-3 songs!

With that said, I was amazed with how God adjusted the direction of the message that we preached. I’m sorry to say that we were not able to catch any audio, but I will be sure to post the notes in the Small Thoughts category and put as much as I can remember! As someone said after the service, it felt like such a strong power was there at first but then a sweet presence was there for anyone that was in need of coming up for prayer. Those are my favorite kind of church services: seeing a group of people willing to get in when God bids to tear down the strongholds of our flesh so that God can work through us to reach those who need a move in a great way!

We hope to be back soon, and we will work on figuring out a way to capture audio for now on! We have been getting so much lately that it’s been hard to get all of it posted the past couple weeks! We hope to have something new on by Sunday! If you would like to be notified, be sure to get on our sermons list by clicking the Email Subscription link in the top right hand corner!