More Features! More To Do! More To Come!

We hope that you have been enjoying a lot of the parts that have been rolled out lately. We have came so far from where we started. I wish I had saved a screenshot of what the site looked like in the beginning compared to where we are now! Our main goal as a ministry is to provide as many avenues that we can that you will find something that will draw you closer to God. So let’s talk about some of the things that have been going on!

More features:

Books! I decided a little while back to incorporate the books section because it’s always hard to find a good recommendation with millions of choices. We thought it would be a great idea to simply put out there the books that we read that we actually enjoyed (and save you from the ones we didn’t so much lol). There will be books that we loved in the past and ones that we are currently working on now that will continually be posted as we move forward!

Verse of the day & What To Study Today! I don’t know how much more of a convenient way that you could make it to actually give a verse to read and a study plan to conquer the bible in a year, but we found it and made it available to you! As we all know, the tricky part is actually doing it! Trust me, as a person who loves to read the bible and to learn more and more each day, it is a fun experience and well worth the time you spend to do it!

After The Fact & The Everyday Word! Now that these are in full swing, we truly enjoy getting these out there. If someone reads a thought or an idea that inspires them to go out and be a greater witness then the intent was completely fulfilled! With so many different types of pieces that you could read, it’s almost like coming to a buffet; you can sort of choose what style you enjoy and get that word you need for the moment!

More To Do:

Outreach! As we are starting to come around the next bend in our ministry, we are committing to participating in ministry to one of our local nursing homes. It will be a mix of singing and speaking, and we hope to lead all that we can to the Lord. Sometimes we think that we have to wait for those great big opportunities before we’ll ever jump out there, but there is work right in front of you!

Sermons & Messages Pages! We’re now on iTunes! And now that we are implementing these new parts, we are phasing out the old message page and converting to our new sermons page. This will have a easier look and feel and incorporates far more than what I could write right here! Be sure to subscribe to our audio podcast by using the email subscription link in the top right corner! You’ll be emailed every time a new sermon is added!

Radio! With the great effectiveness that the radio ministry set us up with, we are hoping to expand where we are in our town and to start moving out to other stations. Pray with us that we make the right choices so that the message we carry goes out as far as it possibly can.

More To Come:

Recording! We have finally got all of our equipment and song selections fine tuned, so be prepared for some posts in the future with some demo previews of some officially recorded content! I personally cannot wait!

Writing! One of our big goals for this year is to begin to start compiling our works into a book that can be distributed by hand, so be sure to check back in for updates for that! It’s going to be a very exciting project!

Outreach! As God leads us, we’re going! We hope to see you soon! And if you don’t see us, you’ll more than likely get a chance to hear it on the site! That’s why it’s here!