Personal Perspectives

Here are some personal notes that I (Jared) have taken over the past few weeks:

The person that I knew before is gone now and forevermore. Man I wish I knew then what I know now. My past was so painful, terrible, and mostly depressing. My present is now filled with a new wind of life. All of the things I make in the present will not only be just my past; these things that will be will also make my future person. Everything that I do now is all for one reason, for the God I love and serve today.

The pills that I took only numbed what I truly felt; essentially sadness wanting joy. The dope I smoked only let me forget for a little while; all of which was my pain wanting happiness. The alcohol I drank only let me laugh for a short time; all of two hours, followed by being sick. All the cocaine I snorted made me happy for a very limited time; all of ten minutes, what was I thinking?!? All the friends I thought I had were all deceived the same exact way from the drugs they bought. All of these things eliminate all forms of true logical thought. So in all reality, I was completely lost. But thanks to Jesus Christ, Never Again!!!

If I had some cool friends, I knew I would be okay. Well, actually if cool to you is people who party, talk about you and others badly, try to run you over, steal from you, talk irrationally, hate other people, taking advantage of everything, then you are WRONG. Sometimes the best friends in life are right in front of you. Don’t separate family and friends. They can sometimes be the same thing. And if you cannot find one in a million in this world, there is one who sees everything you say, do, and go through. God is your best friend! Bless your enemies!

What makes a person better than me? Well, actually nothing does. One might look at me by the clothes that I have on and complete my life’s story. So if I had on clothes too big or cheap, would that mean I’m lazy and have no job? To some it would, but I hope that it wouldn’t. Some of the best treasures in life are hidden within. That very person you judge could be the best friend you ever had. And most of the time I find that the people we choose to call our friend (that passes our judgment test) do not even come close to what we thought they would, should, or could. And when it comes to God, there is no judgment. And if we strive for God, don’t judge!