Warning – You May Go Unrecognized, But That Is Okay!

1 John 3:1

[1] Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

One of the biggest enemies that I see in the day that we live in is one that is very nearby: ourselves. In the great daily battle for attention people will go to great lengths to feel noticed or have a notion that someone is drawn to them. It sells products on the market and can sometimes make or break businesses depending on the level of ‘wow’ factor a person is determined to have. It has also took us to a greater scale of pride where our social lives are now based on numbers and statuses that just ‘have’ to be put out there…or do they?

I really hate to sound like the bad guy or one that would rebel against the common trends of today, but I must honestly confess that I feel out of the loop and I do not mind it. When God changed my life and saved me from all of the bondage I felt so freed up from things that use to hold me down. There are so many things each and every one of us can be bound to. How about the constant want for proving that you are the best and have the best? Or consider that you like to be the center of attention or like the feeling that comes with sympathy or empathy?

I want you to just be reminded when you have that wonderful change in your life that with separation from the world comes a lack of attention from it. Remember that even though you may feel like you are losing out on things at first that you are just feeling the death to your pride and the lusts of your flesh. Trust me, it only gets better and the peace that you inherit from the blessings of God will far surpass anything the world could give!