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The Mudroom

First let me say that I am not a dreamer and very seldom ever have a dream that I can remember but I have had God show me things in dreams from time to time. Perhaps because I am simple in nature God quite often uses ordinary things or situations to reveal to me a greater spiritual meaning. I’m a firm believer that God knows how to speak to each individual in a way that they can understand.

The other night I had a dream about a huge wind storm. It wasn’t a tornado but almost to that point. I was in a house with my Mom and my aunt Gertrude (both already gone home to be with the Lord). We were watching the storm through the window when I noticed there were a Hispanic woman and two children outside in the woods. I knew they were in danger and wanted to bring them to safety. I opened the door and shouted to them that it was okay if they wanted to come in out of the storm. They came into house into the mudroom. A mudroom is a room at an entrance to a house where people can leave wet or dirty clothes or shoes before entering the main portion of the house. Since I didn’t know anything about who they were or where they came from I was hesitant about inviting them further than the mudroom. I then heard God speak to me and say, “I didn’t just bring you into the mudroom but I invited you to sit at my table, to sleep in my bed, to have full access to all that I have.” This convicted my heart. I knew my compassion and love were lacking. My love should reflect the same love that God has for me. It humbles my heart to know where He brought me from and I am now a joint heir with Christ-not an outsider. I have complete access to the Father’s house and all His benefits.

I began to study further on this thought and realized that so many times we are just satisfied to be in the mudroom. We are in the house and safe from the storm so we are satisfied with just being inside the fold without enjoying all of the blessings that God has for us. I was reminded of the scripture in II Kings 4:3 where Elisha told the widow woman that she needed to go and borrow vessels from her neighbors and to borrow not a few. I believe that the woman didn’t just knock on 3 or 4 doors to borrow the vessels but I believe that she went through the whole community and knocked on every door to borrow the vessels. Every vessel that she borrowed was filled with oil. She sold the oil, paid off her debt, and she and her children lived off the rest. Hallelujah for God’s amazing grace! If she had borrowed only a few, she might have paid off the debt but then she would have struggled with her everyday living to make ends meet. But her desire to borrow all that she could provided for her family for many days.

I also thought about another situation in II Kings 13:18-19. Joash, King of Israel, had come to visit Elisha who was sick. Elisha told him to take his bow and arrows. When Joash put his hand on the bow, Elisha put his hands over the King’s hands. He told Joash to open the window and shoot. He shot the arrows and Elisha declared this to be the arrow of deliverance from Syria. Elisha told Joash to take the arrows and smite them upon the ground. Joash smote the arrows three times and stopped. Elisha was upset with Joash and told him he should have smitten them five for six times and he would have smitten Syria until they were consumed whereas now he would only smite Syria three times. So many times God wants us to do something for him and because the situation may not improve immediately we get discouraged and give up. God wants us to serve him with a full heart to give him our all and to keep our faith strong and persevere regardless of the situation.

Habakkuk 3:17-18

Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls. Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places.