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About Us

Welcome! We are an Outreach Ministry. The mission of Heart of Grace Ministries is to lift up the name of Jesus and God the Father for the great grace that has been given to whosoever will.

Through the songs we sing, we hope to put a new song in your heart and bring joy to your life, that God be glorified. With our dynamic range of music we strive to offer you various types to attempt to reach out to everyone with a song that speaks directly to them. Through our testimonies, we offer our very real and true experiences that God has brought us through, that others may know that it is possible to make it through the everyday trials. With our messages we hope to share with you the word of God and what He can do for you. We hope that you can take advantage of the site and use it to benefit your ministries in some way and that it help further the increasing of souls to the Kingdom of God!

This ministry is about people coming together and praising an awesome God who has saved us and is helping us to reach out to others to bring encouragement, hope, and blessings. We will go wherever that God will take us, regardless of the denomination or the belief. Whether that be in a church, business, or inside of someone’s living room; we are willing to serve and perform what God has called us to do!

God had no boundaries for us when he changed our lives; He took us just as we were, and so we also go with that same love and compassion for others, that through what we bring God be glorified and others lives be changed the same way. Our desire is that our small efforts will be used by God to touch lives and bring hope and deliverance.  So be encouraged and know that God is still alive and His Holy Spirit is still working in the hearts of his people and Jesus is still saving the souls of those who will call upon him.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, Plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11

Want to work with us in your church? We’d love to work with you! Reach out by contacting us at our contact form.

Jared Meredith

“I am going to cut right to the chase: I am so thankful for everything that God has performed in my life. Each and every time that I consider the works and miracles that have been performed in me it makes me want to leap for joy! I know that without the prayers of my wife and family that I would have never began to know the true meaning of love and outreach. My life was in desperate need, entangled with addictions and many bad decisions. I would have never thought that I would have been able to ever come out of the life that I once thought I was bound to live forever. I was miserable, always unhappy, and never had any desire for anything but destruction. I’m happy to report and testify to you that God has changed every part of my life and has gave me a brand new beginning. I have not been the same since the deliverance of drugs and mental bondage, and am here to tell anyone reading this that if God could perform it for me that it can be done for you. There is still hope for your life and those around you. Never give up on the work that you have done or will do for leading people to Jesus Christ. Salvation is free and available for each and everyone who would choose to believe. I encourage you to believe as I did to transform your life from hopelessness to an eternal hope forevermore.”

Rebekah Walden

“Once a little girl who was afraid to go to bed at night, I found salvation through Jesus at a critical point in my life as a teen. At that time, a foundation was laid that even in the worst of times and choices to come, I would be able to go back and find renewal. I graduated college and immediately started a family. Although I went to college to be a teacher, God gave me the inspiration for a home-based photography business that would allow me to stay home with my children everyday. He has blessed my business in such a way that I know it has been only Him that has given the increase! As a busy, over-loaded mother of three healthy children, I find myself depending on God’s promises– His mercies, grace, joy, peace, and love strengthen me each day and help me to be the example I want to be in front of my children. I am so far from perfect, but am thankful that God is showing me through His word and my life experiences who He wants me to be and how He wants me to live. He has been there for me and delivered me from many heartbreaks, financial hardships, and disappointments. He is the true love of my life.”

mona heart of grace about us

Mona Letner

“I was saved by God’s grace when I was 11 years old. I have always known how good God is and what a loving and merciful God he can be. Yet it seems lately I have realized that God has done so much and I have done so little to praise him. I now have a greater desire to give God the worship and praise He so deserves. I want to be a light to the lost and an example of faith and worship to my two sons. God has been so good to me and He greatly deserves any praise and worship I can give Him in my own feeble way. As unworthy as I am, I want God to be able to use me in some way. I love to sing for the Lord and count it a privilege to be a part of Heart of Grace Ministries.”