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Video: Singing “Jesus Is More Than Enough” Live @ Fairview Missionary Baptist Church


Blind Barnamais stood by the wayside begging
he cried out to Jesus for he knew the chance he was taking
the crowd said be quiet don’t bother him now
but the more they pressed him, the louder he’d shout
thou son of David have mercy on me, and today I believe he can see

he is more than enough to make the blind man to see
more than enough, to guide you and me
He is more than enough to turn the water into wine
he’s more than enough he feeds a family like mine
he’s more than enough to heal all decease
more than enough to wash the sin out of me
if he can raise up the dead and give new life
then Jesus is more than enough

He said to the Lord, my daughter is dying at home
then another man said, she’s dead, leave the master alone
when he heard what was said his heart was greived
he said be not afraid but only believe
then he spoke to that child, I say unto thee
arise and she came alive

Video: Singing “The Shepherd’s Call” Live @ Fairview Missionary Baptist Church


I wondered far, from the fold where I was safe.
It wasn’t long, ’till I found I’d found I lost my way.
I cried with fear, as the night began to fall.
One more lost lamb, but I heard the Shepherd’s call.
He saw my steps as they walked right into the dark.
Though I went astray, I never once left his heart.
That night long ago, how I still recall.
When I lost my way, I heard the Shepherd’s call.
He left the fold, to search out that one that strayed.
Left 99 for there was one to be saved.
There on that ledge one step would have ended it all.
But I felt the hand, and I heard the Shepherd’s call.
He saw my steps as they walked right into the dark.
I went astray, I never once left his heart.
That night long ago, how I still recall.
When I lost my way, then I heard the Shepherd’s Call.
That night long ago, How I still recall, when I lost my way I heard the Shepherd’s call.

Video: Singing “Home (Where I Belong)” Live @ Fairview Missionary Baptist Church


They say that heaven’s pretty
And living here is too
But if they said that I
would have to choose between the two
I’d go home, going home, where I belong

And one day I’ll be sleeping,
When death knocks on my door
And I’ll awake and find that
I’m not homesick anymore
I’ll be home, going home, where I belong

While I’m here I’ll serve him gladly
And sing him all my songs
I’m here, but not for long
And when I’m feeling lonely
And when I’m feeling blue
It’s such a joy to know that
I am only passing through

I’m headed home, going home, where I belong

Video: Singing “The Lowest Valley” Live @ Fairview Missionary Baptist Church


Lord I don’t want to do one thing on my own
Put me where you want me Lord where I belong
Give me the strength Lord to do thy perfect will
And when I’m in the lowest valley I can climb the highest hill

Lord I want to be what you want me to be
Lord I want to do the things you want me to do
Lord I want to stay in the center of thy will
When I’m in the lowest valley I can climb the highest hill

This world gets more wicked every day
People’s hearts have grown cold, forgotten how to pray

But if I live to be a hundred I’ll keep holding to your hand
Until you come and take me home to that promised land

Video: Singing “Why Should I Worry?” Live @ Fairview Missionary Baptist Church


Out on the water, the storm raging high, the waters around them, troubled their mind,
With fear in their heart, they thought they might die, they failed to remember, the master was nigh.

He spoke the word; the winds all stood still, even the waters, obeyed his will.
He’ll calmed their storms, just like he will mine, If i’ll just remember, he lives deep inside.

Why should i worry, why should i fear, that very same Jesus, he stays always near.
He lives in my heart, he hears when i cry; I’ll call on the master till the storm passes by.

I read in the bible, how he walked with them, brought light to the darkness, when the way grew dim,
How Great it would be, to have his step leading mine, to walk with the master, all of the time.

But then trouble came, death was so nigh, they searched for the master, hoping he’d get there on time.
So when i’m in trouble, my bodies in pain, All i have to do, is call on his name.

Video: Singing “When I Lay My Isaac Down” Live @ Fairview Missionary Baptist Church


Abraham, prayed for the day
God would give him a son
Blessed Isaac was name
The greatest gift he’d ever known
Then came the day
Who would have dreamed
God would say you got to give him back to me
And on this mountain you must prove
That it’s you and Isaac
Or it’s me and you
When I lay my Isaac down
With a broken heart
But my Father’s proud
On this altar where he lay
Just to find it wasn’t him he wanted me
Most of us I’d dare to say
With an Isaac in God’s way
On this Altar you can prove
It’s not your Isaac that God wants
He wants you.
When I lay my Isaac down
With a Broken heart but my Fathers proud
On this altar where he lays
Just to find it wasn’t him God wanted me

Safe Thus Far

I Samuel 7:12, Then Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpeh and Shen and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, “Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.”
God had just delivered Israel from their enemy’s hand and had given victory over the Philistines.
As children of God, we too can say “thus far” the Lord has helped us. The words are like a hand pointing in the direction of the past. No matter the circumstance, the situation, the trial, the temptation —Thus far has the Lord helped us. The words “thus far” also point forward. Considering His faithfulness and loving-kindness in the past, we can trust that He will continue to help us because we have not yet come to the end. Because His grace and mercies are sure and everlasting, no matter the battles and toils to come He will never forsake us, and at the very end we will be able to say He has kept us safe thus far.
Memorial Stones at Jordan – Two Sets of Twelve. When Joshua and the Israelites were crossing over the Jordan River that God parted for them, God told Joshua to have twelve men carry a stone from the river floor over to the other side.There a memorial would be constructed so it would be seen and told how God had brought them across Jordan.
Joshua himself set up twelve stones in the midst of the dry Jordan riverbed where the feet of the priests which carried the ark of the covenant over had stood. Joshua’s act points to Jesus, our great High Priest who gives us the “white stone wherein our new name is written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.” (Revelation 2:17) It cannot be physically seen, but we know it it there in our heart and our soul is safe because of the Holy Ghost. Our salvation is personal- between us and God, like the hidden stones, but through the Holy Spirit others can witness the existence of our salvation and the white stone (Jesus) that has been placed in our hearts- this is grace. One memorial seen – one unseen. We all have times we can look back on and know it was only the Lord that brought us through that. Like the stones that were visible, this becomes part of our testimony to the keeping power of our God. Others can be encouraged to trust Him in the difficult times through our testimony of God’s faithfulness.
The shepherds of the Alps have a beautiful custom of ending the day by singing an evening farewell to one another. As the sun begins to set, they gather their flocks and begin to lead them down the mountain paths while they sing, “Thus far has the Lord helped us. Let us praise His name.” Let us call out to one another through the darkness encouraging God’s weary travelers. The Lord who “thus far” has helped you will help you all your journey through.