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Video: Singing – “I’ve Had An Introduction” Live @ East Jacksboro Baptist Church


Living alone with sorrow and with sin
But I’ve had a longing to be with Christian friends
I’ve went to sinful places and I’ve done some awful things
But when I met the Savior he washed me clean

I’ve had an introduction, I’ve met him face to face
I’ve had an introduction, I know the time and the place
I’ve had a revelation, He’s showed me what I’ve been
I got rid of my past, goin’ home at last
I’ve been born again

I met the lord down on my knees in prayer
I knelt at an alter, the savior met me there
I asked him for deliverance, he said child just believe
I shouted Hallelujah, I’ve been set free

I’ve had an introduction, I’ve met him face to face
I’ve had an introduction, I know the time and the place
I’ve had a revelation, He’s showed me what I’ve been
I got rid of my past, goin’ home at last
I’ve been born again

Video: Singing – “Promises” Live @ East Jacksboro Baptist Church


He didn’t promise that I would never stumble,
But He did say He’d be there if I fall;
He didn’t tell me He’d hear all things I whisper,
Oh, but He did say He’d hear me if I call.

Promises, promises and all of them true,
He’s done exactly what He said He would do;
He didn’t tell me my heart would not be broken,
Oh, but He did say He’d mend it again.

He didn’t promise my cross would not be heavy,
Oh, but he did say that He my load would share;
He didn’t tell me He’d grant my hopes and wishes,
Oh, but He did say He’d hear my earnest prayer.

Video: Singing – “I Found A Treasure” Live @ East Jacksboro Baptist Church


I have no riches, no gold or silver,
But I found something at an altar of prayer.
It gives me peace and sweet consolation,
And He has promised me Heaven’s glory I’ll share.

I found a treasure when I found Jesus,
He gives me pleasures that the world cannot give.
Although I’m a beggar, I’m rich beyond measure.
I found a treasure when I found the Lord.

Soon I’ll cross over the Jordan River
And precious jewels I surely will find.
I’ll have a mansion, my home forever,
And walls of jasper one day will be mine.