In my path before it was too late there was a “But God” put into the mix, intervening before everything completely went downhill. Thank God for his injection and course corrections in our lives!
Old Daniel bowed his head and he prayed
No answer came for twenty one days
He felt like God had not heard his servants prayer
But God sent an angel on that same day
But the prince of darkness stood in his way
The angel overthrew him I can hear Daniel say
There’s Power in Prayer
There’s Power in Prayer if you’ll believe
He’s standing right there for you to receive
For the problems you face
He’s all that you need
There’s Power in Prayer
He’s the God that won’t fail when friends let you down
Cast all your cares on Him cause I’ve found
He can take the heartache and turn it around
There’s Power in Prayer
Now I’ve prayed and prayed but no answer came
My days turned to weeks my grief turned to pain
And I’ve cried oh Lord it seems you haven’t heard my prayer
But God said “I heard the first time you called, but satan tried to block your answer and stall. Reinforcements have been made, satan had to withdraw, There’s Power in Prayer”
There’s Power in Prayer if you’ll believe
He’s standing right there for you to receive
For the problems you face
He’s all that you need
There’s Power in Prayer
He’s the God that won’t fail when friends let you down
So cast all your cares on Him cause I’ve found
He can take the heartache and turn it around
There’s Power in Prayer
He’s a Shelter in the storm when everything went wrong
A beckoning Hand that led me back home
A still, small Voice saying, “It’s gonna be alright.”
My Song of hope in my darkest night
Why should I worry? What should I fear
When I know that He is always near?
Even when the weight of the world is closing in on me,
His eyes are always watching over me
So why should I worry?
He’s a Sunrise in the morning after a night of tears
A Spirit moving to calm all my fears
A soft, gentle Touch just to help me be strong
The Wind in my sail to keep me going on
Why should I worry? What should I fear
When I know that He is always near?
Even when the weight of the world is closing in on me,
His eyes are always watching over me
So why should I worry?
The sun has never refused to shine
The ocean has never run dry
The One who’s in control of it all
Said all me needs He will supply
Why should I worry? What should I fear?
He is always near?
Even when the weight of the world is closing in on me,
His eyes are always watching over me
So why should I worry?