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Some Days I Feel Like Hiding Like Jesus Did (John 8:59)

There are some days when I feel like hiding away from persecution as Jesus literally hid and stole away from the confused and angry around Him. More often then not, especially in times of lowliness, I wish I could hide completely. The reality behind why I choose not to is that I will miss the glory of God moments and blessings that is purposed for me to have (that in turn give me strength to go on). When you read this part in the eighth chapter of John it is a direct confrontation between Jesus and the Jews. Throughout this passage you can read as the tension begins to build over their unbelief as they listened to Christs words of believing in the son of God.

John 8:59 “Therefore they picked up stones to throw at Him, but Jesus hid Himself and went out of the temple.”

Reading this passage should bring out one very strong point: Jesus’s appointed time had not come yet.

If it were meant for Christ to have fulfilled His divine purpose than all of the prophetic word before Him would have been fulfilled. Yet there were still things to come to pass that gave beyond any doubt the reason to know He came to fulfill the word spoken before His existence. There was a moment that had to be greater than this to even come close to how many of our transgressions were to be forgiven by His ultimate sacrifice. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that the small moments we suffer are not for us to dwell in for always; for through these opportunities to overcome we gain faith over a few things so we can begin to have dominion over the real challenges in life. If you can manage to keep your true hurts and problems in the hands of God you will be able to overcome!

Say It Now, Forget It Later, Yet The Impact Stays Forever

Anytime I have ever began to think about all of the silly/hurtful/irrational/confusing/deceiving/terrible/negative things that have came from my mouth it causes me to have very silent times. Thinking and considering the magnitude of how much my personal actions can have an effect on others leads me to the thought I have in my heart today. Whether you hear it come from your lips, feel them on the page/device, read them words with your eyes, or hear them by your ears words spoken with ill intent always affect people.

By comparison I would like for you to see the power of negative thinking through the means of someone throwing a rock in water. First of all when I think of a rock in this thought I consider that a rock in its intent is meant to be built upon, set in its purpose to provide support and its composition to provide stability. When I consider the water I see something that submerges everything that comes in its path; in fact it not only submerges it but attempts to break the substance of what it has encountered to be more like waters own qualities. The human element causes a rock to be thrown by our own willingness and physical force to take something from its intended position to direct it somewhere else. We as humans tend to use rocks in their advantage of being a weapon to break something. Whether it be to hurt, provoke or to insult words the negative speech that comes from your mouth can only break things when they come by force. In the casting of a rock by the human element to be forced into water, I want to remind us of the “ripple” effect that happens as the words hurt immediately, fade away, and stay rooted in the depths. A rock once it has been thrown must land somewhere. And unless great strides are made to keep the land or object that holds the water clear from obstructions it prevents the use of water being able to produce life.

To put this more simply, every word you exert by your own force without God’s love will only cause unnecessary issues for others. And while we (as well as the other party) can forgive what we have spoken and heard there is an impact that takes a great deal of love to overcome. As with any disease that our human bodies fight today we know that the best means to overcome a detrimental hindrance is to prevent it. Take caution and exercise it when you speak life and death in today’s world. You may say it now and forget it later, but there is an impact as a consequence of the action as well as the ultimate price (answering for our every idle word in the day of judgement).

Pray much, love much, and love others (and talk to them) as you would have them do unto you!

I Feel Like A Stranger Sometimes

As of late I have continued to reiterate an important lesson about entering into fellowship with other Christians in church, and that is: the way you worship God and obey him in your callings will leave you feeling like a stranger in a foreign land (and that’s okay!).

Our ministry has called us to go into a variety of venues, denominations and people. The varieties and traditions of worship that churches and other facilities have range in a great spectrum that starts from being completely reserved with inward expression to outward showings that are very vocal and visual. In short, we have just about seen every possible worship that you can around people that love God. And no matter the venue or place it is truly evident (and discernible)  that when you are within a place or people that truly love God you can feel it. I am going to share something that is rarely shared or talked about openly. You see, there can be moments arise throughout your walk with God where you will find yourself in a conflict of disagreement when either hearing of or observing a style of worship that may vary from yours. This happens so much, especially in the current passive generation, that praise and worship has now been reduced to only being valid in certain windows of opportunity and seldom accepted if beyond the depths of a person’s comfort level. People that are not very adopting of others actions in church typically exert the behavior of talking about what they see in a negative context, putting down and not attending churches where they do not agree, and of course never operating in that type of expression. Trust me, as a minister I have more complaints about what people did not like versus what they actually enjoyed. The results may surprise you more than you know!

Here is one nugget from the word that I must share: While I live will I praise the Lord: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being. (Psalm 146:2). A comparison often unused in the bible is that David, being a strong man of war, was humbled not only by the love in his heart but by his open expression of worship to those around him. There are some of you “tough guys” out there that would be interested to know that this same David danced in the streets in public with the cause of magnifying God!

For me personally I love to express my love for God in a very radical way. I also want to note that this was not always the case either! In fact, I was very backward and sort of an introvert when it came to any expression of my love for God. You may have caught me to be barely willing enough to admit that I even go to church somewhere. You may have also caught me being in question of other people. The sad part of all of this is not that there are people that are missing out on worship, but that there is so much objection to the joy of worship. When did the day ever come where people stopped enjoying their ability to be thankful?

All that I know today is that I will continue in what I enjoy. I will not hold anything against anyone about their worship, whether it be quiet or radical or not at all. I will continue in serving God and fulfilling my every happiness in the joy of serving him. As it was written in the bible, I will let the praises be continually in my lips. But most importantly, I will always continue to outwardly (and radically) express to the God I serve how thankful I am for all the amazing things that have been done for me. It may make me feel like a stranger in a foreign land, but I am still God’s no matter where I may roam.

Always encourage worship, and encourage others by yours! Please do not be a stumbling block to someone on their way to their breakthrough; be a stepping stone by showing them the depth of your thankfulness to God outwardly!

Jared Singing How Great Is Our God – Live @ 13th Street Church

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Jared Singing Jesus Messiah – Live @ 13th Street Church

Enjoy the video!

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