This is a short, but sweet reminder that when we do not begin to pose a strong consistent effort within our services for God, that there are people that are slipping through our fingers and falling through the cracks!
We have to begin to always be dependable in the sense that we are going to be obedient vessels in and out of season, or in other words, whether I feel like it or don’t.
This applies to all aspects of ministry and is the hardest to realize when we are down or discouraged about the fruitfulness of what we are doing.
We have to remember that which we put before God is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Just because people don’t receive you in the carnal mind or body does not mean that by your willingness that God has not moved into their heart with conviction!
Help all that you can in the support of God’s church and all the parts that make it!
Psalm 145:20 – The Lord preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy.
John 12:25 – He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.
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Each and every day people are going after all the things they feel is of worth: money, fame, fortune, popularity, etc. We all have our actions that we prioritize based on what we want the most. I cannot help but ask where does God lie in priority in the midst of all your business? You see, He is my all in all and the one that I fully trust in. Even in recent events in my life I have found that the value of things that were once important to me began to lose their worth. Why? I would have to say it is because I finally realized that God can only be as valuable as you allow Him to be. I could have a million dollars or could only have a dime, but regardless of which I possess as long as I have Christ in my life I can remain constant. The peace, joy, and everlasting life that you began to inherit by believing upon Him are more valuable than anything else that you could chase out in this world. Over the recent months, I have strengthened my commitment to God and have seen things that use to be of worth fall away. I realize that if I lost it all and still had God, I would still be able to find hope! There might be some of you out there that are feeling hopeless or similar to this, but be encouraged! It is great to have lots of people that know you, objects you love to interact with, and emotional highs from being so love by all walks of life, but do not let these objects stand in your way of what is of most worth to you in your life: Jesus Christ!
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This is a two-part challenge, and depending on your answer to the next few questions, I ask you to act accordingly. Are you saved by praying and asking Jesus Christ to be your savior? Have you asked for the forgiveness of your sins? Have you ever had an experience where you felt something inside that you had never felt before? Have you ever felt something that was leading you to believe there was something more to God and Jesus? If you have not asked Jesus Christ into your life, I pray that you take as long as you need and pray right now to have a change take place and a spiritual transformation take place in your life. There have been many books and methods that have tried to describe how to obtain salvation, but the most important part to know is that you have to recognize that you need Jesus Christ in your life. You have to know that you need to escape hell through the gift of Christ’s sacrifice, salvation. If you are saved, this is wonderful. I would ask you one thing: do you ask these same questions to the ones that you love? Make it your goal that you ask at least (at a minimum) on a quarterly basis through an entire year. That is not much to ask, right? You love your loved ones and those that God has place on your heart, right? Then get out there!
We’re glad to have you back for another day and read! For some of our long time fans, you’ve seen the web site take on many new looks and features!
We are rolling new things out every day here and there to try and reach out to the online realms all over the world. It’s one thing to reach out person to person, but outreach has taken a completely new approach in the information age. We hope that through our site that we are setting an example and hope for others that online ministries are still going strong! So to all of you online ministers that feel no support or motivation, get back out there!
With the expansion on our radio times, the beginning of recording our official music, the new experience of the Everyday Word, as well as taking on more in all of our individual ministries, needless to say that our passion for God only grows stronger!
We are some of the proud laborers still left in the world, and encourage everyone to get back in and labor with us. Just remember that whether you contribute to the ministry through prayer or other significant contributions that you are just as much of a part of our outreach. We hope that we are providing tools for people to use even to others that they do not have the words to properly say.
We hope you enjoy the new looks and features, and continue to increase the power of our ministry by recommending us to someone! God Bless!
II Timothy 2:22-26 – Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes. And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.
When we think we can take measures to prevent repeat mistakes, I offer this to you:
Change The Environment Around You – If there are situations that you come across that you can prevent in the future – or that put you in an awkward position, change it up! You can never be any different unless you surround yourself with an environment that will promote you to be who you are, especially a Godly individual.
Change Your Attitude – We want to carry a chip on our shoulder with rightful justification, yet this simply cannot be in every case. Remember that we have to put the Godly virtues into practice each day.
Practice Forgiveness To All – It may be the hardest action but it is the most effective. If you can forgive, you can lift what feels like massive weights off of your mind and heart! When I get upset about issues, I just remember that metaphoric analysis of how often we should forgive: 70 times 7!
Remember To Love Regardless – You can have all the gifts of God, know the bible from front to back, and have all the capital and resources at your disposal for your ministry, but without love it is meaningless.
Take the time to correct yourself in one specific issue related to you being impatient with others. Use forgiveness and trust God to help you to forgive as He did you!
1 Corinthians 2:16 – For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.
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When we begin to consider a few of the wonderful qualities of the mind of Christ, it makes us really evaluate what is upon our minds:
First of all, Jesus made of Himself no reputation. Some people in this world are in involved in the interaction and entertainment for a name, fame or fortune. Let me remind all of us that Jesus came so that all could have life and a way unto Heaven (and not to give us an hours’ worth of entertainment on Sunday). We (while in the world today) should remember that we should make what we do about no one but God first and God glorified. If we put out more of God and less of ourselves, they will be drawn to something that will never fail them. Am I saying that we as leaders will fail? Yes. I am also saying that we need to remember who is in control of our leadership as well!
Secondly, Jesus took upon him the form of a servant while living on earth. We love to be in control, but never to follow or be ordered by others. We love to and want to place conditional prayers upon God, as well as putting conditions to serve and obey and truly expect everything to come to pass. A servant unto God will serve in spirit and in truth, through persecution and victory, and will not be moved from the calling that is placed within!
Finally, Jesus humbled himself, and became obedient even unto death. Honestly, even when we feel like the world is crashing around us and we do not hear a voice nearby, God is the still small voice that is there to lead. We have to remember that humbling ourselves allows the Godhead to have its place in our lives, and takes us to a place of complete obedience AND compliance in our lives! Let us begin to take on these high qualities so that we can be the true light of the world!
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A simple way to know what is on your mind is to simply speak what is on your mind. This might be better practiced alone and may lead into prayer when done correctly. Take a few minutes and begin to just allow every thought that hits your mind to come out in spoken word. It may shock you to find what you actually will say verses what you normally suppress in the back of your mind. As you do this for a few moments, begin to start praying about the parts that are bothering you and allow God to help you in these areas. Growth never starts without some groundbreaking action!
When Jesus was alive and walking in the midst of people working miracles, there was always a crowd; people always wanted to be where the action was. They either wanted to get help or bear witness to it. And to those that were not able, they cried aloud for it.
So what about today?
We as God’s people often will be in services today and feel the presence of the Lord enter in the midst but stand by because we are either unsure or do not believe for whatever reason. These reservations, whether we choose to acknowledge it now or later, are ripping the church apart day by day. We NEED the spirit of God to heal our land, guide or direction, and repair the broken-hearted. We need the backbone of the pillars of the saints of God to be restored once more so that we stand again proud and not afraid when one small trial comes through to blow us over!
I choose today to walk close to the presence of God! I want to be right in the middle of it! I press through the crowds of hindrances and stumbling blocks in faith just to get to the hem of Christ’s garment! I’m that desperate for joy and peace in my life! There is no other by which we will stand and have a stable life! Join with me in walking close again and not standing back anymore!
II Corinthians 6:16-18 – And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
One of the hardest challenges that I have discovered is to find and keep a peaceful walk with God. All the things you hear around you can be so demeaning, destructive and depressing. People that make you think about horrible things can definitely influence you in a way that you never thought possible. I know when I was going through this sort of attack at one point it had almost got the best of me. I am glad to say I overcame! How?
What I would like to shout from the rooftops is a simple reminder that you must remember to make an effort to separate yourself from the verbal/mental attacks if the opportunity presents itself! Do not be overtaken by situations and people that are a bad influence to you. I know that we have to be a light to the world for everyone, but if it proves to be too much for you, take a retreat and prepare (through prayer and fasting) for another opportunity. God always presents great opportunities to witness. The spirit will do the convicting and bring peace for you as you yield with a willing mind and loving heart! Put your spiritual ear plugs in and refuse to be a part of the noise today!
A great way to understand separation is by the contrasts. Go into a popular gathering place and listen to all you hear. You may find present distractions make concentrating in prayer difficult. In a literal and physical demonstration walk out of the building and go somewhere quiet like your car or home. During that moment observe the peace and how easy it is open up your mind before God in prayer! I can testify that there has not been a time that I made the effort to steal away that it did not help me pray through more effectively and in turn reduced the overall stress in my mind!
We are very excited to announce that we are now underway in our process of fine tuning the sound in our recording process for our music! We now have all the equipment and software that we need actually working and configured as it should be, so we should be getting things rolling very soon!
Since we are an open ministry, we thought that we would share a tidbit of what the sort of sound that we will be going for on our first attempt at a self-recorded album.
Please bear in mind that we have done nothing to this other than just export it. The tracks are rough, and were just for testing!
Here you go!
We welcome comments and feedback!
Proverbs 25:22 – For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the Lord shall reward thee.
Matthew 16:27 – For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.
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One of the key scriptures that we read in the Bible is that the “promises of God are yea and Amen”. In other words the combination signals a great big yes! When you begin to petition your needs and wants before God, you are backing it up by actually going before him through the works of obedience and living it. All the while you are continually asking and putting your faith into action by the experiences you have and the ones you believe is ahead. You see, the spirit of God in its own magnificent way will bear witness and start to speak to your heart according to the will of God. It may not always be what we want to hear, but sometimes that when God’s ways exceed our ways!
Sometimes I am sure that we could wish that God dropped in our laps millions dollars so that we could have lots of “stuff”, but that may not be in Gods will right? God’s promises to us are that we would not go without and as long as we are obedient that everything will be taken care of for us, even in the midst of uncertainty. There are many who choose to stick with what they can read, and that is fine. I want to encourage us to step out of the boat and try to be more faithful and start to believe in the spirit that bears witness in the depths of our hearts! I know it is a simple thought, but I just want to remind you that if God has spoken to you in your heart or through the ministry of others, heed to it! Be led by the spirit of God, stay close to the Lord and pray in faith for the good things to come. Water those promises until they grow to full fruition! I know they are on their way!
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This is not an actual physical activity today, but I would like for you to consider an activity of the same. Imagine that someone was standing on top of a building and was about to jump. Bear in mind they are being faithful to the inflatable safety device that when they reach the bottom they are safe. What if there was just enough of a hole in the safety balloon to cause it not to function? The person has to know and consider all of these risks before they ever lift from the ground to jump, right? The faith that it takes to get a person to leap is just the amount that it takes to be enough. The amount of faith that it takes for us to be willing to be out of our comfort zone and be in risk sometimes may be the very thing that God is looking for from you. It may be one thing that you have been afraid of to do your entire life. Trust me, I would have never thought that I would be writing, singing, playing, or preaching! Trust God and take a leap of faith! And by leap I do not mean off of a building! Get out there and make a difference in this lost world!