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Picking, Poking, and Prodding


Isaiah 54:17 – No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

II Corinthians 10:4 – For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;


Life delivers many scenarios where your emotions will be tested often. Whether it is a direct verbal attack or some kind of vague comment you will find that it is easy to get caught off guard. Things can come at home, at the workplace, or even at church; we can never truly predict the where or when of other people’s outbursts. I remind you today to always be prepared and be centered on the love of God to have that preparation.

The love of God brings peace, which surpasses all understanding. This keeps me in a peace where my anger will not rise even when I am picked on. It will surpass even our defense system and protect us from harm. Christ recognized the naysayers that were in the crowd, yet he did not launch back at them. He definitely led by example rather than by retaliation! Keep focused on having love for friends and foes alike! If you present a Godly response to irrational actions it leads by example and not by emotions! This is the true love and witness of God!


The next time that you are affected by someone taking action or speaking against you, I urge you to take a leap of faith and pray specifically for that person. Some of the first times I began to do this I found myself wanting to justify my reasons for being upset. The more, however, that I continued in prayer, realizing how much God’s love is for everyone, I found that there is a love that I can acquire from God to overcome all persecution! Try it!

Are You Taking The Hard Road Or Easy Street?

1 Peter 1:7 – That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:

2 Corinthians 7:4 – Great is my boldness of speech toward you, great is my glorying of you: I am filled with comfort, I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation.

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When we begin to hear about the lives of others and the state of their condition, often we begin to get emotional towards ourselves without even helping it. Phrases like “well that must be nice” or “that is so terrible, must be sad for them” come out of our mouth without as much as a second thought. It is quite the same when it comes to the way we handle receiving word from modern day media. Once we gain knowledge of the news and immediately process it by discarding it there remains little affect upon us in any way. I have found this quality to be in me sometimes, especially when I find myself tired and worn from my long day, week or month of things that I have been dealing with. So what’s your point?

We are numb! We are discarding other people’s circumstances and tragedies with a common catchphrase and without as much as a prayer anymore. I am here to remind us to call out for them! Even if we have to get back to the basics of simply saying “help them God”, it is far better than the alternative of “that must be sad”. The word of God talks about the power of life and death being in the tongue we possess! Let us remember to speak life through our prayers for people when we cannot reach out to help them. Because when it finally hits home it truly hurts when all that someone says about your tragedies are, “gee, that’s really sad”. Let us step up and do better than that! Let us not take the hard road of cold hearts and zero compassion. Let us take the easy street where in the word of God it says “for my yoke is easy and my burden is light!” Speak life into others and lead them in a path of life!

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Put Into Practice:

I am not sure if it is possible to preach the words off of the page, but I am trying for the next two sentences. Come on lovers of God, stand in the gap today! Spend 10 more minutes in prayer for now on for others! Spend more time in the altar with those who come forward in your services! Give no regard for when it is that they do either! Stop letting a form and a fashion stand in the way of God’s intentions of starting a brand new life in the lives of others! Let us attempt to walk in the same love that Christ did and remember that each and every one of us must come to know God’s love. And for those of us who are aware of how wonderful it is, we should not be so selfish to give up on obeying God in areas of being a witness either! We WILL face persecution for executing the message of the love of God, but we will also save lives. Remember how you are continually in need each day, and never forget compassion. Do it for the behalf of others who are weak that look to you to be strong!

Keep Your Head Level

1 Peter 5:12 – By Silvanus, a faithful brother unto you, as I suppose, I have written briefly, exhorting, and testifying that this is the true grace of God wherein ye stand.

1 Thessalonians 3:8 – For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord.

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Everyone has heard the phrase at some point that “life throws you curves”. It seems to surround the idea that there are many shocks and surprises that come along when we least expect it. Things only seem to shock us when we are not prepared, right? I wish that I could say that on all of our behalves that we will be prepared for everything to come in our futures. The fact of the matter is that we could never possibly have every financial surprise planned or every little detail in order; for it simply could not be done without the knowledge of tomorrow.

The best thing about what I am about to say is that it is a small piece of wisdom you can keep for the rest of your life. Through all of life’s future uncertainties we only have but one solution: place your faith in is God and enter into rest for the sake of your own stability! It is the only thing that you can be deeply rooted in spiritually and will never you let down, even in the times when you feel discouraged from things that have blindsided you. I refuse to hear from anyone that God cannot comfort you from the worries and anxieties of life! His spirit is greater in us than the part of us that dwells and suffers here on earth! If you are watching and praying as the word of God teaches us, then in essence we always have access to the comfort of the spirit and peace for our minds when we need it. It still might hurt as bad but I can assure us that we will not be caught off guard! Keep your head level by establishing your solid foundation in Jesus Christ! You cannot go wrong with that!

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Put Into Practice:

One of the most common balance tests that you read about is called the Romberg test, which requires a person to stand with their feet together and their eyes closed to see how well they can stand without shifting. I remember one of the first times that I did this test and how that before this I always felt that I was in control of my balance. Little did I know that by shutting my eyes and putting my feet together that a couple of things would have me moving around in ways that I never had.

When you put this in comparison with life and God, it is pretty easy to get off balance when a couple things begin to shift us around and put a haze or darkness in our vision. The most important thing I could say today is for you to remember not to get out of balance in your Christian life. Find God as your first priority and let life pan out as God leads you in it. Even though you might feel everything go crazy at first, God will help you with the sudden changes to make Him first. In other words, “all these other things will be added unto you!”

Are You On The Outside Looking In?

Hebrews 10:15 – Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that he had said before

1 John 5:10 – He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.

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When I am going through the problems in my life, it is always the most difficult plunge of faith to be able to trust God completely. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that in our own perspective versus God’s that we are on the outside looking in. There will be many occasions when we do not understand the feelings or pains that a circumstance brings to an individual or family. The perfect example I could give you is when you see someone go to pray. When they are on their way to the altar, others go to pray for them and are done praying quicker simply because their heart is not invested like the individual that came. It simply was not enough. In times like that we may just say what we think is best or just hug a person and say “You are going to be okay”, but what are we really doing? Are we not staying long enough? Are we not caring deeply enough to feel the load that they carry? Tough questions, right?

It is especially easy for people to get on the defensive when you are passing on worldly advice, yes. Obviously it is the easiest choice for you to just tell them what you might think is best for them at the present time. Sometimes personal advice will prove to work, while when times are harder it can be less effective. Trials will be trials and burdens will be hard felt, regardless of what we can offer. There is nothing that I could say or any shield that I could put around anyone that would keep them from being able to escape from all the things that life will bring. So what am I getting at today?

I have to remember to not be a judge on people and instead help to be a burden bearer spiritually! When my words will fail them and there is nothing else that I can do, sometimes you have to begin to pray for the situation to improve. Sometimes going and trying to intervene is not necessarily the best plan of attack. You see, God’s ways are far above our ways, and He is above looking over each and every one of us! His perspectives go far beyond yesterday and today, but even into tomorrow to see what is in store. Always remember that God is your judge, and that you can always lean on God for comfort, rest, and an escape from the trials of life each day!

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Put Into Practice:

The first exercise is short and sweet. Go an entire day without saying a judging comment about another person. You would be surprised how hard it can be when you consciously try.

Giving All That We Have

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Luke 21:1-4

[1] And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury.
[2] And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites.
[3] And he said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all:
[4] For all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had.

There is a difference in throwing our best in flesh versus our best in spirit. There is something to just coming in and going through the motions versus actually coming in and giving God a sincere effort from your heart. You can have all the wonderful gifts and talents of God, but without casting in all that you have, or in essence that which “all you can give” it cannot fully profit you. God does not want us to hold back nor be ashamed of what lives within us!

“All the Living” vs. “All the Flesh” is two completely different things! If I act and perform out of myself exclusively, it will only help temporarily or even not at all. It is only the things we do that are spiritual and done in love through faith believing that are truly sown and grow over time! That goes for things you do for yourself as well as others!

James 4:5-10

[5] Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?
[6] But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
[7] Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
[8] Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
[9] Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.
[10] Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

There is nothing wrong being down to being humble. God cannot use us if we are too proud or think that is “not required” of us to be obedient. God wants to be glorified and is only glorified through our actions in faith! Faith without our works is dead, or in other words cannot go any further than the thought of it. I am faithful to believe I can help people, absolutely. However, it goes much further when I believe that and step out in obedience to God, pouring out myself so others may be exhorted and lifted up in their time of trouble.

We can lose our so-called riches to inherit far greater things! Those things that we consider of worth in this world are made new and fade away. There is nothing that we could ever produce that will ever replicate or replace what God is supposed to fill inside of us. Jesus is the way, and the only way we can grow as an individual, ministry, or a church!

Matthew 5:29-30

[29] And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
[30] And if thy right hand offend thee, cut if off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

If there are things that are standing in the way of your humbleness, work on you first, THEN IN LOVE, encourage, not MAKE others to move to work for Christ in the same manner!

It is better to lose things and it feel like a loss in the short term to gain the greater things in God. It only feels like a loss to us because we have placed such a high value upon it. Things like this should be a clear indicator to us that God is not first or above something that we are struggling with, and should be immediately addressed if the spirit convicts you of it! And it’s not a hard thing to give up with faith and prayer and continual coming to God!

Working Through The Hurt


I John 4:7, 11, and 12 – Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.


There are many guarantees that life tries to give but it can never promise that you will never be hurt. Trust me, if anyone knows this it would be me. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life, but I have finally realized through trials throughout my life and in the past year that I will be hurt sometimes but I always have the comfort of God to move on. We must all choose to move forward regardless of what we are dealing with. We read in the word of God about that comforter and I am so glad it is real. In times when I am down and count all my mistakes, the comfort of the Holy Spirit comes to encourage me.

Do not be disappointed when people let you down; for at some point they always do. The only constant that we have that can help us in our time of hurt is God! He can heal the broken hearted and place forgiveness within you that you never thought you could possess. You will be able to stand and fight on another day! I wish I could say that the church you attend is always going to see when you are hurt, but sometimes it will be missed. Remember that the presence of God will stick to you closer than a brother and will be whatever you need in your life. It WILL fill the empty voids that you feel inside! This breaks my heart to write as a minister but it should remind us that there should never be an opportunity slip by where we can perform outreach for hurting people. The next time you are at church may be the last time to do it. I just hope and pray in the times ahead of us that we learn to come together regardless of our differences and remember the true meaning of being “fishers of men”!


When you recognize someone that is hurting from a situation, offer to pray with them. I am challenging you to call on the comforter to help in ways we cannot do ourselves!

While We Wait

Today I would like to talk about a tough topic when it comes to a persons walk with God: waiting. There are moments in my life where I cannot move any further in a matter. Even if I could intervene, it would be the wrong course of action.

Let us read a passage:

Romans 5:1-5

[1]Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
[2] By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
[3] And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
[4] And patience, experience; and experience, hope:
[5] And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

There are three key points that I would like to make here.

First of all, I cannot be justified by faith unless I actually use it. Why would it be spoken in the word of God that you have access to something if you did not need to know that you had to go and access it?

Secondly, Faith without works in my life is dead; I can’t sit back and just wait for it all to happen for me. I have to be faithful through my experiences and believe that God is going to help me with the long-term things as I obey him through the short term! I stand in my faith not literally, but through endurance of grace I make it through! I also rejoice! I can come to God’s house and praise the Lord! I can come and not be fearful of what anyone would direct otherwise! God would never have you be in a place where you could not step out through obedience to grow!

Finally, remember that which is in you and around you! The love of God (as given by the Holy Ghost) is always in you, always ready for you to be able to step out and make a difference each day. You might be in a place where that is frowned upon, but just hang in there! God will make a way for your ministry to grow! Remember who it is that you worship, and who it is that you serve! If it is anything other than God, than you cannot survive long-term! Tribulation was never meant to be endured without God!

How Much More?

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As we look more intently at the cross, the tomb, the resurrection, and the ascension at this time of the year, let us consider what immeasurable love and grace we have been given. Let us begin to meditate on “how much more” has been granted to us by the blood of Christ.  Being born of the flesh, we are of a sinful nature. Descending from the first man, Adam, we have sin, and thus death pronounced upon us from the moment that we have knowledge of good and evil. God, as our Creator and Loving Father, wanted us to be restored to that blessed state of fellowship that He created us to have with HIm. So, God gave His law unto us, but we being weak in the flesh did not keep that law. Under the law, atonement had to be made for our transgressions against God when His law was broken. This atonement was in the form of animal sacrifices that was offered to God.

The blood of the sacrificial animals offered by the Levitical priesthood that God had ordained covered the peoples’ sins, but only for a season. The high priest would enter into the Holiest of Holies once a year to offer sacrifice for the people’s sins. The blood of the bulls, goats, and heifers was sprinkled upon the people, sanctifying and purifying the flesh for another year. It was with the blood of the animals with which the high priest entered into the holy place, not with his own blood. Only the flesh was purified, not the soul of man. No mention is made of purification for the soul or for any atoning that was eternal, that would last for “good”.

However, when Christ came, everything was changed.  Everything was made new. Christ entered into that Holy Place, into the very presence of His Father, with his own blood and offered himself, a sacrifice without spot or blemish! Unlike the high priest, it took only one trip for the Lamb of God! How much more? How much more was Christ’s sacrifice sufficient to atone for our sins? Jesus’ blood Purifies, Sanctifies, and Seals the soul of a man eternally. That is just a minute description of “how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?” It is so much more that it can take us, the vilest sinners, wash us clean, give us a new heart and mind, and lead us with His Holy Ghost into a life of peace and joy that will never end.

When Jesus died on Calvary’s cross, the veil in the temple that separated man from the Holy Place was rent in twain from the top to the bottom. God, by accepting the complete and perfect sacrifice of His Son, opened up His throne room to “whosoever will”. When we accept Jesus Christ as our atonement, we enter into the Holiest of Holies, into the very presence of God. God makes a person who believes and accepts the blood of His Son as the atonement for their sins as a priest- a priest who has access to God’s presence, His mercy and grace.

Jesus, our great High Priest, passed into the heavens and has become our mediator to the Father. We do not have a high priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

As God’s redeemed, we will never have to worry about bringing a bull or goat to offer for our sins. Jesus was God’s lamb that He gave so that we could have life and have it more abundantly.  Jesus’ blood is the only cure for man’s sin-sick soul. All He asks is that we offer Him our heart, our love, and devotion. He wants to take a life that is empty and hopeless without Him, and give that soul eternal joy, peace, and fellowship in His Holy Presence.

Why Worship Counts

With each and every passing day, it seems to be a fading trend to have active praise and worship in the house of God. It seems as though we are getting down to a presentation and reaction sort of venue. I know that wherever that we go as a ministry, that it is becoming less and less of something that is occurring on a regular basis.

I do realize that many have a lot of misconceptions about worship, but let’s talk about some important parts about it to clear it up a bit!

First off, worship should be something you do ALWAYS. If you are waiting for some kind of special moment to move you, you might be waiting for a long time. I do understand we must wait for God’s voice, but the word of God speaks on entering into his courts with praise! It talks about praising him on the stringed instruments and on the loud sounding cymbals! Thanksgiving should be in your heart before you ever come to church! If you are waiting to get it when you get to church, or are waiting for something, then the process is backwards; God has given you more than enough to step out and worship!

Secondly, we are to be ready IN and OUT of Season. Whether we feel like it or not, or think it is required of us or not, God will always move on us when push comes to shove and there are people in the midst of you that need you to show them who God really is. It’s not about worshiping anyone BUT God. It’s not about giving glory to anyone BUT God. It also means we have to step out whether we are on the mountain in victory or in the valley in the midst of trials. We couldn’t have a good enough of an excuse to sit back and say “I don’t have to”!

Lastly, it’s YOUR CHOICE. No one can make you, but only encourage you to. People get upset at me all the time because they feel as though I am trying to tell them how or when to worship the Lord, but I am merely encouraging them to! I’m not going back there and lifting up your hands for you, for that has to be you! God will never put anything on you more than you can bear, but I cannot imagine that he would ever put you in a place that you could not draw from the well of praise. Praise is what builds faith. Praise is what builds your zeal. Praise is what breaks ground for the word of God.