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What To Do Now? Let’s Blurb!

It’s good to be writing to you all tonight. I am here to write a little “blurb” about what I have learned the past few days.

I have learned that it is never easy to be able to try and figure things out on your own. Trying to do this only leaves me to my own thoughts and understanding, and as obvious as it seems now, it’s hard to see in the moment. I hope that as I face my future valleys that I can remember the moments on the mountain, and to know that it took something to take me there: my Lord and my Savior!

I have also learned that without faith being in every instance of every trial, that the trial will run its course with no divine intervention. We start with faith the size of a grain of a mustard seed, and yet, that is only the beginning of it. That faith is meant to grow, meant to be cultivated, to be encouraged to something even bigger than our mind can contain. For without it, we can never grow to bear anything that will be of help to ourselves and to others.

Another important piece that I have obtained is the realization that people need each other. It is simply more convenient to think that everyone is okay, so we never bear the burdens of heavy hearts. It is simply easier to think “it’s someone else’s problem”. It’s so sad, but so true. I’m here to tell you that I am changing my frame of mind, and to realize that people need me. People need that anointing that God has placed in my life. For on my own, I am nothing, but God through me, I can do all things.

And finally, I will close with the thanks and gratitude to anyone and everyone out there that is supporting us in this ministry. We have had some things try and come to slow us down, but we are not stopping for anything! We are continuing forward, aspiring for the mark and high calling that we have read about! God bless you all!

Singing and Speaking At The House of The Lord Youth Revival

Where can I even begin? So far, the past few days at the “Youth Explosion Revival” have been wonderful!

I have seen a great sense of want from each of these children, and I am happy hope that as of today that there have been 6 youth saved as a result of 4 days. For some of you out there, you may want to say that 6 is a drop in the bucket; but i want to just encourage you in knowing that I feel like they got the “real thing”, and not so much a 30 second hope.

This revival and everything that has been entailed in it has been so great. The House of the Lord has been very easy to work in: I feel free and at liberty to do what God has appointed me to, and more than that, I feel like I have the support of the body there.

So I just want to thank the Pastor and his staff, the body of believers, the great praise band, and most of all, the wonderful kids that have came out the past few days. You made this effort and this experience worth every part of it.

We are going to be in service tonight, and I invite anyone and everyone to come and be a part!  Invite someone that you know is in need today!