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Praise Report

I wanted to share recent news on what transpired last night.

I was invited to come to the House of the Lord in Oneida, TN, to come and minister for a “Youth Night”. I brought my home church youth group from Faith Tabernacle. Jamie Adkins did a wonderful job in orchestrating the kids in practice and the singing there. There was a great amount from my home church that came to help and support, and I thank all of you for coming.

To be completely honest, I was nervous about this night, simply because in our walks through ministry we often second guess the inspiration that God has provided. Nonetheless, I trusted in the Lord to help me through it, and it was a wonderful experience.

I want everyone that attended to know that I am praying for all of your requests, and will be following up in prayer on the needs that were brought to me during the alter call.

It was a wonderful turnout and a wonderful night. This might be a spoiler, but I am anticipating a revival in the middle of May. I will post the dates as soon as I know. Heart of Grace will be involved in this part for sure! Keep us in your prayers! God Bless You!

Where have you all been?

Hello everyone! God bless each and every one of you out there who has been supportive and encouraging to our ministry. We want you all to know that these past few months getting off of the ground have been super easy with God at the forefront and the support of everyone! I personally feel encouraged each and every day from someone at some point, so it does NOT go unnoticed. We thank you all very much! You are in our prayers always.

So what has been up lately? Well, we have been here and there, visiting and supporting all of our local churches in our town. With the birth of Rebekah’s third child Maddox (YAY) we have had to sort of put the brakes on our collaborative effort as “Heart of Grace”. That’s not to say that we all haven’t been doing our individual callings, we just have a hard time putting all of our schedules together to work for each other.

I have been personally growing as a minister of the word of God, as well as taking time away from the music aspect of my ministry, to help and allow myself to grow as one of the many people out there trying to make a difference. No worries though, I am sure that when the Lord is ready to give me a new song, I will be ready!

Lately we haven’t been doing our traditional “Devotionals” theme on the radio show. Better yet, we have been starting to incorporate live material into our lineup, and has gotten great feedback. We are making it our goal to personalize our show a little more, to allow people to get to know us in a way that they never have before.

We hope in the weeks to come as things get less crazy, that we are able to take more group appointments. In the meantime, I will be doing some personal appointments, to which I will start posting on the site here.

Some new features to come:
* New featured songs
* Live messages online
* Testimonials page
* About us with personal bios
* Calendar of scheduled events

And not to put out any spoilers too early, but we will be going live on iTunes pretty soon as well! Well, okay I just spoiled it! 🙂 However, we will offer the same songs on our site for free. It will be on iTunes for download if you feel led to donate to our ministry. We do not ever want people to think it’s about the money. It never has been, nor will it ever be. It’s about helping others, and leading people to a better way of life through Jesus Christ!

Stay tuned! Love you all! Pray for us!

It Is Well

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What a blessed day it is.  I awoke this morning and all was well.  Did this mean that I had lots of money, no pain, no heartache, no trouble?  No that it is not what I mean when I say that All is Well.  In 2 Kings Chapter 4 we find the story of the Shunammite woman and her son.  Elisha, a prophet of God passed through the area of Shunem often and there was a woman and her husband who showed him kindness by providing him something to eat as he passed through.  One day when Elisha passed through, he found that they had built a little chamber on the wall and had put a bed, table, stool, and candlestick in it just for him so that he would have a place to rest when he came by.  You might ask why did they do this for Elisha?  The bible says that the woman perceived that Elisha was a holy man of God.   She wanted to make a special place for Elisha to dwell.  In other words, she made place for him.  This was a new room just for him.  Elisha was pleased that the Shunammite woman did this for him.

If you want God to dwell in your life and if you want to find favor with Him, you have to make a place for Him.  He has to be first in your life.  He needs to be lifted up in your life just like the room was high on the wall.  He called her to him and asked what he could do for her.  She said that she didn’t need anything that she lived among her own people and had what she needed.  Gehazi, Elisha’s servant, told Elisha that he had noticed that the woman and her husband did not have any children.  Elisha called the woman again and promised her that she would soon embrace a son.  She could not believe what she was hearing.  The woman soon conceived and had a son.  The woman didn’t ask for anything but God knew her heart.  He knew she desired a child.  If you are faithful to God, he will be faithful to you.  He will give you the desires of your heart.  He loves you and wants the very best for you.

Years later when the child was older, it fell on a day that he went out to the fields to work with his father.  He fell sick and they carried the lad to his mother.  The bible says he sat on her knees till noon and then died.  She went up and laid him on Elisha’s bed and shut the door.  She called her husband and asked for one of the mules so she could go to Elisha.  The husband didn’t understand why she wanted to go find Elisha.  It wasn’t the Sabbath or a new moon.  Her response was “It shall be well”.    I just love this scripture.  I find great encouragement in the faith that this little woman had.  She had just held her only child in her arms and watched him die.  How devastating this must have been.  How heavy her heart must have felt.  But she said “It shall be well”.  You might ask how could she know this?

There is a peace that surpasses all understanding that God gives when he saves you.  You have great promises that you can depend on.  You know that he will not let you go through more than you can bear and that he can work all things to your good.  Just like Job who lost all he had, he still said “Blessed be the name of the Lord”.  When great trouble comes God’s people has the assurance that they are not alone and that the God who made the Heavens and Earth is in control.  No wonder the little woman could say through tear dimmed eyes, “It shall be well”.  I know we live in depressing times right now.  Life is hard.  But if you know the Lord Jesus Christ you can say  “It shall be well”.  If you haven’t been saved, then you can’t say this because it will not be well for your soul if you do not accept the salvation that Jesus has so freely given.

We find that the woman and her servant headed out to find Elisha not stopping for anything.  When she came to Elisha, he saw her afar off and recognized her.  He sent his servant to meet her and to inquire of her.  Is it well with thee?  Is it well with thy husband?  Is it well with thy child?  And she said “It is well”.  I have often thought why she changed it from “It shall be well” which means at some point in the future things would be better to “It is well”.  She was now with Elisha the man of God.  She was in his presence.  When she came to Elisha, she caught him by the feet.  Gehazi, the servant, came near to thrust her away but Elisha said let her be for her soul is vexed and the Lord has not revealed to me what the problem is.  She then said to Elisha, did I not desire a son of my lord and did I not say, do not deceive me?  The Shunammite woman had reached the person that could help her.  That is why she said “it is well”.  When we take our problems to the Lord in faith believing and not giving up, God will move on the scene.  He will not push you away but rather He cares for you and wants to help you.  He said to cast all your care upon him for he careth for you.

Then Elisha sent his servant ahead to take his staff to lay on the face of the child.  He spoke to the woman and said, “I will not leave thee”.  He arose and followed her.  When Elisha came to the house he found the child dead and laying upon his bed.  He went in and shut the door and prayed unto the Lord.  He stretched himself upon the child face to face, hand to hand.  The relationship that God has with us is personal.  He knows our very thoughts, every move we make.  His love and strength makes us strong.  His grace covers the multitude of our sins.  Soon the child came back to life.  He called for the Shunammite woman and said take thy son.  God is still able to work miracles.  No matter what the circumstances of your life are, if you know Jesus, you can say “It shall be well”.  If you don’t know Jesus as your Savior, please call on him.  He will answer you and you too can find this blessed assurance that “It is Well”.